24- One Man Intervention

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"You're not going out with the boys?"

Pulling my gaze away from my phone I glanced up at Nick as he strode into the living room. He was dressed up wearing a red shirt underneath a black tuxedo. He wore two thick gold rings on each hand, a gold Rolex peeked from underneath one of his sleeves that already glittered with diamond cufflinks. 
He was so over the top it was borderline embarrassing.

This was my dad..

Fuckin hell

" No" I stated going back to my phone. I wasn't talking to anyone, I had text messages from Jennifer, Raelynn and Samiya but I wasn't in the mood to talk to any of them. Gabriel's words were stuck on repeat inside of my head like an annoying jingle. Now I found myself going through my saved photos most of which were of Kamia.. quite a few of which she didn't even know that I took of her. She was a real life angel, gorgeous, smart, funny and insanely talented..

I love her and I hurt her.. a lot.

A anger rumbled in the pit of my stomach because my actions had been impulsive. I needed to feel the soft skin of a woman, the hot, wetness of pussy and a sweet voice moaning my name. Kamia wasn't always available because of our situation. Still I didn't think twice about having sex with someone else in the moment.

But thinking back on it now.. it pissed me off. I was pissed at myself but the more I thought about it. The more I tried to find excuses for myself then I realized who I sounded like.

Nicholas Lombardi

I was my father's son.

I wanted Kamia, I loved her, I needed her but I couldn't figure out if my own emotions were even genuine or if it was my impulsiveness talking.

" I'm not going anywhere with my face like this "

Swiftly Nick grabbed ahold of my chin, yanking my face upward. With a expression of curiosity he turned my face from side to side analyzing the damage.

"You look fine" he spat letting go.

"You're a man, you're supposed to be rugged not pretty. Get out of the house I doubt you want to sit around here by yourself all night"

" I have no problem being alone"

He scoffed. " Don't fuckin talk like that you sound like an Amato"

"I wish I was"

In a flash of movement my phone fell from my hands and a disorientating sharp pain echoed from the right side of my face to the left side and along my neck. Grunting at the pain my head spun deliriously as I felt a wetness trailing along my skin. Shaking my head I tried to refocus my vision as I looked up at Nick from the floor as he stood over me.

Nico's voice screamed in the back of my mind.

Don't. Do. It

Within the first couple of days of living here I learned that opening my mouth. That standing up to Nick only led to a worse situation. Since he played no physical part in my life he didn't really give a fuck about me. He had no  qualms about ending my life.
I was his son through DNA only, besides the fact that it was a favor to Mia, it was the only reason he allowed me to be here. But regardless of his promise he wouldn't allow disrespect on any level.
Strangely enough I didn't see a difference between how he treated me and Nico. But as obviously pissed Nico got when Nick smacked him in the face. Nico didn't speak, buck up or flinch.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now