Chapter 77

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I change at home.  Eric said it was my choice of what I wanted to wear... but he did mention that we're going out of faction and to wear something either casual or slightly dressy.  He told me that we're taking a half day off and we're riding his bike out.  I assume he meant motorcycle.  He explained that I'm not training on it today, though.  He insisted I've had too much stress lately and we needed to do something to loosen up.  I thought that sentiment was sweet. 
I select a loose, tea length skirt.  It used to drag the ground before but it still fits. It's just an entirely different style on me now that I've gotten taller.  It's made of a lightweight tiered linen material.  I love the way it moves on me.  I select a button down shirt with slightly puffy sleeves.  It shows a faint midriff with the skirt high up on my waist.  The collar is kind of a scoop neck but modest.  It also has a gathered fringe around the neck and sleeves.  I love how I look in this.  It actually makes me feel beautiful. 
I slip on some comfortable flats without socks and head to the bathroom to fix my hair.  I've just had it in a ponytail today so I take it out of the band and brush it looking through my booklet of styles for one that suits my mood today.  I stop at a French braid.  There are tight and loose options, some with several braids and numerous possibilities with only one.  I decide to try a looser single braid with the fishtail variant.  I practice it and it's not bad.  It holds my hair back nicely and it looks really good.  I tie it up and put a thin layer of sunscreen on before applying a little bit of makeup.  I use a light pink shadow pack with a slight hint of brown liner.  I use the brown mascara I bought and it's much more casual than the excessively dark black.  I put on a small amount of a medium pink lipstick with a pearlescent shimmer.  I smile at how this style makes me look more noticeable yet it's not overwhelming.  It's just a slight change in what I look like without... yet a bit nicer.  I go back to my bedroom and select a necklace to wear.  I know I've worn it frequently but it's my favorite.  This one has a silvery metal chain with an oval white pearlescent stone that kind of matches with my lipstick.  I put it on and notice my bottles of perfume.  If we're outside, they might attract insects... but one has lavender in it and I know that's commonly used as a bug deterrent.  I spritz one spray into the air and walk into it. Christina taught me that move while we were shopping.
I hear a knock on my door and I laugh lightly in surprise that he's seriously not walking in. I rush to the door and look through my peephole which I actually have to bend down slightly to see. It is Eric... but he oddly looks nervous. He's pacing. I open the door and he smiles at me.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says leaning up against the doorjamb.
"Hi," I grin at him.
He leans in and pecks my lips sweetly.
"I didn't just make a mistake, did I?" he asks me.
I run my thumb across his lips. "No, you're good," I say shaking my head.
"Good," he says kissing me more firmly. "Are you ready?" he whispers along my cheek.
"Almost," reply.
He pulls a bouquet out from behind his back of those black dragon roses from Amity that I loved—which are dark purple and white. I gasp in surprise. I take them from him in awe. They're gorgeous. They're just opening up and every single one is perfect and unique. He has them wrapped up with a purple ribbon.
"They're beautiful. Thank you," I whisper.
"You're welcome, sweetheart," he replies grinning. 
I kiss him again and encourage him to come in.  I get out a vase for these but decide on leaving the ribbon wrapped around them—they're just to pretty to unwrap.  I fill up my smaller green vase partway with water and set it in there.  I place the vase on my island so it's the first thing I see when I come home.  I grab my purse and put several things in it since I'm not sure what we're doing and how long we'll be gone. 
"Ready?" Eric asks. 
I nod. 
He reaches out and takes my hand.  I notice that he grabbed a small bag but I don't ask about it.  He's going out of his way to do something special for me and I like surprises.  This is all a new experience for me. 
We head out of my apartment locking up, then go down to the Pit moving toward the parking garage.  We step into the guard shack and Eric requests his motorcycle keys.  The guard grins and nods handing them over.  Eric puts his hand around my waist and escorts me over to it. I see five motorcycles lined up just behind the guard shack. Two are a little scratched up and dented. I know whose those are. He takes me to the closest one—which is probably what I would've guessed is his if he asked me. He grabs a helmet off of the shelf nearby. It looks like it should fit him. He picks up a smaller one by a middle vehicle. That one is probably Lydia's.
"We'll have to order you one," he mentions softly. "Try this one on."
I take it and put it on. It fits but it's a little snug.
"Try Ryan's, too," he suggests.
I take Lydia's off and try Ryan's. It's looser but not too bad.
"That one is probably better for now," Eric says.
"Okay," I reply softly.
I observe as Eric opens a compartment beneath the seat and tucks his bag in there. He takes my purse and places it in as well prior to closing the inconspicuous nook. He puts his helmet on and climbs on. He encourages me to get on the back.  I've seen this done before in town by a few people but I've never imagined I'd be doing this myself. I climb on behind him with one leg on each side and hold on. I know I'm blushing at the unusual position we're in. He starts the engine and it's much louder than his truck. He begins to pull out and I squeal in surprise at the movement, holding on tighter. I feel Eric shaking with laughter but he caresses my arm as he slows at the exit. He pulls through gradually and then turns right onto the main road. He makes another right and I know where we're heading—Candor. He accelerates rapidly and I grab on more firmly screaming in surprise again.  After a moment, I realize how incredible this actually is, though.  I enjoy the speed we travel at, the twists and turns.  This is quite surprising and fun—giving me a tremendous rush likened to that of zip lining. 
We arrive to Candor in no time at all.  Eric moves more cautiously and at a gradual pace around the traffic.  He drives us around near the courthouses and stops in front of a building that appears rather classy on the outside.  He turns off the vehicle and pulls out the keys.  He steps off and removes his helmet. 
"You want to come in?" he offers. 
I remove my helmet as well and realize where we are—he's taking me to lunch at the Candor restaurant he told me about, the one that serves Dauntless on Saturdays. 
I smile and climb off setting my helmet beside his on the seat.  He takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it before lacing our fingers together and leading me inside. 
The Candor staff greets us immediately even though the lobby is currently filled with Candor businessmen and lawyers.  "Your order is almost ready," Grace—the hostess—informs us.  I look to Eric in surprise and wonder if he made us a reservation like last time, possibly if he ordered something in advance that he thought I'd enjoy. 
Another staff member arrives to the hostess stand carrying a large wooden picnic-style basket.  Eric swipes his point card with the hostess and thanks them both taking the basket from them.  He leads me out of the entrance and I'm grinning that he really did plan something memorable.  I'm also looking forward to whatever is in that basket because it smells incredible. 
Eric guides me back over to his motorcycle and attaches the basket to the back, just behind where I'll sit.  He uses a flexible cord and secures it quite well.  He grabs his helmet to put it back on but stops and kisses me sweetly first.  I can't help but grin at that. He puts his helmet on and so do I. He climbs on.  I follow suit and get situated before we drive off together.  He passes the Merciless Mart and crosses the bridge there. It's quiet here with a bit of green space. There are several trees along the ridge of the little creek with a bit of a maintained stone path along the way. It's beautiful over here.
Eric pulls his motorcycle aside and parks. I'm beaming. This looks fantastic... and nobody is really over here. This feels incredibly private and unique. Eric dismounts the motorcycle and removes his helmet. I follow. He removes his bag first and hands me my purse before setting his helmet down. I see him carefully pull a blanket out of the bag and I'm so moved by how sweet this is. I help him to straighten up the blanket before sitting it down.  I grin and take a seat while he unstraps the picnic basket from the motorcycle.  He brings the basket over and takes a seat across from me.  I slip off my shoes getting comfortable while he opens the basket and starts laying out the meal he requested. I see a plate with some incredible looking fruit—some grapes, strawberries, and cherries. There's a variety of sliced bread and crackers in a small dish. He sets out a little plate with cheeses—all unique and kinds that I don't think I've ever seen before. He brings out a bottle of wine and two glass flutes that are wrapped in cloth napkins. He sets those aside momentarily while he closes up the basket. I grin. I know there's more but this is enough to get us started. He offers me a small plate and I realize these are real dishes, not disposable. I take it from him and he puts some fruit on it for me along with a selection of the breads and cheeses. Some, he spreads onto a cracker and I'm grinning. I would've had no idea that's what you're supposed to do. 
"You want some sparkling wine, sweetheart?" he offers. 
"S... sure," I agree.  "Only a little."
He nods and pours me a half glass then some for himself.  He holds them both in hand and passes me mine.  I set my plate on my lap and take it from him.  He clangs our glasses together.  "Cheers," he says. 
"What are we drinking to?" I ask with a smile. 
"To you... and us... and a great day," he smirks at me. 
My smile widens and I raise my glass before sipping it.  It's good—kind of dry, yet crisp and refreshing. 
I set my glass down carefully on the top of the basket.  It's the only thing around that'll support it without tipping over.  I pick up my plate once more and can't help but try one of those crackers with the cheese spread.  I take a bite and it's delicious.  The cracker is crispy with salt and herbs inside.  The cheese has hints of a nutty flavor with cranberries, I think, in there.  I almost don't want to try anything else after I finish that cracker but I'm intrigued by these grapes I've never seen before.  There's a sprig of light purple grapes but they're so tiny that they remind me of newborn toes.  I know that's ridiculous but they're so minuscule and adorable in appearance.  I pull off one and try it, closing my eyes at how flavorful that miniature morsel was.  I'm so incredibly surprised that I eat the entire bunch before I move on.  I have another sip of my wine before I eat a strawberry.  I realize these have a different look and appearance to the others I've had this season.  This one is very tiny and kind of a short wedge shape.  I try it and it's got a different flavor from the ones I've had previously.  It's still incredible, just different.  There's a couple more that are rather globose in shape but substantially larger.  The texture to this one is different and it's significantly sweeter.  I smile at how even the typical can be spectacular.  I try another grape.  This one is large and has a very dark purple skin.  I bite into it and it tastes just like the red grape juice they have in the cafeteria.  It's phenomenal... but I realize it's seeded.  I discreetly spit out the seeds but I think that one actually is my favorite of the grapes.  I try a large green one and it's similar to the last—with the seeds and size.  It does remind me much of a wine I've tasted so I'm assuming this is what it's made from.  I sip from my glass again and reach for the slice of the toasted bread.  I set a piece of cheese on it.  In all honesty, it looks moldy but Eric seems to be enjoying it so I try it.  It's different but not terrible.  I like the bread and I absolutely want to bake some of my own in the future.  I try some different cheese—white with holes—and it's fantastic.  It reminds me of a sandwich Eric gave me before but this cheese is better. 
When we've finished what was out, Eric takes my plate and picks up a bit.  Then he gets out a dish of what appears to be like fried chicken.  There's two containers with some sort of noodle side dish and another with a salad.  I take the salad first.  I see cut melons in there with some cheese and a vinaigrette dressing on top of a bed of atypical greens.  We've never had anything like those that I've noticed in Dauntless.  I try a bite with the fork Eric hands me and I'm floored at how delicious this is.  It's by far the most unique salad I've had.  I see what looks to be seeds of some sort in there.  When I try them, they're toasty, crunchy, and add a unique texture to the salad.  I notice there's a mint flavor in the dish and I realize that it has chopped mint leaves. 
"We've got to make something like this in the future," Eric comments. 
"Yeah," I agree with a smile. 
I finish my salad and move onto the plate he made me with the pasta.  I see the container with the protein on it and I think it resembles fried chicken... but it doesn't really smell like fried chicken.  The shape is different, too. 
"What is this?" I ask curiously. 
"Just try it," he insists.  "Take any piece you want."
"Alright," I say a little hesitantly.  I select one of the medium sized pieces and put it on my plate.  It is battered and fried.  I try a bite and it definitely tastes similar to chicken... but it is different.  It's possible that it's the seasoning.  It's good.  I'd definitely eat this again.  The flavor is stronger and dare I say... earthy?  It's rather juicy and there is quite a bit of seasoning on it.  It's got a little more heat than I'm used to but not overly so. 
"It's not too spicy, is it?" Eric asks me. 
"No," I shake my head.  "It's good."
He smirks at me and encourages me to try the pasta.  They're an unusual shape—kind of a twirly, twisted shape.  The texture is so different from that of any other pasta I've had.  It's more chewy yet it has a slight bite to it.  The sauce is creamy with parmesan cheese in it.  I see a few flecks of basil leaves in there and I can definitely taste them in my next bite.  I see a mushroom that I hadn't noticed in Amity and I try it.  It's incredible—by far the best I've tasted.  It's kind of nutty but a little woodsy as well. 
"Those are morels.  I've seen them growing in the forest before," Eric tells me. 
"Are you sure?" I question. 
"I thought that's what they were.  My grandma harvested some when I was a kid and made something like this for me.  That's why I chose this set menu," he tells me. 
I grin at that.  I eat my meal and listen as he explains.  He elaborates on how there are only two or three set menus per day for lunch in Candor.  He's been here a couple times but always inside.  "Jude took me once when I observed one of the trials with him," he continues.  He tells me how he and Ryan have been known to come and get ice cream.  He also says that when he goes—if he thinks about it—he's been known to get some pints of ice cream for Lydia.  He goes on about how Max accompanied him to Erudite once to have a dinner meeting with Jeanine, so that'd have to be on a Sunday.  I smile at how he's had some special moments with each of the leaders. 
We actually finish the meal splitting the protein in half so we each got another piece.  Eric looks in the basket and pulls out a dessert plate.  It has two each of several varieties of desserts.  They're all diminutive and exquisite—looking.  He gets out two very tiny cups and opens a small insulated mug carefully pouring each of us two cups of what I can smell is the most incredible scent of coffee I think I've encountered. 
"It's strong so just sip it," he explains handing me a steaming cup. 
"What is it?" I inquire. 
"Espresso.  It'll be a little bitter.  Have it with the dessert," he advises. 
I nod and take the closest one putting it on a little plate.  It's like a round mini cake.  It appears to be chocolate.  I take a bite and savor it.  It is incredibly sweet though so I sip the coffee.  It does mellow the flavor out and pair well.  I finish the dessert in two bites and move onto one that looks like a triangular shaped chocolate chip cookie.  I bite into it and it's softer and lighter but very cookie-like in flavor and texture.  Another appears as if it's an actual cup made of chocolate and filled with what seems to be whipped cream but I could be wrong.  I bite into the edible dish and it's more creamy and solid than whipped cream. 
"This vanilla bean mousse is my favorite so far," Eric states. 
"Is that what it is?" I inquire since he's eating the same. 
He nods and sips his beverage.  I do as well. 
I try a layered rectangle next.  It has a shiny chocolate coating top with cake layers and a light, buttery cream between each.  It's fabulous as well.  There's one more sandwich-like cookie remaining.  It's comprised of two dome-like cookies with a chocolate filling.  I bite into it and notice a slight almond flavor.  I grin and sip the remainder of my coffee with it.  I smile completely impressed with Eric's choices today.  I definitely feel better—not that I was bothered too much earlier anyway but I wasn't going to argue.  I think he was holding back for the entire situation this morning for my sake.  I appreciate it. 
I help Eric pack up the dishes back into the picnic basket and we set it aside.  We sip the remainder of the wine together and lay down on the blanket looking up at the clouds through our tree-shaded canopy—observing them move with the wind and change shape.  I love this—having the moment to relax and just enjoy the day.  The weather is beautiful, the temperature—perfect.  I couldn't ask for a better day. 
Eric tells me the shapes he sees in the clouds.  As I question which one, he points it out and explains.  I start to see those shapes in his perspective and I find his imagination fascinating.  I look over at him as he describes the next set for me.  He glances down at me grinning.  Our eyes connect and he leans in the small distance between us meeting my lips with his.  He deepens the kiss.  I realize what position we're in and I put my hand to his chest saying the same teasing remark as before. 
"I think this hand needs some jewelry before we continue," I laugh lightly. 
"Do you want a ring, sweetheart?" he asks me in a sensual whisper. 
I meet his eyes once more to see he's serious. 
"Maybe," I respond just as softly.  I'm oddly not blushing, though... and I find that surprising. 
"Come on," he insists rising and pulling me up.  "I've got to return the dishes."
"Alright," I nod following him. 
We pick up the blanket and pack it up into the motorcycle.  Instead of driving back to the restaurant, Eric carries the basket and holds my hand.  We stroll leisurely through the walkway.  The stone path, the trees, the trickle of water in the distance all sets the stage for a perfect relaxing walk.  We arrive back to the bridge and cross it on one side.  We come to the Merciless Mart and walk a couple blocks down, back toward the restaurant.  We enter inside. Eric hands them the basket.  They remove the dishes and return the basket to him.  We thank them for the lovely meal and head out.  We meander through Candor.  I see that dress shop with the white gowns out of the corner of my eye and can't help but think how I feel about what he just said. I smile at that. 
We continue to walk down a picturesque corridor with lively traffic.  It would appear that we were out later than I thought.  Candor is having a shift change and the court sessions have ended.  Everyone is going home and passing by.  I can't help but get caught up in the excitement of the day.  Each person who crosses my path seems exceptionally happy to be going home—I'm sure since they usually have an early start to the workday. 
"Sweetheart?" Eric asks me softly. 
"Yes?" I respond looking away from the bustling crowd to meet his eyes. 
"Can you hold this for me for a minute?" he asks handing me the basket. 
"Sure," I nod taking it from his grasp.  It's heavier than I expected so I switch to holding it with my right arm. 
I look to Eric to find out why he needed me to hold this basket for him.  I see him reaching into his pocket.  He pulls out a little black box... and gets down on one knee...

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