You again pt. 3 - Leila Ouahabi

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Your interrupted interaction doesn't stop the pining looks and soft smiles that pass between you during training, in fact Leila's reaction gave you more of a reason to hope than ever before. It was so freeing to finally know how she felt about you, you didn't have to hide it anymore and that was the best feeling in the world, so much so you carried this new feeling into the new week as well as the next few games.

It felt like you were flying and you even bagged a couple of goals while you were on cloud nine, six to be exact in the form of two hat tricks, earning plenty of praise from your teammates and one in particular.

Leila had always been affectionate, all Spanish people are but the defender was clearly eager to make up for lost time, not in bed considering you'd never actually slept together but rather she always wanted to be close to you, always in some sort of contact, running her slim fingers through your hair, holding your hand or a finger if you were in public; it comforted her.

You'd never addressed what Steph had interrupted in the corridor, nor did you want to any time soon, you wanted to stay in this bubble you'd created without fear of rejection.

There was still a small doubt in your mind that you were going to wake up one day and Leila would have left you for someone better, but you pushed it to the back of your thoughts every time it arose and you would keep doing it until it either disappeared completely or it overtook your entire brain.

You didn't just have that to contend with, you had the small fact of trying to find your way without your mentor to guide you now that Vicky had left for Roma. She promised that you would always keep in touch, that you always had a room in her home no matter where she lived if ever and whenever you should need it, something she promised to both you and to Leila and an offer the two of you would be sure to take her up on.

Missing the midfielder was inevitable but it developed into missing her so badly that it started to take over your everyday life and you couldn't hide it even from Leila, which wasn't hard.

"Cariño please, just talk to me" she pleads, "I miss her as much as you do, you must know that".

"Do I?" you turn on her, "because I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Vicky. She pulled me out of one of the darkest moments of my life, she welcomed me with open arms when I moved here and she helped me get settled but most importantly, she believed in me when I didn't, she saw my potential when I couldn't. She was more than a teammate and a mentor Leila, she was family" you choke.

Sadness creeps onto Leila's features, the defender unable to hide her reaction to the heartbreaking sight any longer, fighting battles with her own feelings as she struggles to find a way to help. Eventually she caves and does the only thing she can, holding you close as the sobs rack your body, gently rocking backwards and forwards to soothe you as best she can, not letting up until the crying subsides.

"Mi amor?" she whispers, "let's move somewhere
comfier" she suggests.

The position you've adopted on the floor is becoming more and more uncomfortable by the second so you miss the pet name but don't hesitate at taking her advice, letting yourself be guided to your room; Leila's hand never leaving your own. Tugging on her arm, she spins around and almost crashes into you, steadying herself as you start peppering kisses along her jaw and down her neck.


Her warning is breathy, the effect of your kisses on her body starting to make itself known, "y/n, stop por favor" she pulls herself away, holding you at arms length. She sighs, running one hand through her hair, the other resting on your shoulder, "y/n I don't know why you're doing this, but sleeping with me while you are so upset... it's not right" she explains.

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