Chapter 41: Destiny

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Eira's breaths were deep and slow, she sat on an isolated bench next to a noodle shop. The sun slowly set and the shadows of people walking past became elongated, she couldn't help but be brought back to her very first mission with Ali and Asumi. It felt so far away, yet it felt as if it was yesterday. Since then they had all grown, changed and gotten stronger. Eira closed her eyes, her heartbeat and her mind pounded with fatigue. She hadn't slept at all, this time yesterday she was on the train, she had gotten 2 hours of sleep then and woke up to fight Enmu. After Enmu was defeated, she had a dreadful encounter with Ali and Akaza, she witnessed Rengoku's death, worried for Kaze's life and had to say goodbye to Asumi.

So much had happened in the past 24 hours and it had put a massive strain on her brain, she believed she was handling it fine though. The delicious smell of noodles filled her nose as the last batches were cooked up before they closed for the night. Eira could feel the light slowly retracting as the sun dipped further into the horizon. Half of her regretted taking this mission when she could have rested instead, the other half was desperate for redemption. She couldn't kill Ali, the one demon that she wanted dead more than the rest. No amount of filler demons would fill that void of regret in her chest.

The colours of different auras lingered in her mind, none of them important to her, just any other regular auras. They weren't sweet like Asumi's, calm like Kaze or intriguing like Ali's. "Useless background noise..." Eira whispered to herself, she defined the auras around her in a specific way. She opened her eyes and looked back at the small windows of the shop, the faded colour of the wood contrasted by the glossy wooden tables inside, kids sat and slurped their noodles with big smiles on their faces. Eira suddenly felt a hint of guilt for naming such happy auras as 'useless background noise'. Eira took a deep breath and closed her eyes once again, she fell back into her trance of guilt and remorse, if she had killed Ali, would Rengoku have lived?

"Mountain Gods, I want your help. I want to improve til I can handle Ali as if he is an ant. Please grant me all your strength, speed and power the next time I face the opportunity to kill him." Eira prayed shamelessly for her desires. Her hands clasped together and her eyes tightly shut, her heart burned with passion as she prayed.

"Also, please allow the people close to me to stay safe, my older brother, Kaze, Asumi and my relatives who live far away." Eira took a deep breath as she finished. She had prayed for herself before her prayer for others. She opened her eyes and the darkness had enveloped the village. It was night.

As Eira roamed around the swamp near the village, a lone mountain, dense with trees and far away from the village, shone brightly in the illumination of the moon. Akaza's dojo was lively with noise.

"No... not again..." Ali's voice was full of fear, his back against a door as Akaza held a wooden box, inside the box was the two eyes that read Lower Moon One, Ali was being promoted again.

Akaza cracked his knuckles and grabbed the eyes out of the box. He grinned at Ali as Ali scurried in the corner like a fearful moth. Akaza's muscles tensed as he stretched a little, he was prepared for the havoc about to be unleashed.

"I knew I was right when I picked you as a student. In only a couple months you've gone from a weak demon to the rank of Lower Moon One." Akaza grinned proudly as he slowly stepped forward. Ali flinched at the word demon, after last night's events, he realised just how much different he was seen. Eira had tried to kill him just because he was a 'demon'. Ignoring that, Ali could see right through Akaza's plan.

"Yeah nah, don't try feed me compliments, I'm not doing it," Ali stood firm and stubborn, he put his fists up and stared at Akaza, determined to prevent this painful process. Akaza burst out laughing as he saw Ali put his fists up, such a courageous act to be prepared to fight Upper Moon Three. Akaza's mind was reminded of when he first met Ali, back when they weren't student and teacher, back when Akaza first saw that massive potential in Ali, the hurricane in his eyes.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن