11. Unwavering Resolve

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Failure has been a dear friend
To me for as long as my memory persists to recall
How can I bear to fear my friend?
When he was closer to me more than my own shadow
When he always kept me at arms length

He was there when I tried
There is all he ever was when I did nothing and so
He motivated me to do something
He pushed me far beyond my limitations
even so he still stayed close

I've lost count of the many fights we had yet I remember
all my defeats to him
with no mercy he vanquished all my relentless efforts
He remains my friend still
I've studied him like a book
Yet the contents change each time I face him

I refused to accept my defeat
However such is not a feat
For he is one I still can't beat
Even so I still stand on my feet
So that I might persevere
Hopefully that is not deceit

Failure my friend you've become a part of me
One that I unwillingly grew fond of
A part that constricts my progress
One that binds me in one place
One that traps me in a loop
I now realise that you are a bad friend

A friend who's a negative influence
A companion who deceived me
Who led me to believe that we were close when we were not
Although you mearnt me harm
Your actions have done well to build me
For I have become better than I was the day before

Without you I would have not realised my true strength
I would have never learnt the meaning of true resolution
I am glad to have lost to you
Those losses are the reason I now know how to defeat you

I must move forward
I must move past you
I must now let you go
because I can no longer be your friend

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