Chapter 39

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I wake later than usual.  We stayed up so late last night.  Max and Jude left around ten but we all danced the night away.  I saw Uriah kiss Marlene at the exit before we left.  I hope they become a couple.  They look sweet together.  Gabe, Rita, and Finn joined our table and talked with all of us.  It was nice getting to know them and making new friends.  It was interesting hearing about what they're doing.  Gabe is at the fence, Finn works with Tori and Bud.  Christina had one of her tattoos done by Bud but I haven't.  I've only had Tori do mine so far.  Rita is in janitorial and she helps clean all around the main compound.  Ryan said that Lydia is so happy to have her around.  He says that she was always complaining about the men shutting down the bathrooms when she needed to use the facilities.  I think most of us laughed at that. 
One thing I noticed, though, as we left was Lynn giving Gabe her phone number.  We all exchanged numbers but the expression on his face said that it meant more to him than just that.  He did give me a grateful smile when they were dancing next to us.  They actually stayed out there for all the slow songs at the time and then a few fast ones. 
I sigh at how much of a good time we all had.  It was so much fun.  I look to my watch to notice it's quite late in the morning and we may have missed out on breakfast. I used to have an alarm clock in Abnegation but it was functional, not decorative.  I realize I could use a few clocks around the house, though. I've always loved knowing exactly what time it is.  My watch was getting pretty unreliable recently and it was a bit frustrating. I really like the one Eric selected for me. 
I hear a buzz from my phone beside the bed. It's a text from Eric.

Are you up?

I decide to call him. It barely rings once before he picks up.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Have you been up long?"

"No, I just woke up."

"Me, too. You want to shower and we can go out somewhere for brunch?"


"The meal between breakfast and lunch—or instead of."

"Oh. I see. So... what you're saying is that you want to take me out for a date? ...just you and me?"

"Y...yes. That's exactly what I'd like to do with you today."

I laugh. I can actually hear the smirk in his voice.

"Alright. You've got a date."

He laughs happily.

"See you soon, sweetheart."

I say my goodbyes and hang up. I rush out of bed and grab my clothes for today. I choose a nicer outfit—a dressier shirt and capris. I go to the restroom and quickly finish my morning routine. I dry my hair with the hairdryer he gave me. I realize I finished speedily. I look at myself in the mirror. I remember seeing some girls around the Pit doing their hair up. It was similar to the Abnegation knot but is was a little messy, like intentionally and on top of the head rather than the back. It was looser and comfortable-looking. I pull my hair up and attempt to style it like that. It actually looks pretty good—different but nice. I wrap my band around it. I pull some barrettes from my drawer that Christina bought and stuffed into my bag saying that she thought they'd look nice in my hair. They're silver and black butterflies with some blue jewels in the wings. I put them into my hair and I like the way I look—somewhat fancy but casual.
I decide to put just a bit of makeup on today.  I use the light grey shadow and apply my eyeliner softly—just barely tracing my eyes to accent them slightly. I put the tiniest amount of mascara on, only to make my lashes darker and more noticeable but not the excess of last night. I brush them out quickly and it looks more casual and less like an evening style. I pick out the pastel pink shade of lipstick. I dab a small amount on my lips and it's slightly darker than my natural lip color. It's quite lovely and accentuates my face just a little bit.  I step back and admire how different I look.  I actually feel pretty in this.  I think I might do something like this for church tomorrow, but probably with the lipgloss so I don't waste them.  They're lovely and I don't want them all over Eric. 
I step out of the bathroom and look at my watch.  I figure that Eric's not here yet and I have some time.  I'm going to dump some water on the balcony.  It's absolutely filthy out there—which is why I haven't gone out yet.  I grab the bucket from the closet to fill it up in the bathtub.  I turn on the taps and wait for it to reach about halfway.  I turn it off and carry it though my bedroom.  I unlock the door and stand at the opening.  I dump bucketful upon bucketful of water onto the dust and dirt, leaves and debris.  The water washes away the majority of the gook on the ground and the railing.  I'm glad it looks so much better.  I push a stray hair out of my face with my wrist and head back inside.  I put the bucket away and wash my hands. 
I hear the lock click and I rush into my bedroom.  I make my bed quickly and put my phone in my pocket.  I grab my point card and look up to see Eric standing in my doorway.  He's wearing a zippered jacket with the sleeves pushed up.  A black t-shirt pokes out from underneath.  He's got some comfortable looking cargo pants on and I admire how good he looks. 
"Are you wearing makeup?" he asks. 
"A little bit," I shrug. 
"I honestly couldn't tell at first," he admits.  He strides closer to me and touches my lower lip with his fingers.  I sigh shakily closing my eyes at the sensation of his fingers grazing my lips.  His lips meet mine and I respond a little surprised.  "You're so beautiful," he whispers across my cheek as he kisses me there. 
"Thank you," I reply back softly.  I meet his eyes staring down at me.  "You look very handsome, yourself."
He chuckles bashfully.  "What else would you expect from the sexiest man in town?" he jokes. 
I laugh, too.  I'm never living that comment down even though he's the one that said it. 
"Are you about ready?" he asks. 
"Yeah, I just need my keys.  Oh, and my vitamins," I remember. 
"Okay," he says.  He laces his fingers with mine and we walk hand in hand to my kitchen.  I get out my vitamins while he fills up a glass of water.  As I swallow my pills, I realize he grabs my keys for me and sets them on the counter nearby. 
"Are you in a hurry?" I tease. 
"No," he grins.  "I'm just happy to be with you."
I set my glass down and stride over to him.  "You are a sweet talker," I say sliding my hands to his neck.  He leans down and meets my lips with his.  I run my fingers through his hair and I feel him respond to the touch.  He opens my mouth with his and I feel his tongue slide in.  I meet mine with his and he pulls me closer to him.  He sighs shakily when he finally releases me. 
"So... brunch?" he questions. 
"You did promise me a date," I point out. 
He smiles taking my hand in his.  He kisses the back of my hand.  He turns it over and places my keys there.  We walk to the door and he still locks it for me anyway.  I put my keys in my pocket and we walk to the elevator.  I press the button and we step in.  Eric pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me as the elevator goes down to the main level. We hold each other for a moment. I just stand here enjoying the sensation of doing this in public.  The door opens up and I already hear people whistling at us.  I laugh as he disengages from me and grasps my hand stepping out.  I wave to some of the people watching us pass by. 
"Good morning," I say.  A few respond in kind.  "So... where are we going?" I inquire. 
"I made a reservation for us.  There's a restaurant here only open on Saturdays.  They're open for brunch and dinner today at Dauntless.  The same on Sundays in Erudite.  Then, usually lunch only the rest of the week in Candor," he explains. 
"A multi-faction restaurant?" I question surprised. 
"They rent the space from Dauntless.  They know they're not very busy each day at the other factions so they made it work.  It probably makes them more money this way," he shrugs. 
"Is it expensive?" I inquire.  It sounds like it'll be kind of pricey, especially since it's so... unique and restricted. 
"Don't worry about that," he laughs. 
"It's just a question," I shrug. 
"This is me taking you out to a place I thought you'd enjoy," he explains.  He kisses the back of my hand.  "The cost is irrelevant," he insists. 
"So, it is expensive," I realize. 
"I'm going to have to get you a girly menu with no prices, aren't I?" he teases. 
"No.  I was just curious," I chuckle.  "Those actually exist?"
"They do," he nods. 
"So, who runs the restaurant—what faction, I mean?" I ask. 
"Candor," he tells me. 
"So, they're open to the wealthier lawyers for lunch during trials," I realize. 
"Exactly," he nods. 
"They're trying to make more money on the weekends," I point out. 
"Probably," he shrugs.  "Either that or they really love what they do."
"True.  Good point," I agree. 
We arrive to the restaurant section.  There are a few places open now, some just opening early for lunch.  I see a sign lit up to a restaurant that he's leading me to.  It's called The Grand—Dauntless.  I notice a line outside but Eric just walks in.  There are people sitting in chairs waiting.  Eric walks right up to the hostess at a podium. 
"Mr. Franklin, they're bussing your table right now.  It'll just be a moment," she says. 
"Thank you," he replies. 
I realize she's wearing white and black—Candor. 
"Man... they're getting seated right away?" I hear someone whisper. 
"He has a reservation," the hostess replies, not taking any of their gossip. 
Another hostess comes out and grabs two menus, leading us to our table.  Eric puts his hand at my waist as we follow behind her.  We sit down to a corner table with a white tablecloth.  The decor is mostly white and cream.  There are crystal chandeliers throughout the space with golden accents.  I see lights aimed at the walls brightening them.  There are four paintings along the far wall of nature scenes—spring, summer, fall, and winter of the same exact picturesque scenery.  The table has cream and gold colored elegant dishes unequaled to anything I've ever seen.  The utensils are also gold in color.  The water glasses look like large wine glasses and the centerpiece consists of an arrangement of light pink flowers—roses, I think—in a clear glass vase with a delicate opaque ribbon wrapped around it in a bow.  I realize the sculpture on my plate is actually a folded cloth napkin.  Eric scoots my chair in for me as I sit down.  I've never had someone treat me so courteously.  I realize that this is what gentlemen do, the kindness and chivalry.  He takes his seat and we're both handed a menu each.  I thank the hostess and she pours us glasses of water before excusing herself. 
"This place is really nice," I compliment Eric. 
"I thought you'd like it.  I ordered something in advance.  It takes an hour to cook so I figured that would work out best.  If you'd like it you can have it, but I thought you'd at least like to try it," he says. 
"What'd you order already?" I ask surprised. 
"They have these baked omelettes here.  They're different from what they serve in the cafeteria but I don't think we've had them in the last week.  Anyway, they're made of scrambled eggs—kind of fluffy and light.  They pour them into a pan to bake with toppings inside.  The ones from the cafeteria have scrambled eggs folded around the toppings," he explains. 
"What toppings did you get?" I inquire. 
"Spinach, red peppers, mushrooms, and Swiss cheese," he lists off.  "No onions since you don't seem to like them."
"You are so sweet," I smile. 
"Do you want it?" he asks. 
I bite my cheek. 
"Is that a no?" he chuckles. 
"I haven't looked at the menu," I point out. 
"Go ahead," he encourages me.  "Let me know.  I'll plan on eating what I ordered and I'm getting some other things, too.  I'll share with you, though."
I smile at him and look down to my menu.  I chuckle softly.  He got me the girly menu with no prices.  I see all sorts of interesting sounding breakfast items.  There are egg options—mostly similar to what we have in the cafeteria but several different varieties as well.  I see the baked omelettes there also.  There are pancakes, crepes, something called waffles that sound good, and I surprisingly see a Dutch baby on here. 
"They have that Dutch baby in here," I point out. 
"Seriously?  Where?" he questions. 
"Just above the beverages," I say pointing to the bottom. 
"Hmm," he says surprised.  "I never saw that before."
"I'm debating between that and the waffles," I admit. 
"Whichever you don't order, I'll get," he offers. 
"Really?" I laugh surprised. 
"I was going to get their pancakes but a waffle sounds good, too," he replies. 
"Alright.  I'll get the baby thing," I chuckle about the name.  "I think I'm getting some bacon."
"Why don't we get the larger order and I'll share with you," he says. 
"Okay," I nod. 
"Do you want fruit on top of the waffle?" he questions. 
"Were you planning on it?" I ask. 
"Their strawberries are really good here.  They make a fresh syrup out of them and put some on top," he tells me. 
"Sounds delicious.  I'd try it," I respond. 
"What are you getting to drink?" he asks. 
"I haven't made it that far," I admit.  "Do you have some recommendations?"
"Get the hot chocolate.  They have a white chocolate if you'd rather," he suggests. 
"Okay," I nod. I look at the two options listed but it's mixed with milk.  "I think I'll try the regular."
The waitress arrives and takes our order.  Eric orders for me and I find that incredibly sweet. 
He holds my hand across the table as we wait.  Our beverages arrive quickly and I watch as the waitress pours some sort of fizzy drink on top of his orange juice in a tall wine glass.  She leaves a small pitcher of juice and the large bottle of the fizzy drink on ice in a tall silver bucket next to the table.  A man places my hot chocolate on the table before me and I thank him. 
"What's this on top?" I ask Eric after they've left. 
"Whipped cream.  It's like fatty milk whipped up and sweetened," he explains. 
"Kind of like that ice cream you were telling me about?" I ask. 
"Except this is lighter, fluffier, and not frozen," he nods. 
"Nose," I tease taking a sip. It's delicious and creamy, not overly sweet like the chocolate cake. 
He laughs sipping from his glass. 
"What'd you get again?" I inquire.  I didn't look through all the options, just what stood out. 
"It's called a mimosa," he tells me. 
"Can I try a sip?" I ask intrigued. 
"It has alcohol in it," he warns.
"What kind of alcohol?" I inquire. 
"Sparkling white wine," he motions to the bottle. 
"I liked that red wine," I admit. 
He passes me his glass smirking.  I take a sip and I'm pleasantly surprised.  I do feel a little of the effects of alcohol though.  I pass it back. 
"What do you think?" he asks. 
"It's good," I say.
"Do you want a glass?" he offers. 
"I probably shouldn't," I admit.  "Dana said a sip or two was okay but I am lighter than you."
"Good point.  Your tolerance would probably be half a glass," he agrees.  "Your cheeks are already a little flushed."
"Are they?" I ask surprised putting my hands to my cheeks. 
"Just a little.  It's endearing," he grins taking another sip. 
"So, what made you choose this place?" I inquire. 
"We're celebrating," he smiles. 
I blink surprised and realize that though the faction found out yesterday, we've been together for a week today.  I smile back and lean in for a kiss.  He meets my lips with his. 
"Happy anniversary," I whisper.  He replies the same sentiment before kissing me again.  When we part, I realize everyone seated around us is watching our interaction intently.  I'm glad I whispered. 
"So, what did you want to shop for?" Eric asks. 
"I'm going to the home store," I say.  "Probably later, though.  I need holsters, a purse or two, I was thinking of ordering paint and supplies but I probably won't do that until next weekend, maybe next Saturday.  I kind of want to get some house plants or seeds..."
"You want to grow some things?" he asks surprised. 
"My mom used to have an aloe plant.  When I got sunburnt on occasion, she let me use it.  I kind of wanted some house plants. I was curious about seeing what my options are. I was also thinking about growing fresh herbs, although I don't really know too much about them," I admit. 
He smiles at me.  "I could tell you a little about them if we can find a shop that carries them," Eric offers. 
I accept his offer of assistance. 
Our food arrives and I'm in awe at how amazing everything looks.  The portions are quite large, too.  Mine looks just like the picture in my cookbook and I'm so glad I ordered this.  Eric's eggs do look incredibly fluffy and his strawberry waffle appears decadent. 
"Are those potatoes?" I ask realizing he's got another dish of food. 
"Yeah, these are the best," he says sliding the plate nearer to me. 
I poke one with my fork and they're incredibly crispy.  They actually look yellow on the inside.  I chew and they are better than the cafeteria ones. 
"I like those," I tell him. 
"Help yourself to anything," he insists. 
I smile and start on my food.  He pushes some maple syrup closer and I remember that this is supposed to be like a crispy, soft pancake.  I pour a little syrup on top and realize the container is warmed.  I cut a piece with my knife and fork and take a bite. 
"You have to try this," I insist.
"Cut me a piece," he requests.  I do so and he has me feed him.  I smile as he takes the bite from my fork. 
"Yeah, I might get that in the future," he tells me when he finishes chewing. 
"How are you eggs?" I ask. 
"Phenomenal," he tells me offering me a bite from his fork. 
I chew it and I'm pleasantly surprised at how delicious that is.  "I might have to get that next time, too."
He smiles at me.  I take a strip of bacon from the plate and notice these are thicker slices than what the cafeteria has.  I take a bite and these are so incredible.  I finish the entire piece.  I eat several more bites of my pancake when I observe Eric starting on his waffle.  "Do you want a bite?" he offers. 
"Sure," I nod.  He cuts me a bite with fresh strawberries, syrup, and it even has whipped cream on top.  I eat the bite and it's so crispy.  The strawberries are delicious.  They're warmed too and so different from eating them cold.  It's as if they have a more concentrated flavor. 
"I don't think there's a single thing on this table that I wouldn't order again," I tell him. 
"Good.  Then I'll bring you here next time we're out late on a Friday," he smirks. 
"How'd you ever find this place?" I ask.  I take a sip of my hot chocolate.  It really is so incredible and creamy. 
"The leaders and I came here when we worked late during my training.  Lydia and Max used to come here a lot for her training.  She would oversleep often because of her meds.  He'd bring her meals on the weekdays when that happened but he made Saturdays special," Eric explains.  I smile at how sweet Max is.  "We've had a meeting here and there that ran late.  Ryan and I came here once together when we went out on a Friday and he didn't overdo it.  It would be wasted if he was hungover."
"How so?" I inquire. 
"I'd rather not ruin your meal by explaining now," he grins. 
"Okay then.  You can tell me later," I smile sipping my creamy beverage. 
I take a few more bites and offer more to Eric.  He gladly accepts them.  He offers me more of his and I take one more small bite of each.  I grab another piece of bacon and finish it.  I take one last bite of my pancake and I think I'm done. 
"You finished?" Eric asks. 
"How did you know?" I question surprised. 
"You push your plate away when you're done," he says.  "Be careful playing cards.  You might do something like that and people can read your tells after a few rounds."
"Thanks for the tip," I grin.  He motions to my plate and I surrender it to him.  I realize he ate everything.  He saved me one more piece of bacon, though. 
"You want it?" he offers. 
"I know I can't finish it," I say. 
"We could split it," he replies. 
I take a bite and give him the rest.  I take one more sip of my hot chocolate and I'm definitely finished. 
The waitress comes with a device similar to the pizza delivery boy.  She gives it to Eric and he swipes his point card. 
"I'm always surprised at Dauntless," the waitress says.  "Everyone here has larger appetites than anywhere else."
"It's probably because we're the most physical," Eric tells her signing the bill. 
"That makes sense.  I never thought of that before.  You must require a ton of fuel for your physique," she responds. 
"I'm a bottomless pit," Eric laughs. 
She chuckles, too. 
He hands her back the device and she smiles.  "Thanks for the tip.  Have a great day," she says. 
"Thank you," we both reply. 
Eric stands and pulls my chair out for me. He escorts me through the exit of the restaurant.  I still see a line of people but it's a little smaller than earlier, with different faces here. 
"Thank you for brunch," I say tasting the word on my lips.  "It was definitely a fabulous experience."
"Anytime.  I really enjoy this place, too," he says.  "Where to first?"  He grips my hand and kisses the back of it.  More people watch our interaction but I try to only focus on him. 
"Holsters or purses?" I shrug.  I have no idea about the first but I figure the second ought to be around somewhere near where Christina and I shopped the other day. 
"There's a gun and accessories store I'm familiar with not too far from here.  It's where I got my spares.  I got one nicer, too, to wear with my suit but it's for underneath my suit coat.  I think they carry ladies' accessories as well," he says. 
"Okay," I easily agree.  I feel like more people than normal are watching us now.  I remember that only so much of the population eats in the cafeteria, though.  This may be many members' first time seeing us together or even hearing about us.  I don't mind the attention.  I think they're just curious and surprised.  Eric leads me up a level of stairs carefully. 
"I don't think we have elevators around here.  Sorry, sweetheart," he apologizes. 
"It's okay," I reply.  "I haven't really been achy lately.  I actually feel fine."  He frowns.  "What's the matter?" I ask. 
"I guess I'm hoping that little bit is not all the growth you'll have," he admits. 
"You don't like my stumpy legs?" I joke. 
"I love everything about you," he admits.  "I just don't want you to have to live with the limitations.  I guess I was hoping that this would be an instant cure or at least the start of your body being clicked onto what it ought to be."
"Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," I nod in understanding. 
We get to the top of the stairs and I look around.  I haven't been to this area before.  I see all sorts of different shops.  "Is this the floor?" I ask. 
"Fourth level," he points. 
"Oh, I think I can manage," I say. 
"You sure?  I could carry you if you want," he offers. 
"Maybe later," I smile.  "That was fun, though."
He smirks and walks me up.  I take the stairs a little faster and I'm moving just fine.  We get to the correct level and Eric puts an arm around my shoulder.  We walk through this level and I'm seeing lots of masculine things like shoe stores and men's clothes. 
"Did you need anything from around here?" I ask. 
"No, I've got everything I need," Eric says giving me a little squeeze.  I realize he means me and I can't help but smile.  "This is it," he says motioning to a gun store.  I see displays of all sorts of firearms.  I actually can't stop myself from looking at all the cases as we pass by. 
"You want some more?" he asks me seriously. 
"I'm good for now.  I'm just curious," I explain.  "So, mine came from the armory?"
"Yeah, it's far underground with our large storage of weapons.  Uriah is in the development department.  But it's an offshoot of the armory," he tells me. 
I nod and peruse all the interesting weapons we pass by.  I see a few men working with the salesmen.  They're pulling out various guns, picking out ammo, signing forms.  We pass the display case section and come to the gun accessories area. 
"Here's the men's holsters," Eric says almost to himself. 
He looks around and we find a ladies' section not too far away.  I find some more feminine versions of what Eric has.  I pick up one that's very nice looking.  It has leather as the material instead of nylon cording like the other. 
"Those are nice but don't wear it to exercise with," Eric warns. 
"Can't wash them, huh?" I assume. 
"Pretty much," he nods. 
I select a couple but then I think about when I'm dressed up and going to other factions.  I explain my concern to Eric. 
"You could get some of these," he says motioning to the ones that can wrap around my legs.  I nod and think something like that would've been good for last night.  I get a variety of those and others to try out. 
"You want some knives?" Eric offers. 
My thoughts on him before from initiation cross my mind—the babysitter sharpening knives—and I smile.  "Sure," I respond. 
"You do have quite a bit of skill with them," he compliments. 
"Thanks," I say reaching over to kiss him. I'm so grateful I got to know this wonderful man. He's nothing like what I originally thought. I just needed to be alone with him for two minutes to realize he's nothing like I was told. 
We approach another cased in section.  I look all of the options over and I'm not sure what to get.  There are large and small knives as well as everything in between.  I see throwing stars and some knives I'm not even sure what their purpose is for. 
"Do you see anything you like?" he asks. 
"Yeah, all of them," I joke.  He chuckles in response.  "In all honesty, I'm a bit overwhelmed."
Eric signals the salesman.  He comes right over since we're the only people in this area.  He's kind enough to explain the purpose for just about every section in the cases.  He shows me a selection that would suit my form and skill level.  He even recommends holsters for me to carry them with.  I'm torn between two varieties. 
"Which one do you like?" I ask Eric. 
"These ones are more decorative, the others more functional.  What are you getting them for?" he asks. 
"For throwing, of course," I tell him.
"I didn't think you were a peacock," he teases.  "She'll take these ones," he says motioning to the functional sets and the holsters to match. 
I set my gun holsters down to pay for everything but Eric has already swiped his card. 
"Thank you," I tell him sweetly. 
"I do like to shower you with gifts," he whispers. 
I kiss him as the salesman rings everything up and bags my purchases. 
"Do you want to wear these now?" Eric asks motioning to the knives. 
"I'm no peacock," I tease.  He smirks.  "But seriously, I'd like to try them on."
He actually gets down on one knee and puts them on my legs.  My heart beats wildly in my chest as he does this kind task for me.  He grabs the bag and the rest of my purchases before grasping my hand and walking me out of the store. 
"Purses, right?" he asks. 
"Yeah," I nod. 
We head back toward a more hectic area of the Pit.  Most of the ladies' shops are more crowded than the men's area.  I see Marcy's store and just have to head in. 
I don't see her working and I'm a little sad.  I look around and Eric tries to help me.  "What do you think of this?" I ask since I know nothing about these. 
He touches the material.  "I'd get something leather.  This feels fake and more like a plastic," he advises. 
"Which ones are leather?" I inquire.  I'm not exactly sure how to tell. 
"This one," he picks it up. 
It has a tag that says genuine leather.  It also smells like my leather holster.  It's more simple than what Christina picked out but I actually like more simple looks. 
"Okay," I say putting it around one arm.  It kind of tucks under my arm nicely—small and compact.  It also feels like it'll hold all of my things but isn't too big.  It's nice enough to match dressy outfits but also simple enough for casual.  "I actually do like this one.  I think simple things suit me better."
"So do I," Eric grins.  I feel like he wants to add the peacock joke again but then I recall... "Wouldn't I be a peahen?"
"You would be," he grins.  "Simple suits you.  I'm the peacock."
I can't help but laugh at that.  "You definitely dress nicer than me," I tease. 
"Should I shake my tail feathers?" he chuckles. 
I explode in laughter at that. 
"Tris?" I hear a voice call out to me. 
I turn around.  "Marcy," I say hugging her.  She seems surprised but hugs me back.  "You remember Eric," I say motioning to him. 
"Of course," she smiles and he shakes her hand.  "So, what are you doing here?"
"Purse shopping," I say removing the bag from underneath my arm. 
"The classic, simple ones seem to match your style well," she compliments. 
"Thank you," I reply.  "I could actually use some more."
"What sort of occasion are you looking for?" she inquires. 
Eric explains about going out of faction on occasion, some formal events, some casual, some just for nights out.  I smile that he's so helpful.  "I can show you what we have that'll suit your needs," she offers. 
I end up walking out with bags for all occasions.  "Thanks again, Marcy," I wave.  "I'll definitely be back for shoes for some dresses in the future."
She waves and thanks me. 
We step out and I notice Eric's eyes look to the shop next door.  I also know he has no idea what caught Four's attention from that shop. 
"Christina was holding up a... sort-of-nightgown—I guess you'd call it—to herself.  I told her it was naughty.  She said she was imagining her wedding night.  I said that would be okay then, I think.  Then she put it up to me.  I'm fairly certain Four saw that," I admit. 
"Do I get to see it?" he asks curiously grinning. 
"Sure... if we get married someday," I tell him. I hear him scoff.  "I thought Ryan said that girls underwear was only for married couples," I tease. 
"You know, I'm the one that told him that," he points out. 
"So why'd you ask me if you get to see it?" I taunt. 
"Wishful thinking," he shrugs. 
I laugh lightly at that. 
We meander around the ladies section. I see several women walking around with different hairstyles. Some of them I like, some not so much. I also notice makeup variations. Many wear what Eric thought was risqué for his sister but some look nice and subtle.
"Would it be awkward if we went to a few shops around here?" I ask Eric.
"You'd think I never took my sister shopping," he teases.
"But I'm not your sister and you don't have to take me," I point out.
"I didn't have to take her either. I offered, the same as you," he says.
I stop mid step and turn to him. I can't help but kiss him amid the crowd of the Pit. I hear several ladies hooting and cooing. There are a few whistles but I hold onto my man. He responds surprised but happy for the attention—from me. I don't think he actually cares about the crowd.
We part slowly and I realize everyone is clapping for us. "How long do you think this is going to last?" I ask him.
"Forever, I hope," he whispers kissing me again.
I was meaning the attention, he was referring to us. But that's okay. I want this between us to last, too.
We split apart slowly, one more gentle kiss before we begin walking once more. The crowd parts a little for us to proceed. I see the same hair boutique I went into last weekend with Christina and decide to go into the same one. I saw a girl with a hairstyle pulled back with bobby-pins. I have an idea for a style a little different but I grab a variety of the pins. I see a tiny shopping basket and put my choices inside.
"What exactly are you looking for?" Eric asks.
"I don't know. I haven't done much with my hair before except a knot and a ponytail. I'm just looking for different options," I shrug.
"That's different," he says motioning to my current hairstyle.
"This is what my hair would've looked like in Abnegation if I messed up," I point out.
He chuckles at that. "You look nice though," he compliments.
"Thank you," I say pecking his lips.
I see a variety of magazines and I select one. I flip through to find tutorials of how to do hairstyles. I actually like this one. It's shows all sorts of varieties and it even shows braids. I roll it up and put it into my basket. I get a few barrettes that suit my style—not too gaudy or busy. I grab a selection of clips and different sized bands. I see a section with hair products and curling irons. I get the same size iron Marlene used on me and I look over the products. I see one showing what it does to hair. I notice how when applied, this product makes waves in the hair more pronounced. I'd always noticed that my hair was a little wavy. I wonder if my hair could look that pretty. I stick it in the basket, too, along with a bottle of hairspray similar to what Marlene used on me. 
"Anything you'd like me to wear for you?" I ask Eric.
He picks up something long and slaps it on my wrist. It somehow turns into a bracelet. "My sister loved these. I'm getting you that," he grins.
I laugh at the ridiculousness of it. It's plastic and cute with little pink hearts on it. There are plastic toy-like jewelry everywhere. I'm surprised he was looking at it.
"How old is your sister anyway?" I ask examining the adorable bracelet.
"Lizzy is thirteen," he tells me. 
"Nickname?" I inquire. 
"Elizabeth," he grins. 
"Is she as cute as you?" I ask grinning. 
"She looks just like my mom—a thinner, prettier version of Jeanine," he explains.  "Her hair is similar to yours, maybe a shade lighter.  Her eyes are probably between your shade and mine."  He moves a stray hair from my face and caresses my cheek. 
"Did she see you on Visiting Day?" I ask. 
He frowns.  "Jeanine hasn't let me see her since my Choosing Ceremony," he admits. 
I frown, too.  "I'm sorry.  My parents couldn't visit Caleb either.  They wouldn't let anyone from Abnegation in," I tell him. 
"Are you serious?" he questions surprised, kind of angrily. 
"That's what my mom said on Visiting Day," I tell him honestly. 
"What kind of crap is Jeanine trying to pull?  That's not allowed.  That's unbelievable," he says shaking his head. 
"I don't know.  He was acting weird when I saw him last—almost like he was brainwashed or something," I tell him.  It's hard to explain his strange behavior. 
"I'll have to look into this," he whispers quietly. 
I nod in understanding. 
"You done?" Eric asks.  I nod again.  He grasps the basket from me and takes it to the checkout.
"Wait.  Eric?" I protest following after him. 
I step up beside him at the register.  He pulls the bracelet from my wrist and has the cashier swipe it before returning it.  He pays for my purchases again and grasps my bag.  He reaches for my hand with his other and we walk out together. 
"You don't have to buy everything for me," I tell him quietly. 
"I know I don't.  But I want to," he responds. 
"I'm paying for the furniture," I insist.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart," he smirks.  "Where to next?"
"Makeup?" I say questioningly. 
"Lead the way," he insists kissing the back of my hand.  I realize that he probably doesn't spend his money on much.  If he purchases his clothes and goes out once in a while, he probably has a savings of most of his monthly pay—which is double mine.  I guess it doesn't matter if it's making him happy.  I probably shouldn't ask how much is in his account but I could probably guess. 
"So, what do you do with the majority of your pay?" I ask instead as we walk towards a section with several makeup shops. 
"Nothing really," he shrugs.  "Mostly just saving up for a house someday."
"Can we do that?" I inquire.  I don't recall reading about that yet. 
"We can.  The leadership level of apartments are kind of assigned to us but we have the option to live elsewhere if we want. They're just reserved for leadership only for some reason. Even if I were to move out, my place would be my secondary residence. Security is to be told where I stay and when, so they can be notified in the event of an emergency. We still should be present often in the cafeteria and close enough to the faction in case of an emergency but we're free to have our own private residences.  Nobody currently is married or has children.  Max's wife passed away before..." he says and moves on to another topic.  "I think Diane, Jude's wife, was unable to conceive.  She had some health problems and died last year.  Before my time, I'd heard other leaders had homes nearby, separate from the apartments here.  Freestanding homes can be costly.  I've heard some people give them to family as an inheritance.  But I've got probably enough saved to buy one outright. I've heard leaders pay for their own faction-wide wedding parties, though. Those can get pricey. From what I've heard in passing, the cost of the celebrations for new members are close in price. The faction writes them off but leaders can handle the expenses."
I nod in understanding. We're expected to invite the entire faction to our weddings. They're our family, our lives are public knowledge and they expect to know most details.
I shake out of my reverie and stride over to the makeup store that Christina said has the best quality products. I step in, hand in hand with Eric. I grab a basket here also. I figure that I really don't have much and I'm currently just kind of altering the few products I do have. I decide to get varied colors and different products for day and night, church, with Eric, and without. Eric stays by my side giving me an occasional caress or kiss. I get some nail polish and several accessories to go with that. I know what Christina has and I think this'll do.
Eric buys for me again and I don't complain, I just accept the kind gift. 
"Thank you," I whisper kissing him outside the entrance. 
He smirks at me.  "Where to next, sweetheart?" he asks. 
"I wanted to go to that plant shop or the paint store," I recall.  "I think the plant shop is closer, though.  It was just before the home section, I think."
"Okay," he nods. 
We cross to a different area of the Pit altogether but we're still rather high up above the main floor.  I see some florists and there's a few sweets shops.  There are some jewelry stores and I've never seen such beautiful trinkets in my life. 
"Can we make a stop here?" Eric asks. 
"Sure," I say surprised.  We step into a really nice jewelry store.  Some of the others sold what look like baubles.  I think these are actually real.  I see so many precious stones and gems.  I remember that Eric and Ryan actually call me that.  Do they really think I'm that beautiful... or precious even?  I admire all of the various things that glitter and sparkle.  There are necklaces, earrings, rings, pins, and other accessories I'm not even sure what they're for. 
"What are we looking for?" I ask Eric. 
"Do you see anything you like?" he asks me.  My cheeks flush in surprise.  He's here... for me.  "Just asking.  If you see anything you want, I'd get it for you."
"They're all just pretty.  I really don't need anything..." I start, insisting. 
"If you don't pick something out, I'm just going to have to guess at what you'd like," he whispers from behind me.  I close my eyes as he kisses my cheek. 
"I'm sorry.  I wouldn't even know where to start or what I'd wear these to," I admit. 
"That's okay," he tells me taking my hand. "We'll come back again another time."  He intertwines our fingers and leads me out. 
We walk a ways further, strolling along and just enjoying each other's company.  I glance over to the other side of the Pit, where it narrows toward the home section.  We're still not there yet and we're taking our time.  I feel Eric caress my hand with his thumb from time to time.  I look to him and he's making today into such a nice day.  I'd offer to look for things for him but he's really not interested.  He'd rather spend time doing what I want.  I find that unusual and somewhat odd.  I guess he hasn't had anything like this in his life for a while.  He seems happy just to be out and about... with me. 
"There's that plant shop I saw," I point out when it comes into view. 
"Oh, it's on the other side, main floor," he says surprised. 
"I can handle the stairs," I insist. 
"You sure?" he asks concerned. 
"Yeah," I nod.  "I haven't tripped or anything in a while."
"You haven't," he agrees. 
"Downstairs is easier than upstairs," I say. 
"Downstairs is easier to fall down," he points out. 
"Do you want to carry me?" I ask.  He grins at that.  "Or we could go to the home store first, shop there, ride the elevator down, then hit these places on the way back," I suggest.
"That could work," he nods.  "We'll just get everything delivered."
"Okay," I agree.  I look to my watch to see that Hannah should be at work according to Zeke. It's more than an hour after her scheduled lunch break.
We head over to the home store and we arrive on the mattress level. We never came to this floor before. I can't help but lay down on one.
"You want a new mattress?" Eric asks standing over me.
"No, I'm just playing around," I grin. "This one is nice, though."
Eric sits on the neighboring mattress and feels the one I'm on with his hand. "You don't need a nap, do you?" he asks.
"No, I'm good," I say rolling over on my stomach. "I wonder if I'll even need one today since we slept in so late."
"I guess we'll see," Eric says. "At least I know where you'll be comfortable. If you crash out here, you're sleeping there."
I chuckle, "Yeah, I could probably get used to this."
He grins at me.
"Which floor should we go to?" I ask.
"What are you looking for here?" he counters. "You never told me."
"Oh, sorry. Let's see... I was considering some chairs or something for my balcony. I could use some lamps around the apartment, definitely in the bedroom. I was wondering if they have clocks here, alarm clocks, too. I want a buffet that matches my dining table and some sort of bookshelf or plant shelf or both," I say with a shrug.
"Why don't we look for the little things like clocks?" he says.  "They're on the top level.  I think lamps are around there, too.  I'm pretty sure shelving is just below.  I would think matching furniture would be around the dining tables."
"What about Hannah?" I ask. 
"We could have someone call her up to meet us," he shrugs. 
"Alright," I smile. 
I climb up from the plain mattress and stand in front of him.  I kiss his lips gently. 
"I'm having a good time with you," he says. 
I smile, a gentle laugh bubbles out of my chest.  "I'm not boring you?" I ask surprised. 
"No, this is better than sitting around my apartment or working out because of boredom," he tells me. 
"I thought you had all those books to read," I point out lacing my fingers with his and encouraging him to stand. 
"Yeah, but a person can only read so many romances before they're craving the real thing," he says kissing the top of my head. 
I grin at the admission. 
We find a salesman and he calls Hannah up. I hug her and she laughs in surprise. Eric hugs her as well and my heart clenches at the sight. He grasps my hand after and she can't help but congratulate us.
"Thank you," Eric smiles.
"You know, I wasn't sure if it was true since it was Uriah who told me this morning at breakfast," she laughs. "Sometimes he can be just like his father with the gossip—true or not."
"Is that where he gets it from?" Eric teases.
"It's definitely not me," Hannah laughs.
"Uriah was up early for breakfast?" I ask surprised. Zeke said her shift starts at eight in the morning.
"He's always been an early riser. He only needs about five or six hours of sleep. I have no idea how he does it, though. He's always so full of energy," she explains. "Besides, he couldn't wait to tell me the news."
"What's that?" Eric asks.
"He finally is together with Marlene. She's been in love with him for years but he finally noticed her," Hannah announces happily.
"I did see them kiss," I admit.
"Oh, good. I was afraid he was telling me tales again," she replies. I smile at her enthusiasm. "So, what are you here for today? Zeke told me I should expect a visitor."
I explain my list for her store. She nods. "Why don't we start with the dining table set furniture?" she says pulling up my layout on her tablet. "You may see some decor you might want when you head up to the top floor. Usually people over or under buy if they do it the opposite way."
"You're the expert," Eric grins escorting us to the elevator. I smile at how sweet he is with his friend's mom and sigh at how great this day is turning out.

A Different Divergent Tale (Eric and Tris)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz