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I walked out of my fathers mansion, the previous conversation still playing in my mind. Why don't they trust Germany? He's never hurt me before! Of course, people only think about who his father was, and not who Germany is. People are only really intimidated by my family because of my Grandfather, The British Empire, I suppose.

"AME! Where are you going?"

I stop and turn around slowly, expecting to see my father or one of my servants. Instead I turn around to see my good friend, The Philippines.

"Oh! Hi Philip!" I exclaim. Philip frowns.

"Why were you walking so fast? You walked right past the forest entrance! Good thing I was there, you would have been halfway to the palace by now! Did you forget about us?" Philip asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just had something on my mind," I say. Philip looks at me, concern growing on his face.

"Are you ok Ame? Do you want to talk about it?" Philip asked. I brush past him and make my way towards the gate leading into the forest.

"I'm fine! It's stupid anyway," I say. Luckily, Philip decides to let it go. We made our way through the forest, talking about life and funny stories. The two of us laugh over a dumb joke I make, when suddenly...

"Hey! What's so funny?" We heard someone ask. I flinch. I recognize that voice.

"Leave us alone North," Philip warns. North Korea laughs.

"Or what Phillip? You're gonna tell your daddy? Oh wait! You can't, can you?" North says. I clench my fists. I want to punch him so badly, but I was told strictly to never ever get in a fight... and of course, North is always looking for a fight. Philips eyes started glowing bright yellow.

"You asked for it...," He said. Bright rays of light started circling around Philips body, and he got into a fighting stance. North simply smirked. His one eye started glowing a violet-blue color, and around his clenched fist, formed a dark, poisonous cloud. The two stood there, staring at each other, sizing each other up. In one swift move North Korea thrust the poison cloud at Philip. He swiftly dodged, and shot a ray of light directly towards North Korea. He tried to dodge, but ended up getting a large burn on his arm. He scowled at Philip, releasing a dark cloud- almost like a foggy aura. I couldn't bear to watch this anymore. I jumped in between the two countries.

"Please, this isn't worth it!" I exclaim. Philips eyes widen.

"Ame no! Don't get involved!" Philip exclaims. North Korea laughs. He walks up to me and looks me in the eyes. It is kind of awkward, especially since he is shorter than me, but I start freaking out nonetheless.

"Looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson," North Korea says coolly.

"North! Stop! He can't fight back!" Philip exclaims. I wince. North Korea uses his magic to pin Philip to a nearby tree. He then pushes me with all of his strength onto the floor.

"Take that you powerless freak!" He exclaims while punching me repeatedly in the face. He was sitting on top of me, and was just heavy enough to restrict my breathing. It didn't help that he was using one hand to hold my neck against the floor. I kick and shout but he wasn't getting off. I heard Philip call for help in the distance.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I heard someone scream. Suddenly, North Korea was flung off of my chest. I take a deep breath and immediately sit up. I see Canada standing there with his eyes glowing a fiery maple color. He had summoned vines and used them to lift North Korea of the ground. "If I see you near my brother again, I will rip you're head off and feed it to Australia's alligators. Do you understand?" Canada warns. North Korea silently nods. Canada releases him, and he ran off into the forest. Both Philip and Canada rush over to me.

Spread My Wings (REVISED + EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now