FILSS: "I am sorry, this area is restricted. Only the Director himself may access this entry. I am sure you understand. The nature of our experiments is such that-"

Church: "Open it."

FILSS: "Excuse me Director?"

"Why is she confused? He's the director apparently so he has access." Nora asked.

"Yeah but Caboose is there." Jaune explained.

"With the director." Nora continued.

Jaune sighed and made a gesture to Ren who chuckled, "I'm sure it'll be explained." Ren explained.

Church: "I want you to open it."

"Church is very determined." Ruby commented, "Blake you had theories what were they?"

Blake shrugged, "No theories worth noting, my guesses are that it's something that either relates to the Director and where Church came from, some memory of Alpha that Epsilon is remembering that could relate to... himself somehow-"

"I think it obviously relates to Tex." Yang shrugged.

"You're biased." Weiss pointed out.

Yang shrugged, "So? He had memory flashes of Tex before."

Blake nodded, "Good point, but he only decided to come here once he saw Washington. Which is my biggest theory, that somehow it relates to Washington."

"You're also biased." Weiss pointed out. "Both of you are biased and want it to somehow relate to your favorite character."

Yang chuckled, "Guess we'll just have to see who's right. Wanna bet on it?"

Blake shook her head, "No, you and Ren can gambled all you want."

"I'll bet on your behalf then." Ren pulled out some of his Lien.

"Does that mean I get a cut if you win?" Blake asked.

Ren nodded, "If you'd like, I don't bet for the money."

"You're in it to be right." Yang chuckled.

"That makes me sound narcissistic." Ren commented.

"So you deny it?" Yang asked.

"Not entirely." Ren chuckled.

FILSS: "Are you certain Director? You never bring visitors into this-"

Church: "I said, open it."

FILSS: "Alright. Unlocking."

The door unlocks and opens.

FILSS: "Would you like me to archive your... personal project?"

"Even FILSS is uneasy with this." Pyrrha grimaced slightly.

Church: "No. Let's see everything."

FILSS: "If you say so Director."

Cut to the Reds at the outside the facility, hiding behind the tree FILSS is on.

Sarge: "Simmons, what's the status report?"

"If they made it, Tucker shouldn't be far behind." Jaune commented.

Simmons: "Gumball McJones and Caboose just went into that door."

Grif: "What door? All I see is a wall."

Simmons: "It's a secret door?"

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