Chapter 27:Grit

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Kaze cringed at the sight of the horrid demon, a boy's head on a spider's body, flawlessly attached as if he was born like that. Unlike the mutant monsters he had just fought, the spider body was much bigger, and the head didn't look as if it was choked and struggling to breathe. The 8 legs hung down as he hung upside down from the base of a wooden hut. A disgusting pale white skin colour creased on his face as a grimacing smile stretched from ear to ear. A look of insanity and amusement sparked on his face as his eyes widened, still locked onto Kaze's face. One of his eyes seemed to be blood red, with a light cyan dot in the middle, the other was normal yet glowed the same cyan iris colour. His body flaunted a gruelling purple colour with dirty orange stripes, circling around his legs.

"I saw what you did to my creations... My spiders... But it's ok. I'll avenge their deaths with yours!" The demon cackled cruelly, as his body squirmed, the legs contracting and stretching as he twitched with excitement. The demon stared at Kaze, an indescribable hunger for human blood arose in the demon's body, the tall body of Kaze would make an excellent meal for the demon. He drooled at the thought of it.

"Blood Demon Art... Poison Manipulation!" The demon's loud voice shouted. The demon's saliva was quickly replaced with purple venom, thick gooey like fluid in his mouth. It circled around the filthy mouth. The demon slightly swung back on the web that was stuck to the bottom of the small wooden hut. His mouth was full of poisonous venom, as he swung forward, he sprayed the venom out his mouth with a powerful force. The purple substance came straight for Kaze's face, who hadn't moved a single centimetre the entire time. He ducked under the gooey poison, he let it fly above his head. The poison came into contact with a tree that was behind Kaze. Kaze observed how the venom acted, vapour released from the tree as the purple venom tore through the tree, it looked as if it was burning through the bark.

Kaze turned towards the demon again, who still had a malicious grin pasted on his white face. Kaze took a deep breath, he looked unusually calm, with little expression on his face. The demon found this annoying, he enjoyed the infliction of pain on others. He found thrill in seeing people cower in fear, and how they would cry and scream when in fear. He had developed this obsession and enjoyment with others pain seeing his Brother and Father verbally and physically abuse his Mother. He found it amusing and enjoyable, slowly he found an insatiable pleasure in causing pain to others, whoever and whatever it be, small bugs, his younger siblings, his mother, but never his Father or Brother. They were simply too strong for him to hurt or cause pain to. He hated that fact. He hated people stronger than him, people who he couldn't inflict pain to, couldn't make them wail and cry.

For that reason, the twisted demon had developed hate against his younger brother Rui. Even being the youngest brother, he was the most powerful, he ran the family. No, he created the family. He took people who lost their way into Mount Natagumo and made them demons, forcing them to be a part of his 'family'. Rui had made the spider demon into the eldest brother, replacing his human body with a large spider's body when he was turned into a demon. The brother demon still had an undeniable amount of loyalty to Rui despite his hate. The demon's skin crawled with rage at the sight of Kaze, his legs curled and tensed, his eyes wide as they glared at Kaze. There was no trace of fear on Kaze's face, the demon's blood boiled and his brain ached with the red-hot anger that flowed through his body. He was desperate to see pain plastered across Kaze's face.

Kaze stared back at the demon.

"Is that it?" Kaze asked with a stone-cold expression. The demon felt his entire body go cold, taken aback with disbelief. Out of every human he had faced, every human he had turned into spiders, this was the only time a human had reacted to his attack this way. It sent shivers through every single speck of his being.

"You..." His eyes twitched, his grin turned upside down and he clenched his jaw. His mouth filled up again, and with increased pressure, he shot the venom out of his mouth with small bursts. The small pellets of venom flew at Kaze like bullets, in response Kaze dashed to the right. The demon twisted the single string of web that attached him to the bottom of the suspended wooden hut to turn his body. Kaze kept turning to the right, the spider demon's leg constantly twisted the web to match Kaze's direction. Patches of grass fumed with vapour as the demon's venom disintegrated whatever it touched. The demon's mind grew more and more frustrated with every step Kaze took. The venom bullets stopped shooting, just as the spider demon stopped to produce more in his mouth, Kaze stopped in his tracks. The spider demon glared at Kaze, who had a slight smile on his face for some reason.

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