The three stared at Ruby wide eyed, not having expected Ruby to understand.

"But that doesn't mean we can't all go on adventures sometimes." Ruby held her hand out as if to say 'Duh.'

"Oh, I was worried you would be upset, At the beginning of the year you were really really worried about being on a team with me." Yang explained.

"Well yeah! You were my only friend." Ruby put her fists to her hips.

Yang chuckled and held her nose, "Why would I need friends if I have you."

Ruby blushed furiously, "That's not what I said!"

Yang cackled as she nodded, "Yes you did!"

Blake chuckled, "You used to be so clingy."

"Used to be? You're not her 'BFF.'" Weiss mocked.

"Or her Sister." Yang added.

Weiss nodded, "She was never that clingy to you."

Blake laughed, "Yeah sure, you two didn't have to deal with her infatuation with my 'cute little kitty ears' or hear about all the fantasy books she read as a kid."

Ruby gasped, "You liked having someone else to talk about books with!"

Yang furrowed her brows, "Wait hold on, Read!? Ruby you didn't read them." Yang turned to Blake, "They were read to her! By me! I had to stay up all night reading them until her sugar highs wore off."

Ruby giggled, "I loved the stories and the way you read them was funny."

Yang chuckled, "Thanks."

Blake smiled, "That's sweet."

Yang smirked, "Maybe one night I can read you to sleep."

Blake hissed as she blushed, "No."

The room erupted with laughter, mostly from Yang. Blake huffed, "I think we've wasted enough time, Jaune."

Jaune nodded as he hit play.

Fade in to Caboose being harassed on top of a tall super-rock formation by 4 aliens below. Tucker is with them, but not harassing Caboose .

The Aliens are making their usual Blargh's.

Caboose: "Get away, bad aliens! Shoo aliens shoo! Rolled up newspaper!"

Pyrrha shook her head, "I wonder why the Aliens are mad at Caboose."

"I think it's because Church is gone, they probably blame him." Blake guessed.

Pyrrha frowned, "Why would they blame Caboose?" Jaune chuckled, "They're like the Fanatics except aliens."

"They aren't very rational." Ren agreed.

Tucker: "Maybe you should have thought about that before you lost their all-powerful Deity."

Caboose: "I didn't lose him, he left. Or maybe he lost himself. Or maybe the Reds took him."

"Sometimes Caboose says things that are very thought provoking." Ren commented.

Pyrrha hummed, "Like what?"

Ren smiled, "Or maybe he lost himself."

Pyrrha nodded, "I see, Church did lose himself."

Ruby sighed, "Literally, Alpha died and now Church is Church but a memory... or something it's still a little confusing."

"Or a lot." Nora laughed.

Caboose gets shot with one needler shot

Caboose: "I don't- ow, stop that."

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