"Remnant to Ruby?" Yang asked.

"Wha-huh!?" Ruby snapped back to reality.

Yang gave Jaune a thumbs up as Jaune chuckled and shook his head.

Church: "Stop it!"

Sarge: " Naw buddy I think you got everything under control. We'll just hang back here."

Church: "Won't it stop!"

Grif: "Yeah, you've got some catching up to do."

Church: "The whole- stop!"

"What a great way to catch up." Nora joked.

Sarge: " Hey, what's she beating him with?"

Simmons: "I think that was his old body."

Jaune began to laugh, "I bet that's a reference to Jimmy getting beat with his own skull."

Yang laughed, "Oh that's great! Too good, too good." She added.

Sarge: " You mean he ain't a floatin' cue ball any more?"

Church: "Aw-"

Sarge: " That's too bad. Had a few more nicknames in my side pocket. We'll certainly miss you Lord Hackensack of the Roundalots."

"Floaty dud." Nora chuckled to herself.

"What? I don't get it?" Ruby frowned.

"Grenade." Nora explained.

Ruby's eyes widened in recognition, "Ohh, now I get it."

Grif: "Beating him with his own body? That doesn't seem physically possible."

Jaune nodded, "Yep, definitely a reference."

Cut to Caboose

Caboose: "Uh-hu- we have to do something."

FILSS: "I am sorry, as I said, I cannot operate outside the bounds of my standard safety protocols."

Caboose: "What if I said... pretty please."

Pyrrha laughed, "Aw, Caboose is so polite."

"That sounded kind of like flirting to me." Blake chuckled.

Pyrrha shrugged with a warm smile.

FILSS: " Private Caboose, is there a reason why you don't want to use one of the standard safety protocols? In this scenario, I would strongly recommend locking down the armor of any rogue units."

Jaune chuckled, "I can see where this is going."

Yang laughed, "Tex isn't a rogue unit, everyone else is."

"Oh they're going to have their armor locked, not like Tex needs the help." Blake added.

Caboose: "Wait you can do that?"

FILSS: " Of course. Armor lock is a standard safety feature since the Freelancer break in."

"Hold on what? Freelancer break in?" Ruby asked. "What's that?"

Jaune shrugged, "This is the first I'm hearing of it."

Blake grinned, "I'm already pleased with this episode."

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