2 - The Other Side

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I awoke from the 7 hour flight and felt extremely light headed. My dad was also very much asleep next to me. We made it to our new apartment and I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the screech of my alarm, because even though I wanted to stay and unpack, Dad insisted I go to school. I walked to my new school which wasn't that far from my new place. Collège Françoise Dupont, my new school. I walked through the gates and saw a tuft of blonde hair that I could never forget.

Adrien POV

 I was talking with Nino and Alya by the stairs when I heard,


I turned my head and saw Y/n booking it towards me.

"OH FUCK-!" I yelled as I ran away from her but she managed to tackle me to the ground.


Your POV

I stood up and hugged Adrien.

"Who's your friend, Adrien?" A girl with orange hair and glasses asked.

"Oh! This is Y/n, my best friend from Brooklyn. Y/n, this is Alya and Nino." Adrien introduced me to his friends.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" A blue haired girl yelled running towards us. "Oh, hi new girl, I'm Marinette."

"I'm Y/n."

The bell rang and Marinette showed me to our class. 

"Everyone please welcome our new student, Y/n L/n, she's a transfer from New York."

I was immediately asked really specific questions.

"Could you the Statue of Liberty from where you lived?"

"I lived in Brooklyn not Manhattan so I couldn't see it but I have seen it before."

"Are you and Adrien dating?"

"Excuse me?"

Miss Bustier calmed everyone down.

"Okay class that's enough questions, Y/n why don't you go sit in the back with Lila."

I sat next to the brown haired girl. 

"Hi Y/n! I'm Lila!"

"It's nice to meet you."

Miss Bustier began a lecture on pop culture and how icons and idols have changed the world forever. She went through a slideshow and one of the images was a shot I had done for an album and it was a good fucking picture of me. Adrien glanced back at me and tried not to laugh.

The lecture finished and I was heading out of class when Marinette came up to me.

"Hey Y/n! Me and my friends were going to my bakery to get some lunch, you wanna come?"

"I'd love to!"

I walked with Marinette and her friends to the bakery as they asked me questions about Brooklyn and my old friends. We walked into the bakery and WOO did it smell good.

"Hello Marinette, is this a new friend?" her mother asked.

"Yeah! This is Y/n! She's from America."

Her parents said hi to me and gave me a croissant  AND HOLY LORD I ASCENDED. I started walking back to school and saw two teenage boys messing with a poor old lady. They snatched her purse and held it out of reach.

"OI!" I yelled.

"Hey beautiful~ want us to have our way with you?"

"That's disgusting and give this lady her purse back!"

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear (Luka x reader)Where stories live. Discover now