Chapter 78

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I look to Eric to find out why he needed me to hold this basket for him.  I see him reaching into his pocket.  He pulls out a little black box... and gets down on one knee...

"How about we get married?" Eric teases cockily. He opens the box and holds it out to me. I know I'm gaping at the contents of that little black box and him as well while the crowds move past us in my peripheral vision swiftly going on their way. Some stop and realize what he's doing. I meet his eyes once more after staring at that gorgeous ring in complete surprise.
"Oh, he's handsome. Say yes," someone calls out.
"Don't marry him if you don't want to," another chimes in and I laugh lightly at their outspoken boldness.
"He's that Dauntless leader isn't he?" another asks.
Eric's just grinning in reply.
There's tons of chatter as we get surrounded by Candor members curiously awaiting my response. I can't stop staring at him, though.
"She obviously not going to say yes. It's time to let it go," another man tells us.
Eric is laughing. "Okay, I figured they'd be brutally honest but I wasn't expecting that," he admits in a mumble.
"They don't know what they're talking about," I tell him shaking my head.
"Oh? I'm not handsome?" Eric teases.
I shake my head again.
"It's time to call it quits, bro," a young man says in passing.
"That's what they don't know," I say looking deeply into his eyes.
"So, tell me," he presses.
I smile—I can't help it. "Yes," I reply softly nodding.
"You were wrong, Gilbert," a woman says. I can see her shoving a man playfully in the background.
"You were right," he agrees.
"Aren't I always right?" she continues.
My attention is fixed on Eric as he slides that incredible ring onto my finger. He rises and takes the basket back from me. He sets it aside and threads his fingers through my hair before he kisses me passionately. I hold onto him in disbelief at what we're doing. He does want to marry me... and I feel the same as well... the only man I'll ever want.
He breaks apart from me slowly. We're both panting. I hear the din of Candors congratulating us with clapping, whistles, and words of encouragement.  We turn to see our picture being taken. I smile. This was sweet.
"Come on," Eric whispers in my ear. "They might insist on an immediate ceremony next," he jokes pulling me along.
I chuckle at that as we leave to the sound of jovial Candor members supporting for us. I've never heard them so positive. I glance at the ring again.  I've never seen anything quite so beautiful before... but a thought pops into my head of something else and I grin. 
We make our way back toward the motorcycle through the crowds.  We keep sharing looks and smiles as we go.  When we're not surrounded, Eric speaks to me. 
"When, sweetheart?" he inquires. 
"Today," I shrug. 
He bites his lip meeting my eyes because he obviously can't help that public smile that wants to come out. 
"Whatever you want," he grins releasing it.  If he tried any harder to hold it back, he'd bite through his lip. 
I smile and follow alongside him as he holds my hand. We cross the bridge and walk the short distance through the little park before we're putting on our helmets and climbing on his motorcycle. I hold tightly onto him as he starts the ignition. I feel a caress along my arm again. I smile at the affection he shows for me, how well he treats me and makes his intentions known.
On the ride home, I can't stop thinking about how we're getting married. I can't even stop smiling either.
We arrive to the complex in no time at all and take our things upstairs to our apartments. Before parting in the hallway, he kisses me passionately and whispers questions along my skin. I answer what I can as intelligibly as possible since his kisses are doing things to me. I'll call my grandparents and parents, my friends—probably Christina and have her get ahold of most everyone else. Eric says he'll contact leadership and his friends. He's going to attempt to call Jeanine and see if she can come... more notably for his sister. He says he'll ask her about Caleb for me.
"We should probably do Erudite first," I whisper as he kisses my neck and caresses my side.
"What are you wearing?" he asks breathlessly.
"I'll wear something nice," I gulp as he moves to my ear.
"Formal?" he questions.
"Church clothes," I confirm. "Maybe more Dauntless-style," I respond picturing that dress I just bought. I think I'll be bold enough for that.
I can feel the smirk across my skin as he leaves a trail of kisses.
"We should probably get going if we want to make it before everyone leaves for the day," I mention as I shiver at his touch.
He growls in frustration. "Yeah, you're right," he agrees.
He kisses me once more sweetly. "Meet you by the offices?" he confirms.
"About an hour... maybe a little longer since it'll take that long from Erudite," I reply.
"Yeah, we should definitely call them first," he nods. He kisses me once more. "See you soon, sweetheart."
"Okay," I whisper in response.
We part, our fingers holding on the longest before we release each other. I step into my door that we've been leaning against and making out for the better part of half an hour. I decide to wash this sunscreen off of my skin quickly. I start to get everything ready while I dial up my grandma. She answers on the second ring.
"Grandma?" I question.
"Beatrice? Is everything alright, dear?" she asks worriedly. This is out of the ordinary for me to call her.
"Eric proposed," I tell her.
"What?! That's wonderful," she replies in surprise.
"Yeah, so... do you think you and grandpa could come to Dauntless? We'd like grandpa to perform the ceremony," I tell her.
"Right now?" she asks even more shocked.
"If you could," I wince. I know Dauntless is unusual compared to the other factions.
"Let me ask him," she tells me. I hear her talking to my grandpa but it's muffled. "His response was What took so long?"
I laugh and so does my grandma.
"We'll be there in about an hour, angel. We'll see you soon," she replies.
We both say our goodbyes.
I call my parents and friends as I set out my clothes and everything else. Dana will take off from work briefly but everybody else is free or can get free. My parents weren't surprised either but everyone else was kind of shocked... although really excited. I hang up my phone and turn on the shower. I strip down quickly and pull my hair back. I look at my ring once more before setting it on the countertop. I jump in, scrub my skin quickly, and wash my face. I dry off and apply some scented lotion before I start dressing. I put on my prettiest undergarments I have that has removable straps and then that spaghetti strapped dress I bought when I was out with the girls. It's mostly fitted and tea length. It has a slight slit and loose from the hips down. It's incredibly sexy in my opinion and I hope he likes it. I realize I'm still wearing my necklace and just leave it. It really does match my ring. I look to my hand and immediately notice I didn't put that back on. I rush to the bathroom and replace it sighing in relief. It's so incredibly gorgeous. I can't believe he got me something so extravagant and pretty. He really does have the best taste. I love it—maybe even more than my necklace.
I begin to take down my hair but I like the style from earlier with the fishtail French braid. I decide to remove half of it from the bottom and curl the rest. I turn on my curling iron and start on my makeup with a similar style as earlier except with black eye makeup and purple hued eyeshadow. I use the same lipstick that matches my engagement ring. I can't help but smile as I think about how we're getting married... and within the hour. I finish with my makeup and curl my hair making it as beautiful as I can for Eric. I clean up my mess in the bathroom and head to my bedroom slipping on some medium height heels—the new strappy ones—and then select my perfume. It's the musky one Eric got me. It's more of a sophisticated scent in my opinion—something that a married woman would wear. I grin at that. I look myself over in the mirror... I don't see the same girl looking back at me from my haircut a couple months ago in Abnegation. I don't even look like the same person and I definitely don't feel like the same person... but I am. Not that much has changed. I'm still the same person on the inside who took my aptitude test and found out I was Dauntless... and something else entirely. But Eric loves me... exactly as I am. Before I even got the authentic treatment for my deficiency, he told me he was happy with me, that I didn't need to change, and that he loved me as I was. He really is the perfect man for me... and in a few short minutes, he'll be my husband. I smile at my reflection—the pretty girl I barely recognize in the mirror—and get ready to leave. 
I grab my purse, my pills, and the bouquet on the island.  I dry the stems off with a towel and head up towards the office. I arrive to the top floor and Lydia is passing through the hallway. She stops in her tracks, quickly ushers me to her office, and closes the curtains around the glass hallway.
"Can I see it?" she asks motioning to my ring.
I surrender my hand to her and she appears as if she actually likes Eric's choice.
"Congratulations, by the way," she tells me.  "I honestly can't believe he was serious.  I really thought he was joking."
"About what?" I inquire curiously. 
"He told me when you two were official that he was going to marry you," she explains.  "That's just so... uncommon anymore in Dauntless."
I nod. 
My friends slowly start arriving after that—Christina first, then Lynn.  I hug them both and thank them for coming.  Christina requests to see me back in my office with a bag in hand.
"This should be your size," she grins handing it over.
I raise my eyebrow in question but look in the bag. I laugh in surprise—slightly discomforted—but I'm grinning. She got me that sexy little nightgown—the one we were talking about wearing on our wedding nights. I thank her and tell her Eric was dying to know what it was. She laughs awkwardly in reply but hugs me.
We step out of my office and I immediately shove the bag back at Christina for the moment as my mother approaches me. 
"Yeah, I'll hold onto this for you," Christina mumbles chuckling lightly. 
I hug my mom. 
"I knew this day was coming.  I just hadn't expected that it'd be so soon," Mom says holding me tightly.  "My baby isn't a baby anymore," she pouts.
I grin at that. 
Christina is just watching our interaction and smiling kind of dopey-like. When my mom finally releases me, I hug my dad. I hadn't realized the rest of leadership is in the hallway with us and they're chatting amongst themselves and with my friends and family. Jax comes up and gives me a hug. Zeke and Chris arrive, too... Shauna just afterward in uniform. I greet them all warmly. I notice Hannah speaking with my parents and I just have to hug her as well. My grandparents arrive and I rush over to them.  My grandma greets me with a big hug, then my grandpa does the same.  He kisses my head holding on just a little longer. 
"Where's the groom?" Grandpa asks me. 
I furrow my brows.  I was actually starting to wonder the same thing. 
The elevator chimes and Eric walks out in a suit with Daisy, Marlene, and Dana.  He has the same kind of purple rose as my bouquet pinned to his lapel with a matching handkerchief.  I haven't seen him wear this suit yet.  He said it was a modern fit when he bought it and it really looks good on him.  I've honestly never seen him in something so nice and... fitted.  He smirks at me and I know I'm blushing. 
"There's my bride," he whispers coming straight for me and kissing me. 
I sigh so glad that my assumption just a moment ago wasn't coming to fruition.  I was afraid he was having second thoughts for a moment there.  I meet his eyes, seeing such love and adoration for me in them and I know that's never going to happen. 
"Congratulations," my grandpa says. 
Eric hugs him and thanks him for coming, then my grandma. 
"Is this everyone?" Grandpa asks.
Eric looks around through the crowd. He sees my parents and smiles. His brows are furrowed, though.
"There should be two more coming," he mentions.
"We can wait," my grandfather nods.
We socialize a bit in the waiting. Wendy from the aide staff joins us along with Will. I saw them before but they stepped aside for a moment. I hug them both. Uriah comes out from somewhere. I hadn't seen him yet. He picks me up giving me a big bear side hug.
"Don't rip her dress," Marlene says worriedly.
I laugh it off and insist I'm good.
Will asks to take a couple pictures of us in the waiting... for next week's news article. Eric chuckles lightly but nods his consent. We pose for several and I know I'm beaming. In one picture, Eric is holding my hand with the engagement ring in it and looking deeply into my eyes as I face him. We kiss gently and I hear a chime. I should've asked who else was coming but as I turn around... I see my brother... and girl that's like a very young, prettier version of Jeanine. I figured she'd come.
"Jeanine was in a meeting. I had her secretary interrupt since I said it was an emergency. Jeanine just told her to send Lizzy and Caleb over with a driver," Eric explains. I look to him in surprise but he's grinning.
He escorts me over to them.
"Elizabeth," he addresses her. "This is Tris."
I see Caleb doing a double take at me in complete confusion and surprise.
She reaches her hand out kind of awkwardly for a handshake.
I smile and take it pulling her in closer for a hug.
"That's not how sisters greet," I grin.
She laughs lightly and hugs me back.
"I've never had a sister before," she says softly.
"Neither have I," I reply gently.
She smiles and looks up at me—she actually has to look up. We separate and I thank her for coming. She tells me she's so grateful she was allowed. I smile in response and turn to Caleb—who still looks confused.
"Beatrice?" he asks completely befuddled. "What happened?"
"I grew up," I shrug.
"Well... yeah, but... you're almost my height," he points out.
"I got some treatment and it worked," I explain.
He nods.
I reach out and hug my brother. He slowly responds and hugs me back. He tells me my changes are unheard of.
"Believe it," I say grinning at him. "Come on. Let's go visit with our family before the ceremony. I'll introduce you to my friends, too... oh, and the other Dauntless leaders."
Caleb shakes Eric's hand after he breaks apart from hugging his sister.  We take them over and introduce them around.  My brother seems surprised at seeing our parents and definitely grandparents. They hug him and I see him swallowing frequently, like he has a lump stuck in his throat or he's completely moved. I'm hoping for the latter.
My grandfather asks Eric a few questions. He nods and shows him another box just like what my engagement ring came it. Then he turns to me and asks who my maid of honor is. I look straight at Christina and request her to stand up with me. I tell the others that for the faction-wide reception, I think I'd like for several of them to sit up with us. They seem excited about that. 
My grandpa directs us up to the altar—which is the floor to ceiling window by my office at the end of the hallway.  Everyone stands behind us listening in.  I pass my bouquet over to Christina and grasp both of Eric's hands. He looks deeply into my eyes as my grandfather leads us in a proper Christian wedding ceremony. I gaze in my groom's eyes and see the love for me he has. All too soon we're exchanging rings and saying our I dos. I'm first and I place a beautiful wedding band on Eric's finger. It resembles my ring but it's so different. When it's Eric's turn, he removes my engagement ring and slides a matching band to his on my finger before replacing the engagement ring. We sign the official documents making our ceremony legitimate—legally speaking—with Ryan and Christina as our witnesses.  With my grandpa's direction, Eric threads his fingers through my hair and steps closer meeting my lips in a perfect kiss. It's gentle and sweet and groundbreaking. I sigh shakily as we part.
"Wife," he whispers to me. My smile is resplendent at hearing him call me that. 
My grandpa announces us as husband and wife to the room. I beam in almost disbelief that this is actually real. Everyone claps and approaches us congratulating us. I'm overwhelmed by my gleeful friends and family.
A man steps out of the stairwell beside the elevator which catches my eye. He meets my gaze in confusion of what's going on. He continues to just stare at me.
"I'll take that, Four," Jax says approaching him and grasping a document from his hand.
"What's going on?" he asks Jax still fixing his attention at me.
"A wedding," Jax responds easily. "You're dismissed, soldier."
"Yes, sir," Four nods and looks to his commanding officer. He starts to turn around. Eric lifts my hand with the ring to his lips and kisses me there—very near to my rings. I grin at my husband.  Will asks for a picture of our rings together and then a group picture. My focus is on Will's direction. We take the pictures and then a couple with my family... and Elizabeth, who's now my family, too. While Eric's talking with his sister, I observe with my peripheral vision that someone in uniform approaches me.
"What's going on?" Four asks softly.
I turn fully and see him standing nearby.
"We got married," I tell him gently.
He shakes his head as if unable to believe my words. I feel a protective arm snake around my abdomen in the front and I'm pulled flush against Eric's chest.
"Why are you here, Four?" Eric asks him firmly from behind me. I can feel the reverberation of his voice through my back.
"General Keyes had me deliver a message to Jax," he replies pointing to his commanding officer who has noticed that Four didn't follow his order.
"So, you've finished your task?" Eric confirms.
"Yes, sir," Four nods.
"Then you're excused," my husband replies authoritatively.
"Yes, sir," Four nods again. He turns and steps away... but he looks so perplexed. He glances back at me and I can see heartbreak there. I hold Eric's other hand as Tobias leaves.  He doesn't make a scene, he just quietly exits through the stairwell once more. I'm grateful for that.  I pray that he calms down, understands, can get over the hurt, move on, and find someone else.
"It's your choice, sweetheart," Eric says catching my attention. I turn my gaze toward him. "We can either go home... or we can go out to dinner with everyone. I don't want to send the Erudite away without feeding them. That's a long drive home and I'm sure everyone's hungry."
I glance to his sister and then my family. I grin and decide to take my family and friends out for a nice meal. He nods in understanding and invites everyone, making a couple phone calls as well. Most of them accept but a few have to get back to work. Leadership all decides to join us with our family and most of our friends. Those who can't—Jax, Chris, and Dana—return to their jobs, not without either hugging us or shaking hands in congratulations. Our massive group heads down—splitting up at the elevator. Eric picks me up and carries me down the stairs. I chuckle in surprise as he races his friends down with me in his arms.
"You've put on weight," Eric says as he sets me down on two feet at the ground floor of the Pit.
"Oh? Are you calling me fat?" I guffaw jokingly.
"On the contrary," he shakes his head. "I'd say you're definitely healthy now."
My eyes soften at that. We meet up with the rest of our group in the Pit and walk with them to one of Eric's favorite restaurants—this one open daily. We're surrounded by our group. Some people have taken notice that we're all together but I doubt they know why. We're in the center and I know for our reception it'll be a massive party but I am hoping for a little privacy tonight.
We make it to the restaurant and apparently Eric had already informed them we were coming. We're taken to a back room with a long banquet table—blocked off from the remainder of the restaurant, which is nice and personal. This place smells amazing, though and I'm incredibly curious as to what they serve.
We take our seats and I insist on Lizzy and Caleb sitting with us.  My parents join us as well. I don't think anyone else minds—especially since we rarely see them and in all honesty, I want to get to know my sister.  As I look around, I observe that the table is already set.  Several varieties of drinks are brought out in pitchers and placed at the center of the table while a waiter pours Eric and me a glass of red wine. 
"No wine for her," Eric insists to the waitstaff motioning to his sister.  They nod in understanding—definitely not ready to cross their leader. 
Lizzy pouts at that. 
"Do you think Jeanine would be pleased with me if I gave you alcohol?" Eric says raising an eyebrow. 
She sighs and shakes her head. 
"Good.  Besides, you're underage.  I wouldn't have let you have any anyway," he tells her matter of factly. 
"Fine," she frowns. 
I glance to the trays the waitstaff places out between us.  I notice that they're appetizers—bread and butter, cucumber slices with raw salmon and cream cheese, and little skewers with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves with a drizzle of a dark sauce.  Eric must've ordered something in advance again.  I have no problem with him choosing my meals.  His taste is excellent.  I take one of those tomato skewers, putting it on my small plate in the center of my assorted stack of dishes.  I grab one with the salmon as well. 
"How old are you anyway?" Caleb asks Elizabeth curiously. 
I surrender my attention to my brother. 
"Thirteen," she responds to Caleb with furrowed brows. 
"I would've thought you were older," Caleb says in reply. 
I raise my eyebrows at that.  He's interested in her—I can tell.  He looks at her the same way he used to look at Susan Black.  My mother whispers something to him and I can see his blush.  Yeah, he's interested and she sees it, too. 
I decide to change the subject as everyone else helps themselves to the appetizers. "Elizabeth? Eric said you're doing an internship at the labs," I mention.
She nods in reply.
"What do you study?" I inquire curiously.
"Oh, um... it varies," she explains. "When Eric was visiting last time I was testing reactions of chemicals but I usually get to do all sorts of studies and projects for Aunt Jeanine. I've worked with textiles, chemicals, plants, and animals... though she knows I hate animal testing."
"Why?" Caleb asks intrigued.
"Because she doesn't like torturing them," Eric answers for her. "She thinks it's cruel."
Caleb nods frowning. I know what he's been testing on... or at least what he's aware of. I wonder if he sees it as a problem.
I talk to Elizabeth a bit more finding out that she prefers the fabric making and testing the best. Next is working with plants.
"But Aunt Jeanine doesn't want me doing much with plants. She thinks it's too Amity," she continues.
I don't push the conversation. I'm sure Jeanine can listen later through her recording device in Eric's sister's phone. I decide to inquire about what she discovered and created in the labs—hydroponic vitamins and additives for plant growth and nutrients, flexible strong fabrics, toxicity of chemicals, corrosion of various components on metals... the list goes on.
I find it quite fascinating and surprising at how skilled she is in Erudite already. I wonder if she'll actually stay. I glance to my brother and he's absolutely enamored, hanging on every word from her. Well... at least he'll see that testing on living beings is monstrous if he pursues her.
I decide to ask her if she has free time, what she does. 
"Oh, I swim a lot," she tells me.  "There's an indoor pool in our building."
"Your brother taught me," I grin.  "How about extracurricular?" I question. 
"I've been playing softball the last few summers, volleyball in the winter indoors at the school gymnasium.  Oh, and Aunt Jeanine has let me take dance lessons!" she divulges with as much enthusiasm as she showed her brother earlier in greeting when she was hugging him.  It's obvious the others are forced.  She's skilled... but it's not what she wants. 
"That's a lot of physical exertion," Caleb mentions surprised. 
"Well, Eric was always active," she shrugs.  "I get a little antsy if I'm not moving around a bit.  I can only sit in labs for so long before my posture is suffering, my back hurts, and I don't want to put on weight.  My aunt wants my waist slim for the Choosing Ceremony—you know, so I can attract a mate."
Eric coughs awkwardly at that but I'm trying to hold back the laugh that so badly wants to spill out.  That must be what she used to ask her aunt if she could join those activities.
"I don't think that'll be a problem," Caleb replies and my mom actually elbows him.  He is laying the charm on too thick.  That's how he had all the Abnegation girls practically swooning over him.  He didn't compliment, it was just the way he said it. 
Elizabeth blinks at Caleb and turns her focus toward her brother as he talks with her. 
"What positions do you play?" my husband inquires and I grin at thinking of our new titles—our current relationship. 
"Oh, well I'm the pitcher.  I can hit like you, too, so I've made some friends.  It was kind of lonely before then..." his sister says trailing off.  "Anyway," she shakes her head and continues.  She mentions her positions in her other sport and how she plays musical instruments.  It sounds like she has lots of private tutoring outside of school and I'm aware that they had a housekeeper so she's never really alone.  I'm grateful that she's not lonely but she does seem a bit sad—like even in the midst of all that activity and companionship, she really doesn't have a close friend, someone to confide in and just talk to.  I decide to confirm this notion, since I'm basing it off of what Eric's told me—which is old information from over two years ago. 
"Do you have any close friends?" I ask her. 
She meets my eyes and smiles.  "Heck Drake," she nods excitedly. 
"Wait... you're Beth?" Shauna asks from further down the table.
I surrender my attention to them.
"Yes?" Eric's sister replies questioningly.
"Hector talks about you all the time," Shauna says. I realize that must be her little brother.
"He does?" Elizabeth smiles. She looks ecstatic.
"He never stops," Lynn mumbles.
Her gruff exterior can't take away from my sister-in-law's smile. She's overjoyed.
I grin in that it truly is a small world.
Eric's sister goes on about how Hector is her best friend.  She says they're in all of the same advanced classes together.  "He's smart enough to come to Erudite in the future," she continues. 
"I doubt it," Lynn mumbles.  Her sister shoves her playfully. 
Elizabeth continues on talking about her best friend.  She doesn't seem fazed at all by Lynn—I'm sure for Jeanine's sake if she listens in... or possibly that she knows him that well.  I also don't think she even wants to broach the subject of coming to Dauntless.  That would cause all sorts of problems for her currently in her relationship with her aunt, so she keeps talking and saying things that would take any sort of hint that she'd ever have an interest in something else.  She's quite astute. 
"So, it sounds like you keep busy in Erudite," my mom mentions to Elizabeth. 
"I do," she nods smiling.  She sounds very perky but I feel like I can already read her.  It's a mask—the same one I used to wear in Abnegation.  Caleb seems to be believing it and I'm hoping Jeanine still does.  My mom continues on with the pleasant conversation about her abilities and Erudite. 
We're served dinner.  It's some sort of beef with a baked potato covered in toppings—sour cream and cheese, I think—and an array of colorful roasted vegetables. 
"I thought you'd like a steak," Eric teases.  He's grinning at me.  He directs himself toward my family and explains that I chose a typical Abnegation meal for the congratulatory reception after my membership instead of something like this. 
"Why?" Caleb asks confused. 
"I was nervous," I defend shrugging.  "I was afraid I wasn't going to make it in."
"And yet she was top in her class," Eric says kissing my temple.  "How's your steak, sweetheart?"
"I don't know.  I haven't tried it, yet," I reply cutting into it like the pork chop I've had. I take a bite and I'm in awe.  I finish chewing and just have to say... "You were right.  The chicken was a mistake," I tell him grinning. 
"Aren't I always right?" he chuckles lightly. 
"Usually," I respond but I'm still smiling.  He pecks my lips sweetly.  I notice Caleb enjoying his meal but he's grinning at me.  I smile and return to my dinner. My parents talk with my brother a bit, my mom telling him she's sorry she was detained from visiting, that she really wanted to see him. My father apologizes for not coming, that he was distraught at us leaving... but he's happy we're where we feel we most belong and fit in. He didn't want to stifle us and our aspirations. He's grateful we're so successful and content in our positions. "I honestly couldn't be prouder of both of you," he smiles.
Caleb is swallowing that lump again and it's obvious to me that he's moved by my parents' words.
The waitstaff fills our glasses once more. Christina rises and toasts to us—something that's apparently traditional but not done in Abnegation.
"So, I saw her eyeing Eric the moment he walked into the cafeteria our first day here. Then he picked on her, scared the heck out of her, then me," she pauses laughing lightly—as well as the Dauntless. "I think most of us here know that story but we don't want to frighten any nonmembers. Anyway, after initiation he came up and talked to her... and I saw that same expression on her face as the first time. It took about maybe two days together with him and she was hooked. I hadn't noticed before our membership that he had that same kind of expression. It was just a little harder to see under that gruff, serious, mean exterior he always had... but when you looked closely and actually got to know him, Eric was just as enamored with her as she was with him... more so, actually. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I haven't seen anyone as smitten with each other as these two." Christina raises her glass and everyone else does so as well. "May you share the greatest experiences life has to offer together because I've never known anyone as in love as you are with each other. May your love grow stronger every day and may you have blessings always," she concludes and I'm grateful I put on waterproof mascara. I wipe my eyes and take a sip.
Ryan stands up next. He's grinning kind of sinisterly. "Yeah, so I've never been given this rare privilege before... but Eric is the best friend I've ever had and I know no one else will ever compare," he says.
"I was expecting jokes," Eric whispers in my ear.
I grin in reply but I know Ryan can be serious and sentimental.
"After teasing all of the initiates, Eric came and sat by me. We were looking over all the girls—sorry Christina but your back was to us. I didn't even see you," Ryan continues. She laughs lightly. "Anyway, we were deciding who we wanted to approach after initiation was over. Eric immediately picked the Stiff. He called dibs and I told him not a chance. That gem was mine. So we were playfully going to fight over her... but after I saw them together, I knew. There was nobody else she had eyes for but him. So, here's to Eric and Tris," he says raising his glass. "The lucky son-of-gun who beat me in this fight. I'll get the next one," he jokes and has the entire table laughing—even my brother. We toast with him and I feel like that was perfectly him.
We finish our meal and rise to cut a small tower cake. It has three sections but it's probably a good quantity for everyone here. The staff tells us we can cut anywhere but the top level... and they also congratulate us. We thank them.
It's like a work of art—a black cake with an asymmetrical rosette pattern cross section covering the bottom layer. The middle has what look like pebbles or rocks over the surface—but I'm positive they're edible, like candy—while the top layer looks to be textured faux scales or feathers. I'm sure it's all made of frosting or something but it does look like a work of art and the baker has some serious skill.

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