Through Poland's Eyes

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We landed in front of Switzerland's house. I set Belarus down, and she smiles up at me. I let her take my hand for comfort as we walked back into the house.

"Switzerland? It's Poland!" I exclaim. No answer.

"Did she leave?" Belarus asked.

"She said that she'd be staying here...," I say, looking around for her. Me and Belarus scan every room. There was no sign of the healer anywhere.

Suddenly, I hear a scream. I see Belarus running down the hall and out of the house, occasionally tripping on her skirt.

"Bela!" I call, running after her. She exits the house and runs around the back. When I follow her to the backyard, I see Imperial Japan holding his sword to Switzerland's throat. Switzerland maintained a neutral expression.

Belarus's eyes began to glow.

"No!" I whisper yell trough my teeth, but it was too late. Belarus used her power to lift all the small rocks off the yard and chuck them at Imperial Japan. He dropped his sword in surprise and shielded his face. Suddenly, a wall of ice formed around him. Belarus stopped her attack out of shock. Imperial Japans power is to visually warp reality in small bursts. He can make the sky appear red, he can make the grass seem blue. However, he never had the ability to form matter which wasn't already existing, like ice. However, there is one person we know who's ice powers almost rival his own fathers.

"Russia...," Belarus said quietly, fear in her voice. Imperial Japan laughed as the ice melted around him. He lifted Belarus by her throat and began to strangle her. I immediately fly quickly around them and pick up Imperial Japans sword. He swivels around to meet my gaze. His sword in my hands, I give him a threatening glare. Imperial smiled and dropped Belarus on the ground. She began gasping in air. Strong laces of unbreakable gold lined silk wrapped around Belarus. I guess that's where China's power went.

Imperial Japan surrounded me with a dark purple cloud. I held my breath, recognizing it as North Korea's power. I fly out of the cloud and thrust the sword at Imperials chest. He teleported out of the way. Thailand's power. I switch the sword to my other hand and swing in his direction. He holds his hand out. The sword hits his hand and makes a clinking sound as if it had hit metal. I feel rage surge throughout my body.

Hungary's power.

I let out an angry roar and furiously swing at him. He blocks the attacks with everything he has stolen, but it's clear that my energy is weighing him down. I continue slashing in rage as the world around us started inverting colors. Imperial Japan must be trying to disorient me. However, I keep going. The inverted colors made my head spin, and my tears were blurring my vision.

Suddenly, I hear a gasp of pain. I quickly wipe my eyes and see that I had sliced him at his waist. Before I could make my next move, Imperial Japan thrusts me towards the back wall of the house using the powers he stole from Taiwan. He slowly limped up to me, a sharp flaming golden star forming in his hand. EU's power. He lifted it above his head and was about to thrust it at me, when suddenly he looked down in surprise.

A small cat was tugging at his pant leg.

"Nekomi...," I whispered in awe. Imperial Japan kicked her to the side. Nekomi stumbled back. She let out the cat equivalent of a war cry. More animals started to come toward us. Imperial was caught between fighting the animals and struggling to keep me down. However, before he could try to kill me, he suddenly burst into flames.

I turned and saw Germany, Mexico, and America. Mexico was with Switzerland, trying to help Belarus out of the silk trap, while America and Germany were standing together with matching shocked faces. Germany glanced worriedly at me and ran up to my side. Germany started pushing Imperial Japan to the ground. Imperial let out struggled screams. Germany must have felt scared, for he answered to Imperial's pleas of mercy. Imperial stumbled back, and transformed himself into a Phoenix. He flew away from us, struggling from his wounds.

"Poland! Are you ok?" Germany exclaimed.

"Why did you spare him?" I spat angrily. Germany flinched at my harsh tone. He looked back at me with the same fear and uncertainty he did from before I taught him how to use his magic. I sigh. "Sorry... it's fine... thank you for saving me,".

"You're welcome...," Germany said, yet he was still looking at me as if I hated him. America walked up to us and put a hand on both of our shoulders.

"The important thing is that you're all ok," America said. "Probably far from fine, but you're alive,".

Switzerland healed Belarus's arm and quickly retreated back to her house. Before she went in, she turned to us.

"I don't want to fight... but if any of you need something, like a place to stay or healing, I'll help you," Switzerland said.

"Thank you," I say. Switzerland silently nods and walks back into her home. Mexico sighed.

"Well, imperial being out here means that they are looking for us... I'm wondering if we should just go in and try to stop them before they kill us," Mexico said.

"But... shouldn't we try to find all the help we can get?" America asked.

"If we just wander around down here hoping to find someone, they'll just find us and kill us. We can either let that happen or try to stop them now," Mexico said. America sighed.

"You're probably right... but... how?" America asked.

"We need a plan... and to do that we need to figure out what's going on inside so we can stop it," I say.

"But how do we sneak inside? We need someone small... someone who can sneak past Reich's guards...," America said. Suddenly, Nekomi pawed at America's leg.


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