10 - A Spoonful of Sugar

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It was an average Thursday. I wake up, get dressed, eat food, go to school, run home because I forgot my homework, run back to school with 5 minutes to spare, realise that I need to restock Heathen's hot sauce supply and ultimately decide to do it at lunch.

I got to school and sat in my usual seat.

"Morning Y/n!" Lila said sitting next to me, something about this girl gives me the ick.


"What have you been doing recently?"

"Nothing much, just homework and contemplating all of my life choices."

"I went to a concert last night."

I was suddenly interested.

"Who's concert?"

"A band called Fluorescent Luminescence." 

Ok what? 

"Good for you."

"I had a meet and greet with Fluorite."

HOE ASS I'M FLUORITE! TF?! (yes your stage name is fluorite, you can change it if you like, i'm not gonna hunt you down lmao)

"Nice, I'm sure she was happy to meet you."

"I know who she is."

"Oh really who is it?"

"I'm legally not allowed to tell you."


I saw Max in the seat in front of me working on something on his laptop.

"Hey Max, whatcha got there?" I asked leaning forward in my seat.

"Just developing a video game I designed myself, it has every person that's ever been akumatised."

"That's actually pretty kickass."

"Do you want to help me test it out?"

Between my duties as Devillia and everything else happening at the moment, I just couldn't find the time.

"Look man, that sounds like so much fun but I have a lot of shit to get done, sorry."

"Oh... that's alright, what about you Lila?"

"I would love to, but I promised Prince Ali that I would go on a charity cruise across the Seine on his yacht this afternoon. "


I got through class until lunch and went to stock up on hot sauce when I realised I left my wallet at home. I quickly stopped by my house and as I was walking in my dad vanished. LIKE HE WAS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE AND THEN POOF! Vaneesh!

"Your hot sauce can wait. Heathen, BLOODSHED!"

I jumped onto my roof and saw a huge black pyramid replacing the Eiffel Tower. I found Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"First one to find a way in wins!"

"We don't have time to play Chat Noir, I have a lot of other things to do."

Three pyramids floated towards us and opened.

"Please, step into your pyra-pod." A projection of akumatised Max said.

"What if it's a trap?"

"He just wants to play, so let's keep in touch." I popped a small ruby out of my scythe and placed it in my ear as an earpiece. I stepped into my pod and the door closed behind me as it zoomed into the pyramid. Two smaller pyramids appeared in front of me and put themselves together.

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (Luka x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu