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It had been a day since the Bridgerton ladies had come to her at Buckingham house and she had been on a high since. Penelope had spent the morning writing to Colin and telling him everything that happened in her own words. She knew that he would receive the letter from his family first but she thought it would be better to follow it up with a letter from her.
To my Dearest Colin,
By the time this letter has reached you, your family's letter would already be in your possession. I know you know what has happened and are furious as is everyone else that has been informed. Let me settle some of that anger. I am fine and completely safe here at Buckingham House with her majesty Queen Charlotte(or Charlotte as I have been asked to call her) and have felt more at home here than anywhere else expect when I'm in your family's home. She has been most kind to me and has even bought me a whole new wardrobe full of different styles and colours so no more horrible hideous yellow. I wanted you to hear from me because I know you would be worried until you heard from me. As I said I'm safe, content and happy although missing you dearly. Come back home safe and sound and with you lots of stories to tell me.
Yours forever
Sealing up the letter, she stood up and walked out of her room.

Walking into the tea room after delivering the letter she found Charlotte sat with her ladies in waiting. They all looked up when Penelope walked in and sat down at the table. The ladies in waiting were shocked to see a child they never met before sit before the queen without waiting to be told to, even Lady Danbury would wait for Charlotte to say for her to sit and they were best friends.
"Good morning Charlotte how are you this beautiful morning." The ladies in waiting were waiting for Charlotte to have ago at this child but were shocked when she simply smiled instead.
"Good morning to you my darling. Im in the most fabulous mood this morning and it's brightened to see you. How was your morning."
"It was good, I finally decided on what to write to Colin and how to phrase it. I know he will worried once his family letter has reached him so I decided to write him so he knows I'm safe from myself."
"That is a good idea." And than silence took over once more. Until Penelope spoke up again.
"Good morning Brimsly I had forgotten to wish you one."
"Good morning to you miss. I hope you have been well."
"I am well thank you." Everyone except Charlotte were shocked. No one really talked to Brismly expect of course for Charlotte so for someone else to be talking to him so publicly was quite a shock. Charlotte on the hand was pleased, she knew that Penelope was worming her way through her butlers heart as she was her own but for her to knowledge him without wanting anything meant a great deal to him.
"Penelope dear your wardrobe has arrived and is being sent to your room as we speak and after breakfast we will go over what has been created."
"Oh thank you I have been excited to see what has been made."
"Your welcome." The silence was cut by the breakfast bell and they made there way to the dinning room.

After a hefty breakfast Charlotte, after dismissing her ladies in waiting, and Penelope made their to her chambers. When they reached the door they found Anne stood outside watching as other servants brought in trunks of what could only be assumed as Penelope's new wardrobe. Once the trunks were in her bedroom the servants were sent back to their duties as Anne, Penelope and Charlotte shut the door and dug into the trunks.
Inside was several different garments from corsets to dresses and so forth. They were put out the bed as Penelope was to chose her favourites. On the bed were several dresses, three in a pale pink that had a simple pattern of lace detailing, three dresses of a sage green which had details of the same pale pink around the bust and around the shoulders. Four dresses were in Bridgerton blue and had small flowers popping all over them. It was subtle but elegant. On all the dresses however were some jewels all around them and they were all in the same silk material that she liked. Also on the bed were two other dresses. One was a stunning silver , which had rubies and emeralds on the bodice which stood out amongst the fabric  and travelled in threes on the skirt of the dress and a lilac dresses which had diamonds draped from the bodice to the skirt along with lace detailing and had a bit of Georgian style to it. They were all stunning and Penelope loved them all so instead of picking one or two dresses which were her favourite she picked them all. Charlotte was very please by what she was seeing and shocked to see the sliver  and lilac dress on the bed. They were her and George's colours and could stand out amongst the crowd as they were not that popular today than they were in her teens. Taking a breath she turned to Penelope.
"Well my dear which do you like the most."
"I like them all Charlotte I can't pick which ones are my favourites. They are all so beautiful and the silver is one I'm most shocked at. I love it and I think I could really stand out in it."
"You would look stunning and stand out in any of them. You are a diamond in your own right my dear. Now pick one to wear tonight we are going out for dinner this evening and it's very special."
"Really you think so. Thank you Charlotte, where are we going."
"It's a surprise my dear now pick a dress."
Charlotte is shocked when Penelope instead of going for the pink or green she goes for the silver dress. She holds it to her and looks in the mirror, what she sees must please her as she nods and turns back to Charlotte.
"This is the one I think. Would this one be appropriate."
Charlotte nods still in shock. She knew Penelope didn't know where they were going but she has unintentionally chosen George's colour to wear. Snapping out of her shock, she turns back to Penelope.
"You will look lovely my dear now you have picked I think it's time for a walk in the garden and some tea before lunch and than I believe it will be time to get ready." Nodding Penelope puts the dress in the bed, nods to Anne to start putting the rest away before walking out the door with Charlotte.

After a light lunch and a walk in the gardens, Penelope was in her chambers in the bath. She had requested it when she realised they could be meeting an important person and didn't want to smell or look dirty when she met this important person whoever they may be. Anne walked in the room with her oils and sponges and started to scrub at her skin lightly. Once finished they washed her hair with fancy shampoo and conditioner than she got out of the bath. Walking back into her main chambers, she stood in front of her mirror as Anne rubbed lotion In her skin to make it smell nice and keep it moisturised. Once done they put on her undergarments and walked over to the vanity to dry her hair. After, they stood up and put the sliver dress on. When Penelope looked in the mirror she was shocked once more. The dress draped over her body and snatched all th right places. The jewels on the dress shined like stars in the sky in just the right light and made her complexion look almost like she had doused herself in powder but not look patchy. Her hair stood out against the silver and was not even finished yet. Moving back to the vanity Anne placed very little powder around her eyes and cheeks, putting the littlest lipstick on her lips they moved onto hair.
"Miss Penelope what hair style would u like today."
"Could I have some of my hair up and the rest of it down and curled please." Nodding Anne got to it. Putting some of her hair in a complex up do as the rest of her hair was curled and draped down her back like waves. Adding some rubies and emeralds in her hair and taking the baby hairs out of the up do to frame her face she was ready to go and just in time to as there was knock on the door. Nodding for Anne to open it, she stood from the vanity. In walked Charlotte who stopped when she saw Penelope stood in front of her. Standing in front of her was a girl who had not been abandoned or hurt but looked like a true princess. There in George's colours was a princess and Charlotte couldn't be more proud.
"Penelope you look stunning and that colour does truly suit you. Did you know that George's colour and he would say if he were here that you look like a true princess."
"Thank you Charlotte do you think I look like a princess truly." Penelope was shocked about the fact that she was wearing George's colour.
"Fabulous my dear as always now we must go we can't keep the person waiting now can we."
"No we can't let's go." Walking up to Charlotte, they draped their arms over each other and made their way out of the carriages to set off.

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