Marry you - Ona Batlle

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Prompt - Ona admits she'd marry you.


"Badt-yey not Bat-yey".

"Bat-yey?" you attempt again but Ona sighs, "no, mi amor. Ivana please tell her" she flops back on the sofa, putting a cushion over her head.

The United player had been trying to get you to pronounce her last name for the past ten minutes, but you were been failing miserably every time and she was almost at her wits end, "it's not funny" she whines when the Brazilian laughs.

"Why not? She's been your girlfriend for what, three years? And she yet still can't pronounce your name" Ivana smirks, "ok Y/N. You know how antsy she gets when people can't get this right so I need you to try really hard for me".

The forward still can't seem to take this seriously from the smile playing on her lips but you decide to try for your girlfriends sake, "ok".

She tries to explain the pronunciation as you do your best to follow along, pretending to listen intently as you and Ivana play out your plan.

"Ok, so something like Batlle?" you finally say and Ona removes the cushion, "you said it right mi amor!" she smiles, throwing her arms around your neck and kissing your cheek, "what like it's hard?" you shrug, as though it was the easiest thing to pronounce in the world.

Ivana is now eyeing you funny and you're unsure of how long you can keep up the facade.

"You knew?".

The disbelief is clearly written on her face and you can't help but smile at how cute it was that she didn't know something, "mi amor that's not funny!" she retorts, hitting you repeatedly with the cushion.

"Babe stop!" you giggle, "what does it matter if I pronounce it right anyway?" you ask and the defender fakes being wounded, "deja de ser una reina del drama" Ivana chimes in, the defender throwing the cushion at her too.

Ona rolls her eyes, "because when I marry you, I want you to be able to pronounce our last name" she admits and her hand immediately flys to her mouth as Ivana let's out a "damn".

"Lo siento. I-I didn't..." she starts but you put a hand on her thigh to calm her, "who said I was taking your name anyway" you wink.

"Also you want to marry me?" you ask tilting your head to one side and gazing at your girlfriend, "one day I would like to marry you, yes" she nods, picking up your hand that was on her thigh and lacing her fingers with yours, kissing the back of it.

"I'd like to marry you too" you whisper.

"Alright if you two lovebirds are done, we have training to get to" Ivana smirks.


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