Through New Zealand's Eyes

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Kazakhstan, Indonesia, China and I walked side by side in silence. We had managed to get out of the palace by jumping out of the palace window... Well, to be honest, it was mostly Indo and China's idea. Me and Kaz are chained to them, so we didn't really have a choice. We should have been dead, but thankfully Mexico was there. She's pretty strong... but definitely not strong enough to support the weight of four people with just her wings. However, it did slow our descent into a glide just slow enough for all of us to reach the ground with only minor injuries. Unfortunately, Indonesia landed on Kazakhstan's leg, breaking it. China made him a cast out of sticks and fabric he tore from his coat.

I don't like China all that much... but being in a life or death situation really makes you forget all of your past feelings towards a person. I barely remember how I felt towards my twin brother the day I ran away from home. All I know now is that I miss him. I miss all my brothers. I miss my mother and father. I miss the garden. I miss my friends. I wish I had never met that evil man.... the man who claims to be my long lost older brother.

"Indo, where are we going?" Kazakhstan asked, slightly annoyed. Since his leg is broken I have to help him walk. All of this walking can't be good for his leg, but we can't just sit around and do nothing until his leg gets better.

"I'm sure we're almost there, it's Malaysia's favorite spot in the forest. I've only been there a few times... but I'm sure we'll find it," Indonesia said with false certainty. Kazakhstan wore an unconvinced frown, but decided to keep quiet. We continued on in silence for what felt like hours until Kazakhstan cleared his throat.

"Um... what do you guys think happened to Mexico?" Kazakhstan asked. Indonesia sighed.

"Hopefully she got away. If not, she's probably still at the palace," Indonesia said. I sigh. Mexico is Canada's childhood friend, although my mom tells me that she was actually friends with America before Canada. But the friendship between them ended I guess. I'm not really sure though, because I didn't know America at the time.

The first time I saw America was in an old photo in my fathers office that he had left on his desk. It was a photo of America and Canada holding me and Australia when we were just babies. When I asked my father about the photo, he panicked and told me to never speak of it again. I always assumed America must have died or something, but one day he arrived on our doorstep in tears. I never knew what happened, but from what I gathered America and our grandfather had a huge argument that ended with America running away from home and living somewhere else. He came back home when I was very young. Me and Australia didn't know what to think of him at first, but we ended up warming up to him over the years. I wonder where America is now... he is the one who broke the window after all... and he and Germany were the first ones to jump.

"Hey, NZ... You ok? You seem stressed," Indonesia asked. China rolled his eyes at Indonesia's question but remained silent.

"Yeah, I'm ok.... well, not ok but... I'm still alive I guess," I say. Indonesia sighs and nods

"Do you guys think anyone else made it out of the palace?" Kazakhstan asked.

"C-can we not talk about that?" Indonesia stuttered. Kazakhstan sadly nodded and we once again continued on in silence. Suddenly, China stopped.

"Sh! Do you hear that?" China asked. We all listen closely. In the distance, I hear a variety of animal calls.


Suddenly, a wolf appears out of the forest. It looked at us with anger, but once it saw me it immediately calmed down. It ran towards me and started tugging on my shirt with its teeth.

"New Zealand...," Kazakhstan said, panic in his voice. I cautiously pet the wolf, which seemed comfortable with my actions.

"Hey there, did Australia send you?" I ask. It looked up into my eyes at the mention of my brothers name. It started to walk back in the direction it came, but stopped and faced us. "I think it wants us to follow It," I say. The others glance at each other with uncertainty, but follow the wolf anyway. We make it to a small clearing in the forest. The wolf looked around and started to head into the forest. I was about to follow it, until it growled at me, as if telling me to stay put.

Kazakhstan took this opportunity to sit down and rub his broken leg.

"Do you think you can re-tie this thing China? It's getting kinda loose...," Kazakhstan asked. China sighed and started fixing Kazakhstan's cast.

I fiddled with the chain wrapped around my waist tethering me to the other three countries. We are all about an arms length away from each other, with me and Kazakhstan at the end, China in the middle and Indonesia in the front. Well, unless we turn around I guess, but Indo has been leading us this entire walk.

"What do you think the wolf lead us here for?" Indonesia asked. I sigh.

"I don't know... I was hoping... w-well...," I start.

"...Australia made it out?" Indonesia finished for me. I sigh and nod.

"I can't believe I let that guy convince me that Australia was the cause of all my self doubt. I mean, he played a part in it I guess, but I was the one who was comparing myself to him," I say. Indonesia sighed.

"Yeah, I get it. I always spent so much time comparing myself to all of my friends that I kind of forgot that they also had flaws. I guess it's easier to focus on the things your friends can do that you can't than things they don't know how to do that you do," Indonesia said. Kazakhstan sighed.

"That guy... he took advantage of our self doubt. I guess it's easiest to target people who have lower self worth, huh?" Kazakhstan said. China looked down and sighed.

"I should have talked North Korea out of helping that guy. But by the time I realized he was going to double cross us, it was already too late," China said. We sat in silence for a few minutes, until suddenly I hear familiar voices in the distance.

"Why is it taking us back? We have to get back to the palace!" I hear Poland say.

"Calm down Poland, I'm sure it has a good reason,". When I hear this voice I immediately jump to my feet.

"America?" I exclaim.

"Did- did someone just call your name?" I hear another voice say. Suddenly, America, Germany and Poland emerge from the forest with the wolf. America sees me and immediately freezes. Tears fall from his eyes, a look of disbelief on his face.

"New Zealand?"

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