Getting ready for Lady danybury's ball

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It was the start of the season and Penelope was nervous for multiple reasons. One it would be her first outing in public as a member of the British Royal family and Colin would be back. She had been living with mama and papa for three months now and everything was going so well. They spent time together walking around the gardens and having tea and reading new books with each other at the end of every night. Her relationship with both of them has gotten so much better since that dreadful evening at the Featherington house and than the alley. She was so thankful to mama for everything. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Eloise would come round and we would spend the day walking around the gardens or reading in the giant library. They have some much fun together just being them. Another thing she was worried about was lady Whistledown, now being a member of the royal family she didn't think it would be fair to continue but mama had different plans.

Penelope was sat in her room writing a letter to Eloise about what they were going to be doing when she showed up in two days time when there was knock on the door. Calling for them to enter she was pleasantly surprised when mama entered the room since she was supposed to be in court with her ladies.
"Mama how can I help you." Charlotte walked towards the bed and took a seat. She signed and took a breath before saying.
"Penelope dearest as you know the season is a upon us and with it your first outing as a member of the family. Now I know this will be a shock to you but I think I have figured out a way for you to continue being lady Whistledown. You need to employ some people for the balls your not there and get them to send all there findings to you by letter. Than you can go along with Reynolds to the printers. What do you think?"
"Mama that's a brilliant idea I didn't even think about Whistledown but that a great idea I can tell Eloise and hopefully she won't be to mad not to help." With that settled she continued writing to Eloise adding on the end that she had some big news to tell her.

When Eloise showed up the next day she sat her down and explained everything about how she became Whistledown to exposing marina about her pregnancy. Eloise took it as well as expected she was angry at first but than calmed down enough for Penelope to ask her to join her in getting information for her to write in the weekly blasts. And that brings us to now. Penelope is sat in her room waiting for Anne to come help her get her ready. The bridgerton girls were going to meet her at the ball to escort her.

There was a knock on the door signalling Anne's arrival so Penelope took a deep breath and called enter. Anne walked in with two other maids behind her, carrying bags of different things whilst Anne carried the dress. Penelope got up and walked over to the vanity table in the Conor by the window while Anne and the maids prepared everything. Already having a bath had been a good idea Penelope decided, adding that to the list of things she Already had to go through was strenuous at best so she was glad she already did it. Anne watched Penelope take some deep breaths and than sit straight In her seat so she sent the other maids way as she walked over.
"Miss Penelope what hair style are we looking for today."
" I think Anne I would like my hair in a braided bun with little pieces framing my face with some diamonds scattered around. Do you think that would look right."
"It would look wonderful miss Penelope." Grabbing the brush on the right side of her vanity, Anne got to brushing out her hair.

Once her hair had been done in the hairstyle she wanted next was the makeup. Light powder to clear the oily skin, rosy powder for her cheeks and kohl for her eyes and a light pink paste for her lips. Looking into the mirror by the vanity she couldn't help but look amazed and she wasn't even dressed yet. Taking another deep breath Penelope got up out of her chair and stood before the mirror for Anne to dress her. Taking 15 minutes for the dress to go, Penelope was amazed to see the dress on her. In duck egg blue, the dress seemed to go on forever with it fitting In all the right places. She looked as if a goddess had come to earth and inhabited her body to make her look like she did. The dress itself was a duck egg blue that seemed to compliment her skin town and had little diamonds scattered all over the bodice before dipping into the skirt where there was little floral details full of lace. Still looking over herself in the mirror she didn't hear the door to her room open and Charlotte with George enter the room. Their breaths being taken away from them as they looked at their daughter. She looked absolutely stunning and so regal in that dress. Clearing their throats they watched Penelope jump.
"Penelope, my darling daughter you look beautiful that blue does really compliment your skin."
George walked forward and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you papa you look great too." Dressing in his formal clothes George looked almost like he did in his youth.
Charlotte walked towards them then carrying a big box in her hand.
"Now my dear it is tradition for every member of the royal family to be wearing a crown at the first event of the season. So I brought this with me." Opening the box Charlotte pulled out a beautiful silver tiara. Full of diamonds and emeralds the tiara seemed to glimmer in the candlelight. Carefully grabbing it out of its box, George turned towards Penelope and delicately placed it on her head. Penelope turned towards the mirror once more and felt the breath leave her as the tiara seemed to complete the look.
"Thank you mama I will wear it with honour and pride." Hugging Charlotte carefully, she stepped from the mirrors view.
George joined in the hug before Brimsly and Reynolds cleared their throats.
"Your majesty's sorry to disturb but it's time for you all to depart." Looking at the time they exited Penelope's bedroom and Buckingham House and into the courtyard where there was three carriages waiting.
"What is this why is there three." George demanded.
"Your majesty you and her majesty queen Charlotte are going to take one whilst her highness princess Penelope takes another with Reynolds and me in the other is that all right your majesty it's just for tonight as it's her highness first outing." Brimsly explained.
George agreed not liking it but understanding why they did what they did. Helping
Penelope into her carriage with Reynolds settling on her other side, he helped Charlotte into their carriage before getting in himself and giving the order to set off.

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