Chapter 74 (Eric's POV)

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I rise and get ready for my day.  I wear some comfortable, casual clothes since we'll be playing sports later.  I'm actually pretty psyched about this.  It's definitely helping to keep my mind occupied while Tris is with her friends.  I step out of my apartment and it's silent there. I'm sure they're fine and sleeping in.
I go down to breakfast and fill my plate. We're having breakfast burritos so I take several. I get some onions, spicy peppers, and jalapeños. I select an additional cup of salsa. I see there are some cheesy hash browns and I get those as well. I fill up a large cup of iced coffee and take my seat. Max and Jude are up here but Ryan and Lydia aren't present yet. I know better than to look for Tris. She had tons of groceries delivered to her place yesterday. She was planning on trying out some recipes. I sigh. I bet her breakfast will be incredible.
"Eh, you'll see her later," Max says comfortingly.
I nod in reply and start on my breakfast. It's better than I remember.
Ryan comes in and joins us. His plate isn't quite as heaping as mine. He's got some coffee, too, but he prefers it hot like Tris.
"We're still on for today, right?" Ryan asks sipping his coffee.
"As far as I know," I shrug.
I glance up to see Uriah sitting with his brother. Zeke looks surprised at what they're saying and gives me a thumbs up. I smirk in reply and nod to him. 
"It looks like it," I mention to Ryan. 
We eat our breakfast and head off with the Pedrads when we finish.  We go outside of the compound through a side exit. I know there are a few parks nearby with some housing surrounding the area. That must be where we're headed. There's basketball courts, a baseball field, a soccer field, and a large playground. There are actually some kids out here all around playing—everywhere except the basketball courts. There are several older guys waiting around. A few are dribbling some balls and messing around.
"Is this what you do on your Saturdays?" I ask Zeke.
"Usually," he shrugs. "I thought you said this wasn't your game?"
"Eh, I can play," I mention. "I thought you were asking what I played growing up."
"Baseball," he nods motioning over his shoulder.
"Yeah," I reply checking out the younger teams.
"There's some guys that usually play there later in the day... after lunch," he explains.
"Maybe I should play that, too," I shrug.
"Maybe I'll join you," he grins.
I chuckle lightly at that and nod.
We make our teams. Zeke and Uriah are usually a team but he picks me. I shrug it off and Uriah takes Ryan. Everyone is grumbling that they're gonna lose because the leaders showed up. I try to hold in my laugh at that but they have had more recent experience than me.
Zeke and I practice a bit together first—dribbling, passing, shooting. I'm definitely better than I used to be. We face off against a gate guard—Nate—and someone who works in Jax's office. His name is Rowan. They're actually pretty good but I'd say Zeke and I are evenly matched against them. I feel like as the game progresses, I actually improve—much like that game of billiards last night. I pass well to Zeke and he catches it easily scoring. He passes to me and I make several three point shots. They're having to block me from half court on. I bounce a pass to Zeke between Rowan's legs. He catches it and dunks.
"That's game," Zeke says patting Nate's back. "Better luck next time, man."
We sit out the next game and observe Uriah and Ryan playing. They're not bad—much like us actually.  They're playing a guy who assists with the new city patrols.  It's Dwayne, I think.  His teammate I don't know.  He's older—mid-twenties maybe. 
"Hey," Will says taking a seat beside me. 
I grin and nod to him. 
"Do you mind if I take a couple pictures?  I'm thinking of another article—maybe something Dauntless do in their downtime," he inquires. 
"I'm fine with that," I nod. 
He takes a shot with Uriah and Ryan messing around after they scored.  They get back to it, though.  Will asks about my game and I tell him we're playing the winners. 
"Awesome," he smiles. 
Gabe joins us and even Four shows up.  He's biting his thumbnail and looking around.  Zeke calls him over and he sits beside him. 
"You haven't come to one of these in a while," the older Pedrad mentions. 
"Yeah, I guess I've been sleeping better," Four shrugs. 
"You want to play?  We could still get you on a team if you want," Zeke offers. 
"Nah, I'm not that coordinated for organized sports," Four shakes his head. 
"Alright, man.  Well, we're up," Zeke says. 
I glance to see Ryan and Uriah shaking the two others' hands.  It looks like they actually lost, though. 
"One shot bro.  We'll get them next time," Uriah says encouragingly to Ryan.  They both wish us luck in passing. 
"Okay," Zeke says excitedly.  "This is Dwayne and Tiny."
I try not to smile because that name is the opposite of the man's physical attributes.  I shake both of their hands and we start the game.  Tiny's pretty quick for his size.  I get the ball away from him though and make a shot.  Next, I pass to Zeke when he escapes from Dwayne.  We continue on using teamwork as our guide.  Our competition isn't bad but it seems like they're not as close as Zeke and I—like they can't read each other as well.  I feel like that is what wins us the game.  I shake both guys hands, though, and tell them it was a good game. 
"You should come around more often," Tiny encourages. 
"Maybe I will," I nod. 
He smiles at that.  Will takes a group picture of all of us together and we split up after that. I need another shower—or at least to rinse off and change for baseball after lunch. I grab a bag—one with a mitt I took from the cabin and some sunscreen. I make my way down to lunch and I notice Zeke sitting with some of his basketball friends. I hadn't realized they hung out before. Four's sitting with them too, just less social. He is pretty quiet even when he's mellow. Anymore, he does seem more like before Tris came, though—more himself. I fill up my plate with a couple hoagie-style sandwiches, grab a dish of raw vegetables and dip, as well as a package of chips. I grab two drinks this time since I really don't want to dehydrate—a lemonade and some iced tea. I take my seat and realize it's just Ryan and me again.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask surprised.
"We're early," he points out.
"Oh," I nod and devour one of my massive sandwiches before I start on the second. "Are you playing baseball, too?" I ask him.
"I could try," he shrugs.
"You didn't play any sports growing up?" I question surprised.
"Nah," he shakes his head. "Would you believe my parents didn't think I had the physique?"
I laugh and cough at that. I clear my throat. "Well, Candors' bluntness isn't necessarily the equivalent of reality," I mention.
"No doubt," he nods in agreement.
A beat passes.
"Were you like... skinny or something?" I ask confused.
"Chubby," he shakes his head. "Then skinny."
I nod. He was working on himself though and dedicated... just like in leadership. I wish his parents weren't so... mean. I had the best parents. But then I think about Jeanine. Having her as a guardian sucked. I guess his childhood was kind of in-between mine. I look up to Four, though. His was awful. His dad may or may not have beaten him—both of their opinions seem to be skewed and from opposite ends of a spectrum. His mom cheated on his dad repeatedly. Then she bailed and abandoned him. He thought she was dead. Even here, I've got positive male influences in my life—Max, Jude, and Ryan. He's just had his messed up youth, his medical problems, and a handful of friends. I get it. He's trying though and we acknowledge that. It's honestly why we've been so lenient with him and made sure he's getting help. 
Max joins us as I begin chugging my drinks. 
"Hey, have you talked to Tris?" he asks me as he sits down. 
"Not yet," I reply.  "I'm sure she's still doing girly things.  She told me brunch yesterday, then maybe the spa and shopping."
"Ah, busy day doing things I know nothing about... except for the brunch.  Shoot.  I missed out there," he mumbles the last bit. 
"You and me, both," I chuckle. 
I finish my drink and turn to Ryan. "You about done?" I ask him.
He stuffs his last bite of sandwich in his mouth and nods. We rise.
"Are you leaving me all alone?" Max teases.
"You've got Jude coming," Ryan says jokingly as he chews.
"Lovely table manners," I taunt.
Ryan laughs at that.
"Let me advise you of something," Max calls out.
I look over my shoulder at him.
"Avoid Lydia," he insists.
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Trust me in this," he says seriously.
"Is she on her period or something?" I question befuddled.
"Well, no... maybe... just... just avoid her. Trust me. You do not want her attention right now," he demands.
"Alright," I agree nodding.
"What was that all about?" Ryan questions.
"You've got me," I shrug.
We set our trays on the return just as two people burst through the cafeteria doors slamming them unbelievably hard into the wall. Ryan and I turn our backs to them as they bicker and head toward the cafeteria line.
"What is his problem!?" Lydia yells at Hale.
"You've got me," he insists defensively. "He was probably drunk knowing him. Idiot."
They continue inside the line still angrily talking.
"Let's get out of here. I don't want to be a part of that," Ryan motions to the cafeteria door.
It would appear that Lydia bent the handle.
I nod in agreement and we bail with Zeke.
We head straight out to the baseball diamond as everyone is congregating. I'm stoked about this. I haven't played in two years.
"What position were you?" Zeke asks me.
"Pitcher but I can play any," I explain.
He raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"Hey, Todd. You said you hate pitching, right?" Zeke asks a redhead that looks awfully familiar. He's a few years older than me.
"Yeah," the guy nods.
"Eric's willing," Zeke tells him.
"Are you serious?" Todd questions excitedly.
"Sure," I shrug.
"Alright. Let's decide teams," Todd nods.
He's captain on his team. The other works in the aide's office—Lionel, but they call him Lion. Todd says he'll take first base... and I remember who he is now. He was on the older kids team when I started playing. He was always Dauntless.
I'm taking pitcher. Some guy I've never met before named Dante is playing catcher. He's got to be thirty. He's definitely capable. He shakes my hand though and says he remembers when my dad coached. I grin at that. Zeke takes second, Ryan shortstop.
Four actually sits out and watches. I'm honestly grateful that he's not out searching for Tris.
The rest of the team I'll learn as we go. We practice throwing. I pitch and Dante tells me I've gotten better over the years. I grin at that. We practice throwing to each. It looks like Ryan has borrowed a glove. He's getting it down, though. He's got a good arm. He's not bad with knives so that makes sense that he can get the ball where he wants it to go.
As we continue, I learn my third baseman is Nate and those in the outfield are Sam, Dylan, and Rhett. I decide to go up to bat since it's been a while. I toss the ball up and hit it to each, them all catching and throwing it back to Dante. They're all pretty good.
I notice Will and Gabe sitting with Four observing. I see Will taking more pictures. He's got his computer out here, too. I grin. It looks like we might get a sports section in our newspaper. We practice a bit more and I feel adequately warmed up.
We play and I'm loving this. It's been too long. I pitch and strike the vast majority of the other team out.  They seem shocked—as if they didn't know I played.  We're up to bat and I'm hitting third.  Todd is first and gets to first base.  Zeke is second but his hit is caught.  Todd still steals second base, though.  I grin at that.  I'm up and I get a double, batting Todd in.  We're in the lead.  Ryan and Nate strike out. 
We take the field again and I strike out the first three batters.  The next few innings pass by quickly.  I get another hit but everyone else gets struck out.  In the last inning, the opposing team tries bunting.  I'm quick at grabbing the ball and tossing it to Todd.  The last one was close, though.  We bat again and score once more—winning 2-0.
"Good game," we say to the others as we line up and shake hands.
"It was a good game," Todd smiles at me.  "Do you think you'll play again?"
"Maybe," I grin and nod.  "As often as I can manage."
I thank Uriah and Zeke for the invite. 
"Yeah, next time I'm on your teams," Uri jokes. 
I chuckle lightly at that and agree. 
Ryan and I head back to our building together.  I get cleaned up again and check my hair.  I'm excited about finally seeing my girl.  I stop in my bedroom once more to glance at that gorgeous ring I chose for her before heading out to dinner.  I arrive to the cafeteria.  I notice that the handle has been replaced as I enter the room.  I see that Max and Ryan are already here but not Tris yet.  I get in line and grab my dinner.  I take a seat between Ryan and Max. 
"Did Lydia cool off?" I ask Max cutting into my pork roast. 
"About that," he says. 
"Yeah?" I encourage taking a bite since he paused. 
"I probably should've told you why she was so upset," he tells me guiltily. 
I wait setting my utensils down, my plate before me forgotten.  It's obvious now he's been keeping things from me. 
"I found out this morning after breakfast.  Security notified me of the docket in prison.  I was given the typical paperwork of why the prisoners were arrested," he explains. 
"Continue," I respond.  I'm familiar with the protocol.  It's usually what we look into upon entering the office each day when there's a change. 
"Well, someone was imprisoned for approaching Tris last night while she was out with her friends," he continues. 
I sigh shakily. 
"Is she alright?" I question worriedly. 
"She's fine.  She's been with her friends and security said they moved in on him immediately.  They were watching him like a hawk since you called," Max explains. 
"Aries?" I ask confused. 
Max nods solemnly. 
I sigh harshly at that.  He was looking for her. 
"Tell me everything," I insist. 
"According to security, he was searching around for her," he elaborates.  "He went from bar to bar to find her.  When he did, he approached her.  It appeared like she rejected him.  Then he drank with his friends in the Pit and waited until she came by with the girls.  As she passed, he approached her.  She rejected him again and told him to go home.  He took that as an invitation, grabbed her by the arm.  She told him to let go.  He didn't listen so she used a self-defense move you clearly taught her to practically break his arm and force him to let her go.  Security moved in and took him.  He was intoxicated."
"I'm tempted to go down there and deal with him myself," I say lowly, angrily. 
"Do you think that would please Tris?" Max asks me seriously. 
I meet his eyes. 
"She handled this.  She handled it well.  It's her first sentencing.  How do you think it'll make her feel if you change her ruling?" he questions. 
I sigh harshly and turn away. 
"Yeah... you're right," I say pursing my lips and attempting to calm down.  "I want to deal with him but you're right.  This is her choice," I nod. 
"She said for them to hold him until Monday.  I told security that we'll all come down and talk to him before we consider release," he tells me. 
I sigh. 
"That's fine," I reply glancing at Ryan who's still eating his dinner but listening intently to us. 
"Aries is an idiot," he says going back to his food. 
Max chuckles, "You don't hear me disagreeing.  He's like... double her age.  And he's a womanizer.  Why would she want a dirty old man?"
I laugh at that. 
"You should tell him that," I grin. 
"You were thinking it, too," he insists. 
"Yeah, but... it'd make more of a difference coming from you than me," I point out. 
"What makes you say that?" he questions eating a bite of mashed potatoes. 
"He idolizes you.  He hates me because I have what he'll never get," I grin smugly. 
"You better cherish that," he insists motioning to the door. 
I fix my attention there as she steps in.  It's like time stands still as I gravitate towards her.

A Different Divergent Tale (Eric and Tris)Where stories live. Discover now