20. The Path To Decision

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I found myself lost and astray
Lost in a familiar place
A place I've known my whole life
A place I've carried my whole life
I could leave this place at will
Who knows why I choose to remain
To remain lost in this familiar maze

Only a fool would get lost
Lost in a place they've known
That analogy speaks to thyself
For I have been a fool
A fool for the entirety of my life
Because I chose to be lost and
I led myself astray at every step

I know I've chosen the wrong path
Yet I continue to walk that path
I know my decisions were wrong
But I made them again regardless
I know where this path leads
Undoubtedly to my own destruction
Perhaps I seek destruction

They tried to show me the path
I rebuked them every single time
I knew they were right
I was just alright with being wrong
Like any other they yielded trying
That clouded me with sadness
A sadness that I caused
I should have listened to me and them

I should have learnt from my choices
So I may make better decisions
I should have chosen the right path
So I may reach the destination
I should have listened to them
And heeded their advice
Perhaps only then
Would I have made the right decision

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