Dinner - I

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{Don't out me like that^}

Amelia's POV

I propped down on the couch over my stomach with a small sigh escaping my mouth as I discarded my bag around the coffee table somewhere. It's Friday. Today is the dinner. Tyler surprisingly let me be for the rest of the day and even today he didn't bother me for the most part. Except at lunch.

Adriano was still oblivious to the destination of the supposed business dinner and I didn't spoil it for him. Mia had profusely apologized to me for skipping the dinner today but I assured her I'll survive and that she can enjoy her date without anything else clouding her mind. However, when I tried to ask her about her hostility towards Tyler, all she did was huff and promised to tell me later.

Since she didn't want anything ruining her mood today.

Ah well.

I felt the couch dip a little and realized that Gran is no longer conversing on her phone and had settled down beside me. I hesitantly looked up at her smiling face and shifted a little with a grunt so that I was laying my head on her lap. She chuckled a little but let me get comfortable and started stroking my hair gently.

"Feeling tired?" I just hummed in response, too comfortable to spend any energy and force any words out of my mouth.

"Why? Had to clean school?" She added sarcastically making me roll off my stomach as I turned my head to look up at her with narrowed eyes.

"Now we know where my sarcasm comes from." I pointed out with a playful roll of my eyes. "I had a project to work on after school. That's all."

She nodded her head with a gentle smile, her hand still massaging my head, making my entire body completely relaxed.

"Leo was here. You should have told me, love." I heard her mummer and came out of my trail of thoughts on how weirdly funny one looks when looked upon from this particular position.

"I didn't want you to worry, Gran. And he promised he won't tell them. Not yet." She let out a breath and I watched her jaw tick in a little annoyance.

"I can't let them find you. I can't let you get hurt, not again, Amy. Leo is going to eventually tell them. And when they come for you, I won't let them take you away." She kissed my head gently but my brows furrowed together in concern.

I sat up straight and turned around to face Gran with a smile. "You can't hide me forever, Gran."


"Gran, listen to me. I know you are scared, I am too. But they don't even know what happened, it wasn't their fault."

"But they failed. He failed to protect you and Anna. My daughter, she would have been alive if she didn't marry that wretched man." She cursed lightly making me internally wince. While I understand where she is coming from, I know for a fact that my father loved her. He loved my mom with everything he had.

"Forget it for now. Do you know what you should really worry about?" I widened my eyes, a little dramatically as I held both of her hands with mine.

"What?" She grumbled.

"That how will you manage to get ready with only about an hour and a half before everyone comes?" Her expression matched mine when she looked at the clock and back at me. Except hers held real panic when she realized it was half past six already.

"Oh no, I am going to look awful!" She exclaimed, her expression horrified as she got up from the couch and practically ran out of the living room in an alarmed state. I chuckled at her antics and unwillingly stood up myself, grabbed my bag off of the floor, and made my way upstairs, to my room.

Torn Between Shadows And LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora