1 - I love Rock and Roll

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(I will be using She/her pronouns but by all means change it to fit your pronouns)

My band was doing significantly well. Our band is called  Fluorescent Luminescence. We were a masked band to avoid unwanted paparazzi, we all wore half gas masks and black outfits with glow accents. We all had our own signature colours that accented our outfits. Damien (drummer) was red, Kayla (Bassist) was purple, Jackie (pianist) was green and Matty(rhythm guitarist) was blue. Then there was me! My name is Y/n and I was the lead singer and guitarist of Fluorescent Luminescence, my colour was pink. CALL ME BASIC ALL YOU LIKE IT LOOKED BADASS AS HELL! Oh and then there is our former pianist, he left us, his name was Adrien and his colour was yellow, THE LITTLE SHIT MOVED TO PARIS! HE WAS MY BEST FRIEND! 

I began packing up my amp and guitar.

"Yo anyone up for lunch?" Damien asked not bothering to pack up his drums, I mean it was his garage.

"OH! Can we get pizza?" Kayla asked excitedly. We all agreed and left. Matty ordered for us, it was his turn to pay, we got a large cheese pizza and I got my favourite drink. 

"You know what?" Jackie started. "Scorpions are weird."

"What?" I laughed, staring at her with a wtf look.

"Think about it-"

"I'd rather not."

"Ok well shut up, your opinion is irrelevant, just kidding I love you so much girly. 

"Aww love you to."

"OK OK! They're not insects, they're not even bugs."

Damien looked like he was having an existential crisis.


"They're arthropods like crabs and lobsters, but the thing is, most arthropods live in the ocean. So why is it that scorpions live on land? EXPLAIN THAT!"

The only thing I could think was, Wait she has a point. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I opened a message from my dad.

Father Dearest: Hey come home, I need to talk to you about something.

"I need to go, just got a scary text from my dad. I'll see you guys Monday at school!" I shuffled out of the booth and hopped on my bus home. 

I opened my front door and saw my dad on the couch.

"You needed to talk to me about something?"

"Yeah, we're moving to Paris."

I blinked a few times to process.


He told me that he got a new job and it required him to move to Paris and like hell he was gonna leave a 16 year old in Brooklyn or with... my mom- but he's not so that's a plus. We had a month before we moved so the next day I called an emergency band meeting.

"I called this meeting to discuss an important matter. I'm moving to Paris."


Matty slumped into his beanbag with a shocked expression. 

"So what do we do?" He asked to which I responded,

"Find a new singer. Find a teenager busking on the side of the road for extra cash, I mean that's how we picked up Jackie."

"Oh yeah I am 🎶broke as hell🎶, by the way Matty can I have 10 dollars?" Jackie chimed in.

"No. Also we can't just pick up a new singer, or a new guitarist. You can't be replaced."

Kayla got her signature I-have-a-good-and-probably-stupid-idea face.

"I know what we need to do."

One month later

I clipped my mask on as the fog cleared. The LEDs on my outfit shun through the fog.

 The LEDs on my outfit shun through the fog

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(not my art)

"HELLO BROOKLYN!" I yelled into the microphone as the crowd roared. "We're Fluorescent Luminescence, enjoy the show!"

I plucked the riff on my guitar as Damien pounded his drums(get your mind out of the gutter).

"I saw him dancin' there by the record machine."

The crowd sang along and the noise echoed through the entire arena.

"I knew he must a been about seventeen. The beat was goin' strong, Playin' my favorite song and I could tell it wouldn't be long 'Til he was with me, yeah, me. And I could tell it wouldn't be long Til he was with me, yeah, me, singin' I LOVE ROCK AND ROLL!"

The crowd screamed to the lyrics.


We got through the entire concert and by the end the realisation hit me. This was our last. 

"THANK YOU EVERYONE!" I yelled as I turned and headed backstage. The band followed me an tackled me with hugs. I reduced to tears at this point.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much."

"We'll miss you more."

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (Luka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now