Chapter 62 (Eric's POV)

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I sit down beside Four at the bar. I order a beer and a bottle of water.
"What are you doing here, Four?" I ask him.
"Just here for a drink," he shrugs lifting his shoulder.
"You shouldn't be drinking with your meds," I point out.
He looks to me and purses his lips.
"How many have you had?" I question.
"Just the one," he replies. "How do you even know?" he asks me.
"Because I care," I admit. He stares at me in disbelief. "Max and I know."
"Does Tris?" he questions.
"Yes," I reply.
He sighs and turns away. He sips his beer—the same kind Max likes. It's not my favorite. Tris doesn't care for it either.
"I didn't know you could dance," he mentions.
"Erudite," I reply.
"Is there training there or something?" he questions surprised.
"I took lessons. Then I taught Tris," I explain.
He nods. "She does pick up things quickly," he realizes. "I bet she's progressing in the ring."
"She is," I nod.
"She's talking with Aries," Four points out.
I glance over my shoulder to see he sat down beside her.
"I'm not worried," I shrug as my beer is placed in front of me, the water bottle beside it. I swipe my point card and motion to Four's tab. The bartender brings up his bill and it is his first. "Cut him off at two," I tell the barkeeper, swiping my card for him as well. He nods in understanding. "Not hanging out with Thomas and Neil?" I question Four.
"They didn't want to go out tonight," he replies. "Why don't you care that she's with one of the biggest players in Dauntless?"
I turn away from the bar on my stool and motion to Tris with my bottle. "Because of that," I say. "That face she's making—between a smile and a wince. That's the face she makes when she's uncomfortable. She donned that same expression when he and the other guys were serenading her earlier."
"You're not at all worried?" he questions.
"Nope," I say as I see Aries walking away disappointed. Tris is shaking her head. She doesn't like him. I know it. I don't like him either.
"How'd you know?" he inquires.
"Because I know her that well," I tell him sipping my beer. "I trust her, too."
"Do you trust him?" he asks motioning to Aries who is currently dancing indecently with Lena.
"Nope," I admit. "He was hitting on my girl right in front of me."
"And you did nothing?" he questions surprised.
"Tris can handle herself. She did just now. He didn't go too far. If he did, I would've stepped in," I reply.
"I don't know how you do it," he admits.
"You seem pretty calm right now," I point out.
"That's definitely the meds," he divulges.
"Keep at it. You sound better," I admit.
"Hey, Four," Zeke says joining us. "Are you dancing, too?"
"Nope. Just here for a couple," he says motioning to his drink.
"Alright, man," Zeke nods. He asks the bartender to send a waitress over. He sends someone immediately. "By the way, you seem more yourself lately. I'm glad you're feeling better," he tells Four patting him on the back before he walks back to the table.
"Did you tell him?" Four asks me.
"Tell him what?" I question sipping my beer.
"You know what," insists.
"I didn't breathe a word. Max wouldn't have. Tris—the same. Only we know... with the exception of your commanding officer. He's not one to blab either. Zeke just knows you that well. You are more mellow—more yourself. You were kind of high-strung before. Now you're not. I'm glad you're back. You're a valuable asset to this faction," I tell him earnestly before saying goodbye.
I walk off toward my girl. She looks thirsty. Now I feel bad for taking the moment to see what's going on.
"Sorry," I apologize handing her her drink.
"It's okay," she replies. She opens the bottle and sips it. "How is he?"
"Better," I admit.
"Good," she responds.
"Not perfect, though," I tell her.
"Yeah, he wouldn't be here otherwise," she says.
I nod. She gets it. He's better than he was, not completely cured. He's still here watching her but he's keeping his distance and not constantly gawking at her or us.
"Can I ask what you and Aries were talking about?" I inquire curiously. It was on my mind when I saw them together but I didn't want to voice my fears and insecurities to my adversary. 
"He just propositioned me for sex," she replies flatly. 
"What?" I ask probably louder than I intended. 
"Not in so many words," she admits.  "But that's what he meant.  He wanted to take me out of here.  I told him I'm not that kind of girl.  He said he'd be willing to teach me.  I blew him off."
I take a deep, calming breath releasing it slowly.  I sip my beer and attempt to respond to that without losing my cool. I know she left Four for not reigning in his temper with her and I don't want to be controlling. I also don't want to push her away foolishly.
"I don't like him," I tell her gruffly. 
"Neither do I," she replies quickly. 
"I won't leave you alone with him again," I tell her. 
"Thank you," she says softly. 
"I... wasn't expecting him to be so..." I start not even knowing how to voice what I think of him. 
"I didn't expect it either.  Now I know the type.  He was saying things here and there that were off putting.  He's just..." she says sighing harshly. 
"I know," I nod. 
A few more people join our tables and I offer to take her out dancing.  She agrees.  I think we both need to get our minds off of that.  We slow dance and I hold her closely.  She sighs and rests her head on my chest.  I think about how after tomorrow, she may be taller.  I wonder if that really will effect situations like today—making them more frequent or something.  I hope not but I'm expecting there to be more of what she just experienced.  She's beautiful and Dauntless men are noticing.  I sigh and let the music take us away for a while.  We dance a few sets. It feels like everyone watches our every move regardless of what dance we do.
We make our way back to our area when Tris is thirsty again. We choose the table with the new members, not the league.  I sit beside Ryan.
"So?" I question him motioning to Dana.
"We're just friends," he insists.
"Okay," I nod. "Tris and I started out as friends, too."
He laughs lightly. "I don't think so, man. I don't know if she'll ever be looking for someone," he admits.
"That's too bad," I comment.
"Yeah, but this is fine. I could use another friend," he replies. "What happened with Aries? He looked head over heels for Tris, then they talk and now he's all over Lena."
"He got shot down," I laugh sipping my beer.
Ryan snorts. "I could've told him she wouldn't take to someone like him."
"Yeah, he's not as perceptive as you," I mention.
He nods. "Who invited the floozy patrol?" he whispers.
"Who do you think?" I reply motioning to the league. "They're the only ones here who would touch them."
I see Jude and Max rise and join our table.
"A little too wild for my taste," Max says sitting with us.
Jude laughs in reply.
"Don't worry. They'll be gone soon," I tell him sipping my beer again.
"How do you know?" Jude asks.
I gesture toward their table and most of them are getting up. Aries and Lena break apart from making out to leave as well—not without stopping at our table.
"This could've been you, angel," Aries grins at Tris with his arm slung around Lena.
"Not interested," she replies smoothly. "Someone new to warm your bed?" she asks Lena.
"Always," she laughs in a drunken stupor.
They leave and I'm glad.
"We'll see you guys tomorrow," Lydia says walking off with Hale.
"Bye," Tris waves to their retreating forms.
"I don't mind Lydia and Hale but his friends are something else entirely," Max comments.
"They're not so bad when they're not drunk," I point out. Jude gives me a look of disbelief. "Okay, I don't like Aries at all. He's one of the biggest womanizers in Dauntless but the rest are tolerable when they're not intoxicated."
"I'll drink to that," Ryan chuckles clanking his bottle with mine.
"So, you guys don't normally hang out?" Dana questions.
"Not really," Ryan replies.
"We've gone to a few league matches," I admit. "I'd been out drinking with them once before. But I can't believe they invited..."
"The ladies of ill repute," Dana nods.
"Exactly," I respond. "That's a first for me."
"Us, too," Max comments motioning to Jude as well.
"The rumors are gonna fly like crazy," Ryan sighs exaggeratedly.
"What started all of that anyway?" she questions us.
"Egan," Jude answers. "Before him, leadership didn't behave like that. Most were married. Egan started the trend. Then a few cheated on their wives following his poor influence. After that—besides Max and me—the faction had nothing nice to say about single men."
There's a moment of silence between us.
"So, how's the inner city patrols going?" Tris asks.
"Good," Max laughs. "You wanna talk business on your night off?"
"Not really," she shrugs. "I just figured if their day to day was more exciting, the faction would be less likely to gossip—out of boredom, I mean."
"True," Max nods. "It's been fairly exciting for them—stopping fights, meeting people, helping out as they pass by... it's definitely more entertaining than standing on the fence."
"Good," she smiles. "I'm glad it's stimulating."
We stay for a while.  Dana looks happy enjoying her time around leadership.  We drink a little and dance.  I stop at two beers while Tris shares another mock-tail with Dana.  It's some sort of fruity clear and red beverage with a cherry, a lime slice, ice, and club soda. 
"These are good.  I hadn't realized they served non-alcoholic beverages here," Dana comments. 
"They have plain fizzy drinks, too," I point out. 
"Really?" she asks excitedly. 
"Just a few for mixed drinks," I nod.  "The club soda and root beer usually are at any bar.  I'm not sure what else.  It might be on the menu."
I reach out and grab it searching for the list.  "Lime and cherry, too."
"I should get out more often.  It's been ages since I've had one," Dana smiles. 
"You go to Erudite every week," I point out.  "You could grab a couple on the way back."
"True," she nods grinning. 
We hang out with our friends a bit longer.  Max and Jude are the first to leave thanking everyone for the invite.  It's clear they enjoyed their time with us.  Tris and I leave soon after.  We wave goodbye to everyone.  I look to Ryan, though. 
"I'll walk her home," he tells me motioning to Dana. 
"Thanks, man," I tell him. 
He nods and wishes us well with her checkup. 
We exit the bar and there's several people congregating outside all of the other bars.  A few are a little too rowdy.  I wave security to handle it and break them up but they were looking like they'd do the same without hesitation.  As we leave the area, I glance over my shoulder to see the crowd already dispersing. 
"Do you think you'll sleep in tomorrow?" Tris asks me. 
"I don't know," I shrug.  "It's not too late yet."
"Yeah," she agrees. 
"I could take you to brunch, though," I point out. 
I see the grin on her face as she tries to hide it from me biting her lip. 
"I'll call in a reservation when we're up," I insist. 
She stops me on the way and kisses me.  I respond in kind.  I hear whistling from the Chasm.  I chuckle as we break apart.  I look back to see Neil and Thomas there drinking and toasting us... and I wonder why Four lied to me. 
"Come on. I'm tired," Tris tells me.
"Alright," I agree dismissing what I just learned for the moment. I take her to our building and we ride the elevator up. I'm sad when we're at her door quicker than I expected. She already has her keys out, too.  I back her up to the door and kiss her passionately.  I don't want to part.  Just thinking about all the guys staring at her... then Aries hitting on her—then worse.  How can I protect her from that without picking a fight?
"I'll call you when I get up," she tells me pecking my lips. 
"I love you," I whisper as I hold her once more. 
"I love you, too," she replies softly.  "Don't worry about Aries and Four," she tells me.  "I can handle it."
"You shouldn't have to," I point out. 
"I can't snuff them out of existence," she laughs. 
I purse my lips and nod.  She laughs harder and slaps my chest playfully.  "Don't you dare!" she insists.  "I'll see you in the morning," she says pecking my lips once more.  "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," I reply as she shuts her door. 
I sigh as I stand in the hallway by myself leaning up against the doorjamb.  I turn to my place and enter.  I get cleaned up and head to bed.  I can't wait to see her in the morning. 

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