Weiss sighed, "I thought we already talked about this, Hard-light dust is the jewel of Atlas and SDC dust. It's hard to get and even harder to find. My allowance isn't infinite."

Blake blew a short puff air through her lips, "ff-with the amount of gravity dust your father sells to Atlas just to keep it floating I'm surprised your allowance isn't near infinite."

Weiss sighed, "I'm not that rich."

"Man... rich girl problems." Yang pouted as she shook her head, looking downcast.

Weiss glared at Yang, "You know what? I can't stand you sometimes."

"I'm sorry, I just feel so bad for you."

"I can't stand you at all, you're insufferable."

Yang burst out laughing, "I hope you know I was joking."

Weiss waved her off, "I know, Anyway, back on topic... which was.. what?"

Ruby chuckled, "We got sidetracked."

Weiss chuckled, "Whatever, I actually haven't ever heard or seen anything about gravity dust sales of that size. I would say the city gets it by itself somehow somehow but my father would never allow competition, especially that close to home."

Blake hummed, "That is strange."

"Maybe it's a conspiracy!" Nora gasped.

Weiss sighed, "The only conspiracy theory relating to Atlas I care about is illegal Faunus labor."

"Which to those who aren't in denial or blind, isn't much of a theory at all. More of an ugly truth." Blake grumbled.

Pyrrha nodded, "Denial is a blindness we choose to accept."

Ren put his pen to his notebook, "I like that quote."

"I do too." Jaune nodded as he pressed play.

Doc: "You know more than me, I just got here."

"That's true." Blake sighed, "He's going to outlive his usefulness."

Pyrrha shook her head, "I think Doc can talk his way out of being useless... which he isn't."

"Nice save." Nora laughed.

Washington: "Hit him."

Meta hits Doc

Doc: "Oah!"

Pyrrha sighed, "He resorted to Torture."

Blake sighed as well, "I really hoped he wouldn't."

Washington: "You worked with them before. Do they have any hideouts, anywhere they go when they're in trouble."

"Blood Gulch and Valhalla are their only bases." Weiss commented.

Doc: "I don't know."

Washington: "Hit him again."

The Meta hits him again

Doc: "Ow!"

Pyrrha sighed.

"Whenever he gets hit how sounds like an old man." Nora commented, "Weird."

Blake frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You don't hear it?" Nora asked.

Blake shook her head.

Washington: "Did Simmons say where Sarge and Grif were? You can either answer me, or I can have the Meta beat it out of you. Or, I can beat it out of you. I think I've earned it."

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