13 - Little Talks

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I was on the phone with Adrien while I got ready to hang out with Jackie and Kayla. Gleeful Gabriel decided to not let Adrien hang out with us because he has to go to the mayor and his wife's anniversary. Speaking of which I have not seen Chloe since I moved here. She was one of my best friends as a child, we were both in the same ballet class and she was the only good thing that came from going to those classes.

"Dude I'm telling you! It was the biggest fucking ladybug I've ever seen!" I exclaimed.

"Aren't you just describing Ladybug?"

"No it was like an actual ladybug."

"Oh hey Kagami!"

"Girly who tf is Kagami?"

"You'd love her, she's awesome."

"By the sounds of it you do too."

"Don't you have to go hang out with your goth girlfriend?"

"Shut up bootlegged Barbie. I'll see ya later man."

"See ya!"

I hung up the phone and headed down to the living room.

"Hey Dad!" I greeted him as I headed down the stairs.

"In a hurry?" He said throwing me a croissant.

"Yes actually, I'm hanging out with Kayla and Jackie and I'm already late."

"Tell them I said hi and that they're welcome to come over for dinner."

"I will!" I headed out the door and to the hotel Jackie and Kayla were staying at. They were waiting out the front and Jackie ran over and jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around me almost making me fall over.

"JACKIE CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" I managed to regain my balance.

"Sorry!" She jumped off me and Kayla joined us.

"So what's the plan for today?" Kayla asked.

"First, we're going to get some breakfast at the Dupain bakery."

We made it to Marinette's parent's bakery and they seemed happy to see me.

"Hi Mr Dupain, Hi Mrs Cheng." I greeted them.

"Y/n! It's good to see you." Mrs Cheng handed me three croissants and I payed for them and left. Jackie took one bite and I think her soul ascended to Heaven and spiritually high fived God.

"It's majestic..."

We headed out to the park and sat on the grass for a bit eating our croissants.

"So what's next on the agenda?" Jackie asked.

"Well I-" A loud crash came from the distance. "We hide." We ran into the public restroom and I locked Kayla and Jackie into a stall.

"Wait what about you?" Jackie asked concerned while hugging onto Kayla.

"I'll be fine, you two stay here."

I ran off to an alley.

"Every fucking day." I say as Heathen flies out of my pocket.

"So you gonna feed me?"

I handed him a piece of my croissant.

"Is it spicy?"

"Just eat it you ungrateful shit. Heathen, Bloodshed!" I transform and head out to find Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting a massive pink head. Hawky's getting less creative by the butterfly.

"I take the anniversary didn't go well." I say knocking back one of the weird laser beams that were fired at me.

"They weren't so lovey dovey after all." Chat Noir said.

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (Luka x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin