5- There's nothing wrong with this picture...

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Growling in frustration I  wiped at the dust now sprinkled all over my black dress.

"Henry, look at what you did to my dress"

Stuffing his dick back into his briefs he glanced over at me.

"What am I supposed to be seeing?"

"Are you blind? It's dirty, we're supposed to be taking photos after the ceremony. " wiping at the fabric harder the dust didn't go anywhere. Pulling his jeans up Henry didn't even try to hide the fact that he didn't think it was a big deal. Rolling his eyes he shrugged.

"What is my momma gonna think?"

"Last time I checked she doesn't think"

Without hesitation I smacked his arm as hard as I could.

"Don't ever talk about my motha like that"

Henry's unfaltered posture went from nonchalant to grabbing ahold of me and yanking me towards him. We were barely an inch apart and with every breath I took my chest brushed against him. With one hand gripping my arm the other grabbed ahold of my jaw pulling my face upwards. As I stared back into his steel eyes, my heart raced from fear and anticipation.

" Don't get confused Kamia, you know better than to put yo hands on me, now be a good girl and shut up with all that fucking whining. I'll get you something to wear"


Squeezing my arm harder he pulled me closer.

"What the fuck did I just say? Huh "

My mouth clamped shut and my gaze fell away from his. Just then his grip loosened and his hand released my arm then slipped around my waist holding me against him. The hand at my face gently stroked my skin.

"I hate it when you make that face" he murmured softly. " I'm sorry luce del sole" sunshine"


       "Von drop it" I hissed slamming my locker closed. It was the fourth time this week she's pleaded with me to give her Henry's number. Our relationship was a secret everywhere, we couldn't risk anyone blabbing about us. My dad had ears everywhere and so did his dad. It was risky enough that Julian knew, the only difference was that I trusted Julian. Fully and so did Henry but it was getting more and more difficult to keep it a secret. Me and Henry's popularity was at the top and we were consistently being watched.

"You are such a bitch" Yvonne spat narrowing her eyes at me with a mischievous smirk on her lips. Yvonne and I have been friends for about as long as I could remember. She was pretty enough to attract most guys with her natural ginger hair and pale skin. Her usual type were the guys that played in garage rock bands. But she's always had some kind of attraction towards all of the males in my life.. including my dad. She dated Gabriel for a brief period but after about a week Gabriel broke it off. He told me that her dark humor and shifting personality made him uncomfortable and when she demanded that he let her tie him up during sex, he finally had enough.

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWhere stories live. Discover now