Chapter 72 (Eric's POV)

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I stride down the hallway in the Pit accompanied by Ryan. He insisted that he wanted to join me. With everyone else, we're just meeting up later.
"Where are we going anyway?" he asks curiously.
"I had something repaired a while ago. I've been intending on picking it up. I just haven't had the time," I explain.
"So cryptic," he teases and I can almost hear the eye roll in his voice.
We approach the watch shop and I enter. Stan greets me and pulls out Tris's old watch.  It doesn't even appear the same but it still has that winding mechanism that's different from the others.  He's cleaned and polished it to a shine, as well as repaired it.  It really looks unbelievable.  He gives me a list of work he'd done on it—which is extensive.  He explains that's it's incredibly old but still works fine now with the repairs.  In all honesty, it doesn't even look like the same watch.  It appears brand new to me.  But I trust him.  I see how different and unique this one is in particular compared to the rest.  I settle the bill with Stan and thank him for his unparalleled service before we head out.
Ryan starts walking down the main section of the Pit but I only just stopped here on my way to the neighboring shop. He looks over his shoulder surprised at me but in all honesty, I've been dying to come here and do this for a while. I know it's time—I can feel it—and I know exactly what I want.
I stride in confidently and walk right up to the ring section. Ryan joins my side and observes.  My favorite choice is still available and I ask Julian to pull it out for me. He sounds excited and pleased. He sets out another velvety black cloth with a stand and places the ring on it. He begins to tell me about the ring—the stone, gems, and metal. It's a large opal with green and purple hues reflecting in it—somewhat transparent-like. Julian explains that the colors are created by a combination of diffraction and interference.  He also goes on to say that moisture will alter the shades of the precious stone.  I grin at how unique it is.  It's surrounded by a row of diamonds along the setting as well as part of the band. It's made of a platinum metal—silver in color which I know she likes. It even has a feminine etched design around the band which makes it interesting throughout the entire piece.  It's rather opulent and I noticed it immediately when I first came here—as well as every time after.  It's always been a stand alone piece. I have a feeling Tris will like it. Even though it's elaborate, it's also quite classy, sophisticated, and beautiful—just like Tris.
Julian tells me I have excellent taste and that it'll definitely suit her.
"I think so, too," I agree with a nod.
"That's the one?" Ryan asks in surprise.
I look to him and nod.
He whistles in awe. "Good choice," he agrees.
I laugh lightly and thank him for that.  I tell Julian that I'll take it. 
He grins and nods but asks if I'm considering matching bands.  "... a wedding band as well as the engagement ring... and possibly one for yourself," he offers. 
"What do you have?" I inquire curiously. 
He smiles, nods, and moves on to a different case.  He brings over several sets of matching rings that could coordinate with this one.  There are countless simple ones of just bands.  Those are out since I want this to be different from Abnegation so I eliminate those immediately.  Others are somewhat detailed while there are some that are a bit too over the top.  I remove the overly complicated ones since I'm not that much of a peacock.  We're left with three options that could match.  One set is thin with diamonds and can wrap around her engagement ring.  The male's version may be a bit too effeminate for me, though.  The next is two wider bands that have a matching etching to the band of the engagement ring.  The last option is wide as well.  The metal is on the edges with the same kind of opal stone smoothly covering the center encircling the entirety of the band.  It's surrounded by the metal holding it into position.  I pick up the feminine version and place it beside the engagement ring. 
"It would tuck in just behind the stone setting but next to the band," Julian explains.  "May I?" he requests them from me and I nod surrendering them to him.  He gets out a holder and sets them together into position—how they would sit on Tris's finger.  He explains that the band would be placed on her finger during a wedding ceremony—closest to her heart.  I smirk at that... and how good they look.  I nod my assent.  He measures my finger and the one available should already fit—which is apparently common for men my size in Dauntless. 
"Do you know her size?" he asks curiously.
I nod. I've been measuring her finger every time she's fallen asleep around me since we got together. I place the most current string down and he grins.
"Size five," he tells me. "Lucky for you these won't need any adjustments. That's a common size I stock here."
"Good to know," I nod but she used to be substantially smaller. She's just recently become average in size.
He puts the engagement ring in one box and the pair of wedding bands in another. I'm beaming as I check out. I thank him for the help and we leave.
"Where to now?" Ryan asks grinning beside me.
"I'm going to drop these off at home. I'll meet you there?" I suggest.
"Alright," he nods patting me on the back and separating at the area where the bars branch off. I make my way up to my apartment in a daze. I'm debating on how to ask. I want it to be special but I honestly don't want to wait too long. I figure that she's got plans with the girls tonight and tomorrow. Sunday we're going to church and I don't want to take up the day with elaborate plans when we'll likely be drained from two hours of driving... I pass my favorite restaurant that's closed today and something comes to mind. I grin. It's perfect.
I drop off my purchases in my apartment and head out to the sports bar to meet up with the guys. I see Ryan at a table. Max, Jude, Uriah, and Will are with them. I take a seat beside them and order a beer. 
"No Gabe?" I question surprised. 
"He got stuck working late tonight," Uriah shrugs.  "He said he'd join us when he gets off."
I nod in reply.  My drink arrives quickly and we toast.  We chat a bit about jobs for our new members and how it's going.  They both seem to like it.  An old fighting league match plays on the screen and it draws our attention. 
"Man, I love these," Uriah comments.  "The live ones are awesome but they always play the best ones here."
"You've got that right," Jude nods.  "Some of these from my youth are enjoyable.  I remember seeing this one when I was just a kid."
I observe as it's more drawn out than the recent activity I've seen at the handful of matches I've been to.  We chat about it—how there were a group of fighters that were the best of friends. 
"It was like good versus evil," Jude continues.  "They all picked sides.  Sometimes they'd go back and forth depending on the script.  There was a couple that got married that was quite popular," he says motioning to the screen. 
I honestly hadn't seen this one before. 
"Everyone loved the drama," Jude laughs. 
"Didn't they divorce?" Max asks. 
"I honestly think the relationship was part of the script.  I don't think it was a real marriage.  They may have actually dated but I don't think it was all real," Jude explains. 
I see the man—Zeus—help his lady into the ring.  She's definitely strong but not a fighter.  Her name posts as Autumn. He has a partner—Ion—who they tag team fight against another pair of guys.  It is like good versus evil.  They have the two men wearing matching outfits with blue and white streaks in them.  Their competition has flames in their costumes.  Their names are actually Satan and Legion.  I find this surprising and amusing. 
We all watch as they mess around—drawing the crowd into the action. I'm chuckling at the dramatics of this.
"Hey, there's my idol!" a man says stepping into the bar. It's Aries with several of his league friends.
I frown at him being here. He's really not my favorite—probably the one league member I like the least, especially after propositioning my girl when we've been together. He has no tact whatsoever and nothing is sacred to him... or off limits. He takes a seat at table on the far end of the bar and I'm grateful I don't have to listen to his loud mouth. One would think he was former Candor.
"So glad he didn't see us," Max mutters.
Jude chuckles at that but I nod in agreement. I do not want anything to do with him again.
We continue to watch a few former league matches and it's honestly making me nostalgic. "I wish they'd have scripts more like back in the days," Uriah muses.
"I'd pay to see that," I agree tipping my beer bottle to him.
A newer one comes on and everyone in the bar collectively turns their attention to either their table, drinks, or food. Nobody is a fan. It's actually one with Aries. He's fighting Leo, I think. He's a long haired blonde. It all looks so fake. They're so enormous and slow. I could probably beat both of them in a real match. Aries hits Leo with a folding chair and the crowd boos him in the recording. I chuckle at that. He's definitely not popular with the crowds. He's one of the bad guys nowadays and I think his stage attitude actually suits him for real. I'm chuckling as Leo gets up and pounds him into fake oblivion. It's hilarious watching how bad Aries acting is.
"Yeah, he sucks," Gabe says joining us in uniform. "What'd I miss?"
"Some good matches," Uriah informs him high-fiving Gabe. He fills him in but mentions Aries is actually here with his pack—with the exception of Hale. The league is all a bunch of cliques now just like in school. His group generally surrounds Hale who is actually skilled. He's fast and talented for a big guy. He's also been known to not follow script and beat his opponent when he feels like it. It's probably why I like him so much. I've only ever been to matches where he was performing. Those are definitely worth the cost of admission.
We finish our round of drinks and order another—Gabe his first. I would've suggested moving on since the most annoying league member is present but I don't want two of my co-workers leaving just yet. I'm glad they decided to join us. It's nice seeing them out having a good time. Ryan seems content hanging out with Jude. Those two have like a special bond—a father and son sort of a relationship but joking around together, too.
We continue to watch some good matches, commenting about them. Gabe orders some food since he missed out on dinner in the cafeteria.
"They actually have wings here?" I ask in surprise when it arrives.
"Yep," he nods.
"Just wings?" Uriah asks in surprise.
"Don't knock it until you've tried it," Gabe insists.
"They're actually pretty good if you eat like twenty of them," I agree.
"Where'd you have that?" Max asks curiously.
"Amity," I tell him.
"Is that what was on your plate in the Amity picture from your visitation?" Jude questions.
I nod sipping my beer. I retell of that meal, how the buffalo sauce was the best with those.
"This, I've got to try," Gabe says flagging down a waitress. He requests some buffalo sauce. I decide to order another plate with the same for the table.
"Maybe I need to visit Amity sometime," Ryan muses.
"There may be a reason why Lydia generally keeps the trips to herself," Max chuckles. "Egan definitely hated it. It wasn't his forte."
"You've got that right," Jude laughs. "As soon as Lydia completed her training, he pawned that duty off on her."
"Why don't we visit Abnegation as much as the other three?" I question sipping my beer. I handle Erudite for the most part, Jude handles the Candor visits, and Lydia the Amity.
"I guess either you or Tris can deal with that," Max supposes. He'd probably say more if present company wasn't here.
I just nod in response.
My order of wings arrive at the table and I pass them around. Everyone tries one—with either barbecue sauce, ranch, or the buffalo sauce.
"These are incredible," Uriah says in surprise.
"Right?" Will nudges him.
"My brother used to take me here all the time before..." Gabe says trailing off.
"Before what?" I ask curiously.
"Transferred," Max says softly.
"To where?" Will questions.
"Amity," Gabe winces.
"Amity's not that bad," Uriah defends.
"Does your brother like pizza?" I question.
Gabe nods.
"I think he's shared your favorite food with his entire faction now," I tell him.
He looks confused so I explain that I think he's responsible for the menu at the dome—the meal I enjoyed.
"He even concocted some incredible flatbread pizzas," I mention.
"He was a good cook," Gabe nods in agreement.
"He did suck at fighting," Max points out.
Gabe's attention snaps to Max.
"I'm just saying," Max shrugs. "Maybe he thought he couldn't make it."
"He was kind of overweight," Gabe nods.
"Yeah, well..." Max sighs. "We're looking into what to do for future initiations."
"Any suggestions?" Jude inquires of the new members.
They look to each other and start listing out some excellent ideas. I sit back and grin listening intently.
"Maybe that could be one of your next few projects for a questionnaire?" I suggest to Will.
He smiles and agrees, "We were first in the city to finish our census."
"Did you run the first one for this week?" I ask.
"Yeah," he nods. "All anyone wants to talk about is details of you and Tris."
I chuckle awkwardly at that and sip my beer before grabbing a wing from my plate.
"Just wait," Ryan grins knowingly.
I elbow his ribs to shut him up.
"Oh man. Ryan knows something we all don't," Uriah beams.
I look to him seriously.
"What?" he questions defensively. "I love good news."
"If Eric's planning something, don't ruin it Uriah," Max says authoritatively.
"My mouth is sealed," Uri zips his lips. "I don't know anything anyway," he shrugs.
We continue on with pleasant conversations for the most part. When we decide to head out, we run into the league leaving at the exit, too.
"Hey, Eric," Aries greets me grinning.
I nod to him in reply.
"Where's that gorgeous girl of yours?" he asks curiously looking for her in the crowd.
I stare him down.
"You didn't break up, did you?" he asks with too much enthusiasm.
"Nope. Things are perfect between us," I reply.
"She'd be with you if things were so perfect," he taunts with a shrug.
"Bro!" Uriah says defensively. "Our girls wanted to hang out together. Just because the ladies are having fun with their friends doesn't mean we've got problems."
"Oh? I see. A ladies night out," he grins smugly. "Well... have fun with your sausage fest," he teases.
"Yeah... you, too," Gabe mocks. "Pansy."
I chuckle at that. He and Lynn really are perfect for each other.
I start dialing security as I watch him head to the next bar over.
"Control room," Neil answers.
"This is Eric. I want Aries watched," I tell him.
"Do you know his current location?" he questions.
"He just stepped out of the sports bar and into the techno one," I reply pursing my lips.
"Got it. What am I watching for?" he inquires.
"Just make sure he doesn't cause any problems. I have a feeling he's searching for Tris," I reply.
"Can do," he tells me. "I'll get some extra security to patrol the bars and follow him when he leaves."
"Thanks, Neil," I respond.
"Anytime, sir," he says.
I hang up. I see Max and Jude watching me.
"I would've done the same thing," Jude tells me seriously.
"I couldn't get my phone out of my pocket as fast as you," Max admits.
I chuckle at that. The two older leaders head out and we decide to go to one more place for the night with the other guys.
"Which one?" Ryan asks curiously.
"So... there's a place below ground that has some old video game systems they refurbished and a couple pool tables," Gabe suggests.
I raise my eyebrow in shock.
"I hadn't heard that," I mention in surprise.
"It's new," he shrugs. "My cousin came across a storage room locked up at the Navy Pier. He reclaimed the items, fixed them up, and just opened it before initiation."
I look to Ryan.
"Heck yeah, I'm up for that," he nods.
"Lead the way," I respond pretty excited about this.
We go down one level into the Pit. This place is technically underground—even more so than the first level of the Pit. The hallway is narrow but it is just beneath the bars. There's a cover charge to enter but just by peeking in the entrance, I'm definitely interested in frequenting this place.  I swipe my card and we go over to sit at the bar.  I turn around in my seat after ordering a drink.  The guys are beside me and we're surveying the space.  There's several arcade-style video games.  I had a small system when I was kid.  It mostly had sports games to it.  Here, I see fighting games, racing, fantasy, dance... the list goes on.  There are several different pool tables.  A couple of tables look to have a floating puck of some sort—similar to a hockey game I had for my system but this one isn't a video game and it's played with two people by hand.  There are some basketball hoops for shooting only and a whole row of something I read about in a book once that was commonly at places like this.  I think it was called skee-ball.  It was supposed to be rolling, throwing, or even bowling a ball underhanded and the ball would land in various slots giving out points or tickets.  I wonder how that works here. 
The bartender hands us each our drinks.  I grin and sip my fizzy drink.  There's mostly kids here
but I don't mind.  I got a root beer—reminding me of Tris's first night with me as a member.  I wonder what she's up to and if everything is alright.  Security should let me know if anything happens and they're observing the only man I currently see as a threat to her.  She should be fine.  Plus, I know she's not a drinker and also her fighting skills have exceeded Lydia's as of late.  I'm just in awe of her abilities. 
"So, what first?" Ryan asks excitedly sipping a lemon fizzy drink. 
"Pool?" Uriah suggests. 
"Sure," I shrug. 
We play a few rounds and everyone seems impressed at my skills with this. 
"Have you played this before?" Ryan asks me. 
"A video game, yeah," I nod.  "It's simple mathematics, though.  I just had to get down shooting in this manner."
I sit back and let the guys play each other.  Uriah and Ryan are on a team, Will and Gabe on the other.  I think Will figured it out and they win. 
We move onto the basketball shooting game.  Uriah is phenomenal at this one.  I'm not bad but nowhere near his skill to make every shot.  He invites us all to join him and Zeke in a real game tomorrow.  I agree since that sounds fun. 
"I'm in," Ryan nods. 
The other two decide to join since their girls will still be together, too. 
We move onto some of the video games.  The fighting ones are incredible.  The graphics are impressive and I'm pretty good at these.  All of us play a racing game together and this one is pretty fun.  I leave them all in the dust, though.  Ryan keeps crashing sadly.  Uriah said he's never driven.  Will has been a passenger since his dad has a car so he's not terrible.  Gabe isn't too bad, though since he's currently learning how to drive some of the armored vehicles. We try a few more and we're having a blast. The young ones actually decide to call it a night first so we all head out. We climb the stairs to the main level of the Pit and separate in our opposite directions. Ryan and I head home together.
"That was fun," he admits.
"Yeah," I agree.
"Very different from my friends," he comments.
I concur.
We take our elevator up and separate at our doors. I'm honestly glad he's not drunk and had a good time.
"See ya in the morning," he tells me.
I repeat the same watching him enter into his place. I listen and hear nothing coming from Tris's apartment. They must still be out. I sigh and unlock my door. I step in, lock up, set my stuff on my console by the door and head back to my room. I take off my holster, change my clothes, and brush my teeth before I sit down on my bed. I open my nightstand and look over the engagement ring I bought her. Will she say yes? I certainly hope so...

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