A Normal High School Day

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Amelia's POV

I parked my car in the school's parking area and let out a deep breath, hoping the butterflies of anxiety in my stomach would flow out too.

Yeah, it didn't make much of a difference.

I know I am not too confident in myself and there are a lot, I mean a LOT, of issues with me but hey people don't need to know that. Fake it till you make it? Isn't that the key? So I will.

I got out of my car, grabbed my bag and walked towards the school building, not before locking the car.

There were many students hanging around with their friends in the parking lot, but my restricted number of friends were nowhere to be seen. I was walking down the hallway when I saw someone rather familiar, busy talking to one of his 'mates'.

I slowly sneaked up to him, and hit him as hard as I could on his arm, well, not really. I could do better than that but I didn't want him to get hurt because of me.

"Ouch!" Nathan yelled in the most dramatic voice that he could muster up. "I know it. I just know it. One of these days you'll make me lose my arm by punching it again and again..."


"And again. Repeatedly, like a loop. Is that what you want, woman? I bet you do. Years of friendship, I can see all of it going to drai-"

"Jeez Nathan, don't lose your arm so soon. We need you in the matches coming up captain." his 'mate' said, whose name I recall is Alex something.

In response, Nathan made the most hurtful look but before another dramatic rant started Alex something, escaped the scene with a small 'Gotta go now' making me bite the inside of my cheek to keep the smile from forming on my face.

Nathan looked at me with a hurt expression to which I chuckled lightly, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

Before either of us could say anything, a really loud noise caught my attention. I turned to see dearest Mia coming towards us all cheerful as she almost always is and I know what's coming. I subtly shifted behind Nathan but he noticed my little attempt to escape and moved completely out of the way.

I was just going to give him the meanest look when Mia pulled me into an extremely tight long hug. I awkwardly hugged her back, after so many years still not used to any sort of physical affection.

I love Mia, she is my best friend after all. But she is a hugger and I, well I, prefer to stay away from any physical contact with fellow human beings. But it's getting easier now, most of the credit goes to Mia of course.

"I missed you so much!" She exuberantly expressed. I smiled at her lightly, "I did too, a little." I jokingly said.

She slapped my arm with a fake offended expression. She turned to Nathan ready to attack him with a hug, and that is when I noticed Adriano standing there observing the scene closely with a light smile on his face. 

My eyes slightly widened when our eyes met. I nodded at him and quickly looked away, a little embarrassed.

After a similar attack on Nathan which he gladly accepted, Mia turned to me clapping her hands excitedly, "Okay so, I checked with everyone and you, Adriano and Noah have the same homeroom. I'm sharing mine with this dummy, Hannah and Ryan. So see you later guys." Mia hurriedly informed us, the excitement not leaving her even once.

With that she grabbed Nathan's hand and dragged him out of there, leaving me here with Adriano.

He gave me a warm smile, "Shall we then?" He asked, giving a slight bow. I smiled at him and nodded my head, "Certainly." I don't know why he is still nice to me.

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