Family Reunion

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"Hello, son," Third Reich said, flashing a menacing smile.

"Get away from us!" Germany screamed. I stand up to run, but then realize that Germany's legs are chained together. I pick Germany up and start running towards the exit. But I realize that the two other hooded figures have made a barrier out of spikes, keeping us trapped inside. I turn around and see Third Reich slowly making his way towards us. Great, now what?

Reich points his scepter towards Germany. I quickly turn around and shield him with my body.

I feel a sharp pain surge throughout my body. It feels like I'm being ripped in half. However, I try my best to power through it.

"America?" I hear Germany whisper. I look him in the eyes and force a reassuring smile. Japan rushes up to us.

"America! Are you ok?" Japan exclaims.

"I'm fine, you two need to get to safety," I say, pushing Germany towards Japan. Japan hesitates, but wraps his arm around Germany and carries him away. I start to follow, but suddenly feel someone grab me from behind.

"Hey! Let me go!" I scream, trying to break free from their grasp. I turn to look at who's carrying me.

"Soviet?!" I yell. He looks at me with pain and regret in his eyes. He mouths a quiet apology.

"Good job Soviet. I knew I could count on you," Reich cooed. Soviet scowled, his eyes burning with indescribable amounts of hatred.

"Go to hell, you backstabbing monster," Soviet spat. Reich's smile widens.

"I'd be careful with what I say if I were you. After all...," Reich motions to the other two hooded figures, who are holding up Kazakhstan and Russia. "It would be a shame if something were to happen to those poor children,".

Soviet remained quiet. I look up at him.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. All I can do is give him an understanding nod. I never liked Soviet, but there was always something we could agree on.

Third Reich is a heartless monster.

"Soviet! Let him go!" My father screams. Reich turns to look at him, scepter in hand. My mother grabbed onto my fathers arm and quietly whispered to him. However, my fathers eyes start to glow. But before he could do anything I noticed one of the hooded figures pointing their scepter towards him.

"Father! Look out!" I scream. He turns to look at the beam heading straight towards him, but my mother leaps in the way at the last second.

"France!" My father exclaimed, leaning down to help her up.

"I-I'm ok... the damage has already been done...," my mother says quietly.

"What do you want from me?" I scream.

"Oh, I don't want anything from you. My friend however...," Reich said, pointing across the room towards the taller of the two hooded figures. They start walking towards me.

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic

"W-who are you?" I exclaim. The hooded figure lets out a small laugh.

He slowly takes of his hood.

"Did you miss me brother?"


It can't be.

"Confederate?" I breathe. His smile widens. I feel a tight grip around my neck. Next thing I know, he starts lifting me in the air with telekinesis.

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