4- West Bridge High

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                           With a deep breath I stared back at the massive monstrousity that was West Bridge High. It was prominent private school meant for elite students that needed extra special security. Like the children of celebrities, politicians and even high profile targets like me. My parents built reputations for themselves that not even  the most business mongers could hold a candle to. They were a power couple, a real one and as infamous as they were for business, what they were really known for is what caused people to treat me differently. Some didn't speak, others avoided eye contact but most were kiss asses. Being friends with someone who has ties to the mafia was considered to be something exciting.

It wasn't exciting.

It was terrifying.

The thought of being snatched away, my family being hurt.. Henry being hurt.. frightened me to my core. I adored my parents, the unyielding love they had for one another was something out of a fairytale. They were my role models but I did not want to be like them.

I didn't get a giddy thrill during a fight. I could hardly stand the sight of blood. I wasn't brilliant or savvy like my Dad. I wasn't athletic like Gabriel, Julian or even Henry.

I loved music, art and to sing.

That's what I wanted for myself.

"Watch out shorty" Julian barked impatiently brushing past me as he headed to the steps alongside Gabriel.

With a chuckle Gabriel shoved Julian causing his intimidating frame to stumble a bit.

As Julian barked something offensive Gabriel glanced back at me with a expression assuring me that he had my back. With Gabriel graduating today I would miss him being here and at home even more. Sure I had Julian and Henry but.. Julian cared more about his reputation than he did about being a brother. Whereas Henry was protective, obsessively protective he was always watching, listening.

I loved it

But hated it at the same time with Henry's temper, it was scary sometimes. "

It took minimum effort to piss Henry off

(Ghidorah) -Book 3 Of DyvercityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt