Chapter 34: Saviour

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Eira and Kaze sat together on the side opposite Rengoku, it had been 10 minutes and he had continued to eat from the large pile of bento boxes he had on his side. Eira stared at Rengoku curiously, he was a very interesting person, immensely strong, effortlessly charismatic and of course a highly respected Hashira. Eira couldn't help but notice Rengoku's striking and bold orange aura, it danced brightly like flames, just like fire it was warm and almost felt like a blanket, no wonder so many spoke good of Rengoku, his very presence warmed people. The carriage was silent for a while, and as soon as Rengoku finished the horde of bento boxes he immediately started a lively discussion.

"I've been informed you two are both quite powerful slayers." Rengoku's casual tone was already loud, his voice blasted as he crossed his arms and wore a smile. The train swayed left and right gently.

"That's a big compliment from a powerful Hashira like you, but really I'm not that strong. Eira on the other hand is crazy, she took down a Lower Moon." Kaze bragged on behalf of Eira, Rengoku's eyes moved towards Eira who was already unusually quiet, the train gave her a weird feeling that did a quick job of shutting her up, she just didn't feel safe in the train, no wonder there was a mission here, she could feel something was off here.

"I also know that you were offered the position of Hashira." Rengoku's words struck Eira's heart, her eyes that wandered around the train immediately locked on Rengoku, she wondered how many people knew...

"Yes, but I didn't take the offer, didn't think I was ready..." Eira felt a little embarrassed as she stared at Rengoku, she didn't know how other Hashiras would react to such an impactful decision, Shinobu and Giyuu had taken it well, but Eira wasn't sure many of the other Hashiras would look upon her fondly.

"That's okay! At the end of the day, it's your decision, and if you think you aren't ready it's best if you wait till you are." Rengoku's voice, just like a warm campfire, brought a feeling of reassurance over Eira. Eira felt a smile grow on her face as she heard the words, she thanked Rengoku and continued to listen to Rengoku and Kaze's conversations. Even Rengoku's kind words weren't enough to shake off the deadly feeling of the train. It wasn't long til Eira got bored and slowly dozed off, Kaze and Rengoku followed her soon. The three rested in preparation for tonight's mission.

The large steam train, jet black in colour and hulking size sped down tracks. The night sky popped with patches of stars bright in the sky. The steam train whistled as it raced alongside the barren countryside. All of the passengers had already gotten off at their respective stops, all but three. Rengoku, Eira and Kaze all sat in one corner. They all slept with no idea of the nefarious schemes that were running right next to them, the lights flickered a little. None of the demon slayers were aware they were under a deep Blood Demon Art.

Lower Moon One, Enmu, stood on top of the train, his hair flew in the harsh wind. His dark suit creased and flailed as he spread apart his arms.

"Dreams... They can create or destroy a person." Enmu looked to the night sky as he spoke softly. His eyes glowed as the train slightly turned. Enmu was well aware that there were three powerful slayers on the train, including the Flame Hashira. He had enacted a plan to kill them without them knowing, to kill them in their own dreams.

Enmu leant down and grabbed at the hatch on the carriage he stood upon, he lifted the heavy iron and dropped down into the very first carriage, there stood a pale man who clutched his stomach.

"Please... Master Enmu... Please heal me. I have done so much work already, please grant me an infinite dream..." The pale man fell to his knees and grabbed onto Enmu's feet, tears clashed with the wooden floor and the dim lights swayed gently as the train shook slightly. Enmu's Blood Demon Art was to put anyone into a deep sleep, in turn, he'd put them into a hyper-realistic dream in which all their inner desires were fulfilled. They would be placed into a perfect world that they wouldn't want to leave. While the dreams continued and the victim slept, Enmu's slave would enter the victim's dream through a special rope made by Enmu's very flesh. After they entered the dream, they would find an object with the name 'Spiritual Core' and destroy it. Destroying the spiritual core would kill the victim.

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