I'm never leaving, I promise - Jill Roord

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When she doesn't stop, you reach out for the midfielders arm and pull her back around to face you, noticing how tired and worn down she looks, "hey" you smile, tilting your head to one side, "I haven't seen those pretty eyes in a while".

You reach up to cup her cheek, rubbing your thumb across her cheekbone and as much as Jill wants not to, she can't help but lean into your touch.

"How about we go somewhere quiet and we can catch up?" you suggest, elated when Jill nods and follows you down the corridor into the now vacated room the players use to wind down in.

Rather than sit on the bean bags, you choose to sit on the sofa that's tucked around the corner despite your teammates being elsewhere, gesturing for the Dutchwoman to join you. You don't think you've ever seen her like this before and your more than a little worried about her, "how are you doing?" you ask gently, not wanting to upset her.

"I'm ok".

Jill's voice is barely above a whisper and she won't look at you, preferring to stare at her hands, "I'm just a little confused" she admits, "about what?" you question, hoping your gentle approach is enough.

"I don't know whether or not I can tell you... you might think a little different of me afterwards" the midfielder sighs as you take one of her hands in yours, the other reaching up to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Jill honey, I will never think any different of you. Nothing you tell me will change that, I promise" you reassure her.

Your teammate hesitates, "I...".

Not wanting to push her, you gently squeeze her hand, letting her know she doesn't have to rush or even tell you if she doesn't want to, "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" she breathes, still not looking at you, "it's ok if you don't feel the same.. I just - I couldn't hold it in any longer... I haven't slept, I've been constantly running over it in my mind, I'm fairly sure Lynn is bored of me going on and on about you all the time and... I've said too much" she stops abruptly.

"Jill... I - I don't know what to say".

For only the second time today, the Dutchwoman lifts her panic stricken eyes to yours, silently pleading with you to say something, "I think I'm in love with you too".

"You are?".

Her eyes widen at your confession, "I don't think so, I know" you smile, pulling her close so you can rest your forehead on hers, "promise you'll never leave me" she pleads, "I'm never leaving... I promise".


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