V2 part 2: Kahn's punishment

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Kahn's pov

    I'm currently sitting on my knees with my head down. It's been a day since the breach. Ruby and my mom are far enough away that I can't hear what they are whispering about. I look up briefly to see if they are done yet, as I do I see them nod to each other before walking back over to me.

Kahn: So wh-

Glynda: No speaking right now. We shall deliver our judgment on you Kahn Alexander Copperscale Goodwitch.

    I wince at hearing mom say my full name. Ok this is going to be real bad I can feel it. She doesn't say my full name unless I did something that really upset her. Like that time I almost at that stray cat when I was younger who we would later adopt and I would name Mr. Whiskers.

    I look at both of their faces. Mom genuinely looks really angry while on the other hand Ruby... Ruby look angry but I can also tell she is trying to hold in a laugh. What are they plotting? Mom smacks a nearby wall with her weapon getting my attention.

Glynda: You must preform all the chores for team RWBY, such as cleaning, cooking, getting groceries and provide act as a substitute member for them in the tournament. Not only that but...

    FUCK. I'm not going to be allowed to act solo in the tournament?! Darn you Ozpin I can just tell you had a hand in this. I can't even go against him and go forward with my threat now because I'm still participating like I wanted to and it would go against who I am if I go through with the threat. You clever old bastard Ozpin. Ruby waves her hand infront of my face to get my attention. I look up to her.

Ruby: But you also have to buy me cookies every week! Ooh ooh and come with me to weapon stores to carry stuff for me when needed!

Kahn: Ok.

    This is nowhere near as bad of a punishment as I had expected. And given how I didn't argue it looks like Ruby looks kind of disappointed that I didn't while mom just nods because she knows that she taught me not to argue about these things.

Glynda: OH and before I forget Kahn you have detention for the next because of you irresponsible behavior. You are a third year student. As such you should know better than to go running off on your own even if it is for recon because you were assigned to aid a group of first years. You were supposed to stick with them! Not head out on your own! It doesn't matter that an experienced hunter was with them as their senior student you had a duty to aid them by staying close, help them stay safe and give them pointers and helpful information on how to improve themselves and their teamwork for Oum's sake. And don't even get me started on how stupid your decision was to rush to the front of the train AND TRY TO STOP IT BY YOURSELF WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN ON THE TRAIN AND HELPED THEM DEAL WITH ROMAN AND THE WHITE FANG. If you had died because of your recklessness I don't know what I would've done. As such I am adding one more punishment. You are banned from eating steak until the semester ends.

    I had flinched when she shouted at me but this... I can't eat stake until the end of the school year!?! I just let out a loud groan.

Kahn: ok....

Glynda: Good. Now I shall leave you with miss Rose while I go back down to the city to finish helping with the repairs.

   I just stare at the ground as mom uses her semblance to fly of down to the city to aid in the repairs. Which left me with Ruby.

Ruby: OH Kahn~ time to do the chores~

    She said that in such sweet sing song way yet it somehow sent shivers down my spine. What have I done. I should have listened to my gut and not fly off when the bullhead landed. I would still be allowed to eat stake if I didn't fly off. I feel Ruby jump onto my back and see her point towards the first year dorms.

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