Telling penelope

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Charlotte,penelope and George were all sat in the tea room all reading in comfortable silence,every  once in a while George or Charlotte would like at Penelope and smile, when Reynolds walks in holding a closed envelope.
"Your majesty's the papers you asked for." Looking up George accepted the envelope and turned to Charlotte before opening it. Reading as quickly as they could they skimmed the papers to make sure that everything was there and what they needed before turning to Penelope who had but her book down when Reynolds had walked in.
"Penelope dear we wish to talk to you about something important if that's all right." Nodding Penelope put her book down on the table in front of her and looked up.
"Now Penelope me and George have been discussing some things and have come to the decision that we want to adopt you. Now this means that you would officially be apart of the royal family and would be a princess and in line for the British throne. This wouldn't mean that you wouldn't be part of our family anyway because you are we are just making it official. You can decide if you want us to adopt you."
Penelope was shocked this is not what she was expecting when she woke up this morning and wanted to cry. All she ever wanted was a family that loved her and here was a family more than willing to let her in and love her for who she was. She had spent around a week and bit with Charlotte and now more recently George and she loved them both they had replaced her original family and had become the people she depended on most. Quickly making up her mind she turned to her soon to be parents.
"I would love nothing more than to be your daughter officially. What do I need to do." Smiling George quickly showed her the papers and where she would have to sign. After Penelope had signed the papers George and Charlotte also signed. Sealing the papers back in the envelope they handed it back to Reynolds who bowed before leaving the room and signing it in to the royal records.

A few days later Charlotte and George were taking a stroll in the gardens together. After being apart for so long they liked having this time to themselves. Penelope was in the library reading a new astronomy book George had suggested. They have both bonded over their love of books and learning anything new whilst Charlotte and Penelope had both bonded over their love of reading anything romantic and history. They all sat together at night before bed reading a new book and commenting on it, they acted like a real family and Penelope was quick to call Charlotte mama and George papa even though they didn't want to pressure her on it, it filled their hearts with joy that she did so quickly. They were walking around the corner when Reynolds ran up to them.
"Your majesty's lord Thorntone is here to see you."
"Of course see him into the tea room please Reynolds." Nodding Reynolds walked off. Charlotte turned to George looking worried, what could be so important that a minister of parliament had come to Buckingham House.
"Come now my charlotte everything is going to be fine let's go see what he has to say." Walking hand in hand they left the gardens for the tea room.
Charlotte walked into the room first followed quickly by George. Lord Thorntone looked up and bowed as Charlotte entered but was shocked when George followed.
"Your majesty your here and not a Kew are we sure that's a wise idea considering your illness."
"I'm fine lord Thorntone thank you for your concern however I fail to see why you have decided to join us today at Buckingham House."
"Of course your majesty's I was going through the royal records two days ago because I am the royal records keeper and saw that the kings man had added and taken some papers in the last two weeks . When I investigated it was shown that you had adopted a young girl of ten and seven and when I checked with the other ministers of parliament they had no idea what I was going on about so I decided to come straight to the source and see if what I was reading was correct."
"You are correct lord Thorntone we had adopted a young girl of the name Penelope. I took her under my wing a mere three weeks ago now and when I introduced her to George he fell in love with her immediately and when we went to bed later that night we thought maybe we should welcome her to British royal family and than made it official. Is there a problem." Charlotte didn't like this man at all he was acting as if what they had done was wrong when it had been done before.
"Actually your majesty's it is wrong. You can't adopt someone into the royal family without the permission from parliament. I'm sorry but the adoption isn't legal." George was fuming.
"Excuse me I think you will find that it is legal because we had our kings men do the research before we adopted her. Let me remind you that I am the king of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and I can dismantle the parliament when ever I want so if you want to continue being a minister of parliament than I suggest that you support my daughter in everything she does. Understood." Nodding quickly lord Thorntone bowed and left the room. Smiling Charlotte turned to George and hugged him, she found him so attractive when he was protective.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum