Cage of Gold

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*This is a revision of my book Spread My Wings. If you would like to read the original (to enjoy poor grammar and lackluster spelling) here is the link:

*while this revised version keeps a lot of the main story from the original, some things may be changed or adjusted*

*and also keep in mind this AU is set in a mystical, Olympus-y, fairytale-ish, vaguely heaven-like world with no technology, modern weaponry, or modern amenities. Everyone is wearing overly fancy things for the heck of it, and everyone lives in fancy palace-like mansions, or quaint cottages. so no, America sadly cannot whip out a shooty bang bang and go florida mode*

Sixty five......

Sixty six......

Sixty seven.......

Sixty eight......

Sixty nine......


I emerge from the water and take a deep breath. Yeah, that definitely wasn't it...

I look up at Australia and New Zealand, both giving me matching smiles. Canada wasn't nearly as amused.

"America, finding your power and finding new ways to nearly kill yourself are mutually exclusive," Canada says, concern in his voice.

"C'mon Maple, I was just seeing how long I could hold my breath! We used to do that all the time when we were kids!" I say, smiling. Canada rolls his eyes.

"Well, you should stop acting like a kid and learn to grow up. Maybe that's why your guardian hasn't found you worthy yet," Canada says indignantly. I laugh, brushing off the pain I feel being reminded of my... 'uniqueness'.

Once a country reaches a certain age, usually around the time they hit puberty, a magical entity called a 'spirit creature' finds them. That entity merges with their soul, giving them a certain magic ability. Some powers are common, like fire or ice powers; Some are more rare like reality warping or the ability to summon toxic clouds. Unfortunately, I haven't been found by my guardian yet... I must admit, it is sad to live in a world of magic and being the only one who is not special...

Or maybe I am?

Well, if this is what it means to be special, I wish I could be the most average person ever.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" Poland says while flying over to us. His grand white wings are glowing in the bright sun, making him look even more angelic than usual. Over his dress shirt and pants, he wears a light red robe with a golden trim, all tied in place with a golden rope. He presents himself as elegantly as a prince, and has the strength of a warrior.

"I'm not doing much, just taking a swim with my babysitters," I joke. My brothers roll their eyes. I always tell them they don't have to watch over me like I'm a child, but they never listen. It's embarrassing, especially since I am the oldest sibling. "Do you want to join? I have plenty of lifeguards."

"Ah, a swim does sound lovely. Unfortunately, I have to get back to my training," Poland replies. I give him a sad smile, and I try my best not to look at the scars running down his face and wings. A few years ago, a horrible group of twisted people tried to take over our land... Poor Poland. He and so many others suffered at the hands of these monsters. I wish I could have done something to help... Unfortunately, I was stuck at home like a child. My father said I wouldn't last a second in battle...

Spread My Wings (REVISED + EDITED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt