"That's... atrocious." Pyrrha growled.

"That shines a much darker light on Gamma." Ren sighed.

"And Omega." Jaune added

Ren nodded, "Gamma was the Alpha's deceit, it would make sense that he fabricated scenarios."

Yang shook her head, "Making him feel powerless, I can't imagine that."

Ruby nodded, "Alpha is Church, they tortured Church. From what Wash said in season six, Church lost his memory because of it."

Nora sagged, "I wish the show wouldn't get like this."

"Look on the bright side." Jaune smiled, "These sad moments make the happier ones more special."

Nora smiled, "Thanks, but they're always special to me!"

Church: "But you came back. You saved him."

Tex: "No, I didn't. It was too late. By the time I got to him, he was already long gone. I don't even think he recognized me. I failed. Only in my case, it really was my fault."

Ruby sighed, "He couldn't recognize Tex."

Nora resumed pouting.

"It's... weird seeing Tex like this." Yang commented.

Blake nodded, "I like it, I love the growth of the characters."

"I hope we see some with the others." Weiss added.

Cut to Wash overseeing the Meta beating some poor alien sucker's carcass senseless

"I can't tell if he's trying to move the body or beat it because he's mad." Jaune squinted.

"Probably beating it because he's mad." Weiss suggested.

Washington: "Doc, do you have a second?"

Doc: "I'm a prisoner Wash. I have nothing but seconds."

Pyrrha frowned, "He seems more down than usual."

Washington: "Right, good point."

Doc: "I mean you don't even need to ask. You can just be like 'Hey, Prisoner Number One, come over here 'n' talk to me, rrrI'm a Freelancer-rrr.'"

Pyrrha chuckled, "Never mind."

Washington: " Okay, I get it."

Doc: "Yeah, you really need to step up your hostage-taking skills."

Washington: "Stop lecturing me, or I will shoot you, and feed you to the Meta."

Doc: "Does he eat people?"

"I would not be surprised." Yang laughed.

"He may be a crazed lunatic addicted to A.I. but he's not a cannibal." Weiss pointed out.

Washington: "Do you really wanna find out?"

Doc: "No. Maybe. If we used another person sure. Looks kinda interesting."

Washington: "You've spent some time with him now. What's your diagnosis?"

Blake and Ren leaned forward.

Doc: "Of who, the Meta?"

Washington: "Yes, pay attention to what's being said."

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