36- Anger, Numbness and Broken Hearts.. pt 1

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                   Blank mindedly I sat straight up in bed staring ahead. I couldn't look at the empty space beside me. It had only been a day since she  left and the only thing I felt was a numbing pain in my chest. It radiated through my spine, up into my head and everything that my eyes landed on pissed me off. As I glanced at my phone my eyes began to burn and my fists subconsciously balled.

Though the light in the corner blinked from missed calls and text messages there was only one person I needed to hear from. And he was gone, I needed to hear his obnoxious laugh, I needed to hear him tell me how right he was about Mia. How I should have never trusted her. But that was never happening again..

Toxic, caring bastard

Then my phone began to ring vibrating against the nightstand and I stared at it for so long that a second call came through. The noise was like a ringing in my ears and my teeth gritted together as I snatched the charger out of the wall along with my phone.

Answering the call I held it away from my face as I placed it on speaker.


"Get out of bed Kaleb" Dad's deep gravelly voice demanded in a low tone.

Letting out a sigh I could practically hear Ellis laughing inside my head because of how well my dad knew me.

"I'm up"

"No" he stated firmly " Get out of bed "


"Get out of that fuckin bed, everyone is feeling the effects of Ellis's death, the cut is still fresh and you aren't alone!" Dad snapped impatiently

With age Dad's cool, calm demeanor had deteriorated severely and he no longer bit his tongue or tried to restrain his temper.

" You lost a brother, I lost a son, Monica lost her husband and Lino lost his father. We are all hurting now stop being fucking selfish, pull yourself together, get up and come downstairs. We have a lot to do"

Stunned my eyebrows rose and before I could say a word the call ended. Throwing the comforter off of myself I climbed out of bed, sliding my feet into my slippers and hastily made my way downstairs. My pace dramatically slowed and I couldn't explain it but the air somehow felt so much colder.

"Get in here Kaleb we're eating brunch" Dad barked impatiently from the dining room.

An immaculate wide array of food laid spread along the oval table and as I looked at the faces of my kids. The mood was set and they weren't really eating. Gabe sat with a slouch as he picked at his food just like he used to when he was six years old. Julian was the only one eating, shoveling food into his mouth like he hadn't eaten in days. While Kamia sat with her feet in the seat while hugging her knees to her chest. Mia did tell the kids that she was leaving for a few days which wasn't true. It was better than the truth for right now.

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