Chapter 26 (Eric's POV)

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I wake in the morning reeling from everything I've learned last night.  I rub my hands over face and try to get on with my day knowing that Erudite can get into our system and view anything they want.  I just hope they don't see anything with us revealing Tris's Divergence.  I will protect her with my life. 
I rise and get ready for the day.  I come back to my bedroom in a towel and decide that Tris did really well with physical training yesterday.  Maybe we should start our day with that.  I do prefer to exercise in the mornings.  I decide that'll probably be best since she completed so much paperwork yesterday.  I feel like if her pace does continue as it is, she will be finished with the written portion in no time.  We do need to get her up to leadership status physically as quickly as we can, yet at a pace she can manage. 
I change into some workout clothes, grabbing a clean vest and my holster.  I figure that maybe we'll practice with guns today also.  She should probably get some practice in with hers since the weight and style are very different from the rifles and handguns she used in initiation. 
I tie my shoes and notice my nightstand drawer opened slightly.  I set my necklace in there last night.  I'm tempted to give Tris my mother's ring some day, but I feel like maybe I should get something special just for her.  It feels as if she was held back so much in her childhood, no real experiences or gifts.  I decide to test out my thoughts the next chance I get.
I finish with my laces and stand up. I straighten my sheets and pillows before taking the towel to the bathroom. I pick up my laundry and toss it into the hamper before crossing the apartment and grabbing my keys and point card. I look over my apartment and realize how much nicer it looks now that I'm keeping it picked up. She really is changing me... and I honestly don't mind. I feel like doing things with her like laundry or whatever is drawing me in, making us closer... maybe preparing us for a future together—I hope.
I lock up and knock on her door softly. There's no answer. I'm tempted to call her but she's given me a key. I knock again with no answer and decide to open the door. Four's not watching anymore and nobody else cares. I step in and call out her name. No answer. I'm getting a little worried. I step back to her bedroom to see the door is shut. I look to the bathroom and there's no water in her shower... maybe she's still asleep.
I tap on her door with no answer. The doorknob isn't locked... please don't let me walk in on her getting dressed. I open the door to see sleeping beauty still in bed. I smile at that. I hope I didn't push her too hard yesterday. Now I'm regretting dressing for the training room. Maybe she's not up for it. I step closer to her and realize she's in the exact place I put her in last night. I can't believe she fell asleep on my lap. I carried her here after I got a little cuddle party last night when she was asleep. I crouch down beside her and grasp her hand. She's so peaceful in her sleep. I bend over and kiss her lips gently. She doesn't wake. I'm tempted to kiss her more but then I'll probably be too aroused. I caress her face with my hand and kiss her gently again. I hear a soft sigh.
"Tris?" I whisper. I graze her cheek gently with my thumb as my hand rests around her face. She sighs again and leans against my hand.
I smile at the sweetness of how she looks, how she moves toward me. I continue to caress her cheek while my other thumb rubs circles on the back of her hand. She must really be tired. I don't want to shake her awake but I may have to.
"Tris," I whisper again and kiss her lips more firmly. I can't help but deepen the kiss. She jolts and then sighs kissing me back. I remember not to do anything else and I slowly back off. She's grinning.
"I was just dreaming about you," she admits.
I can't help the smirk on my face. "How are you feeling?" I ask. I'm a little worried that she's too tired.
"I'm good," she replies. I watch her as she stretches her arms and legs, yawning.
"Are you always this heavy of a sleeper?" I wonder.
"I'm not a heavy sleeper," she defends.
"I kissed you like three times. I called your name twice. I could've shaken you awake but I prefer my own way," I tell her.
"I think I do, too," she admits. Then I see her flush. I'm grinning at hearing that though.
"You want to get up or are you too tired?" I ask.
"No, I'm fine," she says sitting up.
I watch as she rises and rubs her eyes.
"Are we working out this morning?" she asks noticing what I'm wearing.
"Are you up for that?" I question.
She stands up. "Yeah," she nods. "I feel pretty good."
I smile.
"Why don't I get ready?" she says.
"Okay," I nod.
She steps to her dresser and she selects a few things. I watch as she moves to her bathroom and closes the door. I sigh taking a seat on her bed. This is more comfortable than mine. My bed is still pretty nice though. I feel the texture of the bedding thinking it's a better quality than what I have, too. I'm not sure if it was Christina or Hannah that chose this but I like it. I hear the shower turn on and I sigh. I decide to help her with getting ready. I make her bed and go to the kitchen. I get out her vitamins and a glass of water. I set them on the island with her keys and phone.
I know I have a hairdryer in my apartment and I wonder if she'd want it. I never use it. Maybe Egan did. He did have longer hair for a man. His was a bit longer than mine on top but it was like that all over. I step across the hall and grab it anyway. I think about Egan and how he appears to have been possibly killing Divergents. He was definitely working for Jeanine. I'm grateful that he's no longer here and Tris is safe.
I come back and knock on the bathroom door. The water hasn't been running and maybe she's done.
"Yes?" she calls out.
"I have a present for you that I thought you'd like," I say.
"Just a second," she says.
She opens the door and I see her drying her hair with a towel.
"You want to use this?" I offer.
"What is it?" she asks.
I decide to step in and plug it in.  I've used them before in the winter before school but never in Dauntless. We barely leave the compound.
I turn it on low and dry her hair. She stares at my reflection. I run my fingers through her hair as I dry and notice how nice her hair smells. She closes her eyes as I massage her head. When it's mostly dry, I turn the dryer off setting it on the counter. Her eyes are still closed and I wrap my arms around her chest and kiss the top of her head.
I feel her fingers run across my forearms and she sighs softly. "Why are the most mundane things so enjoyable with you?" she asks.
She turns her face toward me and I capture her lips with mine. I realize she already brushed her teeth and I deepen the kiss. She sighs loudly when I back away.
"Are you hungry?" I ask. 
"I could eat," she nods. 
She grabs her vest and holster from the bedroom before we head out towards the door.  I stop her to take her vitamins.  "I think I forgot these yesterday," she says. 
"You want me to be around to remind you?" I offer. 
"I remembered on Sunday.  Maybe it was just hectic yesterday," she says. 
"How about I just ask in the morning if you remembered?" I suggest. 
"Okay," she nods.  "Thank you."
I smile in reply.  She swallows them quickly and we're off.
We walk through the Pit and I still hear people around us talking about Four.  None of it's very positive and I'm kind of grateful that this may not be a problem—our relationship.  It seems like they're all glad she walked away from him.  I am, too.  When I saw them together after posting the final ranks in the cafeteria—her kissing him and him kissing back—I assumed maybe he changed his mind or was just waiting until after initiation.  I'll admit I was pretty heartbroken about it, thinking I had missed my chance.  I was sad for her that she was pulled through this mess with him but ecstatic that I've been given a chance with her.  I really do hope this lasts.  Everything I've told her is true—about how I feel about her and this relationship.  She's the best part of my day—the best part of my life so far.  I hope this never ends. 
We enter the cafeteria and I see we've grabbed the attention of the room.  I pull her with me to the line and try not to care that Four is staring us down like he always does.  At least he's not following us around anymore though.  If that happens again, he may be placed into lockup.  I will not have her harassed by him or we will have some serious words. 
I see there's oatmeal and Tris doesn't look too interested in it.  "You can put something in it," I offer.  "There's yogurt, too, and muffins."
"What are you getting?" she asks. 
"I'll get the oatmeal but a bit of everything else, too," I say.  She follows me robotically and gets the same as me, just smaller portions. 
We make our way to the leadership table and I notice it's just Zeke, Shauna, and Four at their table so far.  He's still watching us but it looks like his friends are trying to grab his attention.  They know it'll cause trouble, I'm sure, if he doesn't back off. 
We sit and I don't think Tris has even noticed his attention directed at us yet and I'm glad.  I'm used to being the center of attention from Dauntless but it's different for Tris—his gaze is piercing and personal when it comes to her.  He's mostly got his eyes on me now, and now I know he thinks I'm the reason for their breakup.  I know I really had nothing to do with it but in his mind, it's all my fault.  I'm not going to live in his fantasy world, though.  I'm going to live my life with my girl and in a couple of days it will be in public.  I wonder what his reaction will be.  I guess I'll make sure to keep an eye out for him.  If he causes a scene—especially one like Sunday—he will be in some serious trouble. 
I hear Lydia and Tris talking about working out today.  "I'm glad you have the energy.  I was out for the first week from those shots," Lydia explains. 
"I conked out on Eric on Saturday but so far I've been okay," Tris explains and Lydia laughs, peeking around her to wink at me.  "I've been a little tired but not too bad so far.  I am on the pill so maybe it's leveled me out."
Lydia looks at me excitedly.  "You're all set then, Eric.  No worries there," she winks at me again. 
Tris flushes in embarrassment and I know I do as well.  "Stop embarrassing her Lydia," I insist.  "She wants to wait until marriage."
Lydia blinks in surprise.  "Why?" she asks confused directing her question at Tris. 
"Because it's a connection I believe I should only share with my spouse.  It's part of my... religion," she says, I think for Lydia's benefit.  "It's something I believe, for myself, I should follow.  I'm not saying that it won't be a struggle but I think it's important enough for me to do to honor my God, my spouse, and myself."
Lydia appears surprised by her explanation.  She looks to be really thinking it over.  She glances at me then focuses on Tris.  "That's actually kind of nice," she says in awe.  "I never really thought of anything like that before, how it is kind of personal."  She pauses biting her lip as if she's debating on telling Tris something.  She releases her lip and opens her mouth.  "I've had a couple different lovers," she admits.  "I've always been monogamous in the relationships.  Things moved quickly at first and I enjoyed myself but then once we got to really know each other, I realized that they weren't a good match for me.  I was always the one to end things.  Hale feels different for me.  We've been together the longest and I've never felt a need to move on from him.  I guess since my parents divorced after thirteen years of marriage, I'm a little afraid to make that kind of commitment."
Tris holds her hand in understanding.  "My parents argued a little from time to time, but they never got to the point where they gave up on each other.  They would step aside when they were angry. When they calmed down, they'd talk out their problems and realize what's most important," Tris explains. 
"What's most important?" Lydia asks intrigued. 
"That they love each other enough to compromise and work through every issue.  They may have disagreements, but they push petty differences aside and choose to love each other more than a little disagreement," Tris responds. 
"My mind is blown," Lydia says in awe.  "Next time I see your father, I'm taking him aside and shaking his hand."
Tris laughs in surprise.  I'm sure she's thinking the physical contact may make him uncomfortable but the kindness of the act will—I'm sure—outweigh the discomfort. 
She turns back to me and I notice that she hasn't really touched her food.  "Not hungry?" I ask. 
"I'm not sure what to put in everything," she says. 
I realize she hadn't mixed any of the toppings in but she did get the same as me.  "These are apples and cinnamon.  There's also some brown sugar in there.  I put that in my oatmeal," I say.  She dumps it on.  I stir it in for her.  "I put some almonds on top, too," I explain and add those.  "I put the berries in my yogurt," I say and add those in. 
"I tried that plain.  It was pretty interesting.  I'd never had it before," she explains. 
"Why don't you try it now?" I say after mixing them in for her. 
She takes a bite and I can tell from her expression that she likes it.  "It's like a dessert," she says.  I grin at her. 
"Try the oatmeal," I insist.  She takes a bite and has a surprised expression on her face. 
"I... I actually like this," she says. 
"I'm glad," I say rubbing her back.  She continues to eat her food and I don't know why but I look up.  Four is staring me down with a hard expression.  I realize my hand is still on her back and I return his stare, leaning back in my chair.  I put my arm across the top of Tris's chair and he's eyeing me like I've crossed his imaginary barrier around her. 
Max joins my side with his tray and he sighs as he sits down.  I'm sure he notices my gaze and I see him lean closer to me with my peripheral vision and shake his head.  Four turns away first. 
"Pansy," I mumble under my breath. 
"Did he have a choice?" Max chuckles softly. 
"No, but he's still a pansy," I insist. 
"So, how long has that been going on?" he asks motioning to Four. 
"Since we stepped in the cafeteria," I tell him. 
He sets down his spoon and rubs his face.  "He needs to back off and let this go," he says with a sigh. 
I continue to see him glance up here but he's trying to play if off like he's not.  "You want me to have security escort him out?" Max asks when I'm still staring him down. 
"No," I say breaking my gaze.  I look to Max.  "He's being watched.  If he makes a move or bothers her, I'll call them myself."
I notice Tris waving to someone.  I look up to see Christina, Lynn and Marlene sitting down for breakfast and they're waving and smiling at Tris. 
She's grinning... then her expression changes and she looks away.  I see Four looking at her again. 
"Is he bothering you?" I ask. 
"No, just kind of making my skin crawl that he's always gawking at me," she says. 
"Max was offering to have him escorted out.  If he's irritating you that much we can have him removed," I offer. 
She shakes her head.  "I wouldn't do that unless he was really doing something wrong," she tells me. 
"Let me know if it continues to make you uncomfortable," I insist. 
Her eyes meet mine and they soften.  "Okay," she says placing her hand on mine.  She continues on her breakfast and I glance at Four to see him turn away but he definitely saw her touch me.  His jaw is set and he looks like he's grinding his teeth.  A moment later he leans over and whispers something to Zeke.  Zeke shakes his head profusely.  I even see him raise his hands in a defensive manner and it looks like whatever Four is saying to him is making Zeke really uncomfortable.  Some guards approach Four and he rises with his tray and takes one more look at Tris before leaving. 
I decide to call Zeke.  I consider him one of my friends even though he's closer to Four.  It rings and he looks to his phone before looking up at me.  He answers, "What's going on, big guy?"
I chuckle.  "What's going on with Four?" I ask. 
He winces.  "Man, I don't know."  He looks to Shauna then his brother arriving. 
"Too many people to talk?" I ask him. 
"Yeah, definitely," he nods. 
"Come up here then.  I need to ask you some questions," I say. 
"To the leaders' table?" he whisper-yells. 
"It'll be fine," I insist. 
"Alright," he says hanging up.  He excuses himself and walks around the tables.  He hesitates at the incline and I wave him forward.  He walks up kind of grinning and in awe.  He crouches down between Max and me laughing.  "First Pedrad to ever be allowed up here," he says disbelievingly. 
"So what's going on with Four?" I ask. 
He glances over to Tris worriedly.  "He says you got between him and Tris," he whispers. 
"Oh?" Max says raising an eyebrow.  "Then how did he get his job switched if it was something petty like that?"
"Yeah, I really don't understand what's going on," he says shaking his head. 
Max and I fill him in and for a darker man, he actually looks a little pale—kind of sick to his stomach.  "So... he's been lying to me," he says disbelievingly. 
"What'd he say?" I ask. 
"He says you dangled a leadership position in her face and filled her head with ideas that he can't be with someone like her.  He told me you even called him to the offices and talked with him about it.  He says he's not allowed to go around her anymore," he says. 
Max sighs.  "We're having him see a counselor from Amity.  Maybe she should be meeting with him more than once a week.  He sounds like he needs more help.  I don't want to kick him out for this but if he continues to bother Tris, we may have to," Max says.
Zeke looks concerned. 
"What did he say to you just now?" I ask him. 
"He... he wanted me to tell him when Tris was home alone tonight so he could go talk to her.  He wanted me to look it up on the monitors," he admits. 
Max sighs irritably.  "I don't want him pulling his friends into this," he says to me.  He turns his gaze to Zeke, "He's being monitored.  You don't want to get yourself involved in this.  If he asks you for any more favors like that, tell him it's not worth getting kicked out of Dauntless for.  Tell him he needs to back off."
"Yes, sir," Zeke nods.  "That's kind of what I said to him a minute ago."
"Good man," Max says patting him on the shoulder. 
Zeke smiles. 
"So how's your mom doing?" I ask. 
He laughs.  "Good.  She said her next paycheck should be big.  She wants Uriah and me to come over for a steak dinner after payday.  She must've made a really big sale.  She usually only does that for our birthdays," he explains. 
"I'm glad she's doing well.  Give her my love," I say. 
"Of course.  She adores you.  I don't know why Four doesn't see that you're a good guy," he says slapping my back. 
I thank him for coming up.  He smiles at me and goes to leave. 
"Hey, Zeke!" Tris calls out. 
"Yes, ma'am," he says to her. 
She smiles at him.  "Do you know if your mom always works on Saturdays?" she asks. 
"She does," he nods.  "She works eight in the morning until five at night.  She gets a lunch break and it's usually around 11:30."
"Okay," she smiles.  "Tell her I need her help and I'll see her on Saturday."
He grins at Tris.  "Yes, ma'am," he nods before heading back to join Shauna. 
I notice Tris sigh. "You okay?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'm just really full. I'm not used to enjoying my oatmeal," she explains and I smile at her.
"How about we practice with your new firearms before we hit the weights," I suggest.
"Sounds like fun," she grins.

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