The morning after

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When Penelope woke up the next morning, she was disoriented and confused about where she was. Sitting up gently she looked around the room and realised that she was in her new bed chambers at Buckingham House. She felt her mind settle as she realised that she was safe and not anywhere near her horrible mother and sisters. There was a Russel of bed sheets next to her and she froze. Turning around she saw that the queen was slowly waking up next to her. She was confused what was the queen doing in her bed.
"Penelope I'm glad your awake how are you feeling this morning" Charlotte had woken up whilst Penelope was still trying to figure out how this situation had happened.
"Im fine your majesty, um I'm sorry I mean Charlotte. Im just confused about why your in the bed with me."
"Of course you had a nightmare last and Brimsly had heard you screaming and came into your room to see you tossing and turning do you remember what the dream was about."
Penelope felt her heart quicken when she heard what the queen had said and her memories came rushing back to her. Her mother talking horrible things to her as usual and Colin saying he never loved her and that he loved her sister. She felt tears in her eyes and couldn't help but sob as everything became too much. She felt arms wrap around her in a hug and she latched on to them like a baby would a bottle.
"It's all right my dear let it out. It's all right." Charlotte continue to sooth Penelope, she felt her heart break at the cries and vowed then and there to always protect her. Once Penelope calmed down she pulled away whipping her tears from her cheeks and felt her breathing started to normalise.
"Do you want to talk about it" Charlotte asked hesitantly. Penelope thought about it for awhile but decided it was better to let it out. Sitting there she took a deep breath and explained the nightmare to Charlotte who by the end had tears in her eyes. After sitting and talking about everything they decided it was time to dress and ready for the day. Calling Brimsley into the room she asked him to fetch Anne and her maids to help them get ready, Charlotte proceeded to untangle herself from the sheets and help Penelope rise to the vanity in the Corner of the room. Hearing a knock on the door Charlotte gave them clearance to enter and Anne walked In. Once Anne had appeared, Charlotte turned to Penelope.
"Im going to get ready for the day Penelope, meet me in the tea room and we will proceed to the dining room for breakfast and than we will go to the seamstress." Feeling Penelope nod, she gave her once last hug and swept from the room Brimsley following behind her.

Penelope watched in the mirror as Anne helped her ready for the day. She had picked up a sage green day dress that had little flowers popping out all over. It was subtle but just enough detail that it looked classy for the day and not to extreme. Anne helped guide her to the vanity in the corner once more to apply the lightest powder on her cheeks and lipstick to her lips to moisten them.
"How do you want your hair today miss Penelope."
"Just a simple up do today Anne thank you."
"Of course miss Penelope."
Anne braids her hair and twirls her hair into a simple bun that leaves tiny pieces falling out of it. She picks up some jewelled butterfly clips and places them around the bun and curls the tiny pieces that frame her face. Once she was ready she and Anne sprayed some perfume around her neck and all other so it was subtle and not overwhelming, setting the perfume down she and Anne left the room closing the door gently behind them. On the way to the tea room, they talked comfortably getting to know each other better. Penelope learned that Anne had 2 young boys called David and Charles, she had married a man one year older than her called John and had a love for history. In return Anne learned that Penelope loved writing and learning about everything and spending time talking with her best friend Eloise. When they arrived Anne bowed to Penelope and went on her way back to her duties in the kitchen ready in time for breakfast. Penelope knocked on the door and waited for Charlotte to let her come in. Once getting the confirmation she walked in and bowed, sitting in the same chair she sat in last night.
"Penelope dear you look lovely that colour really suits you. Anne picked well."
"Thank you Charlotte I really like this colour. Me and Eloise always said that if I could choose my own wardrobe that pink and green would be the main feature."
" I see why, you really do look pretty. Shall we set off to breakfast."
"Of course Charlotte." Penelope had not seemed she had started to call her Charlotte but Charlotte had and smiled realising that Penelope was finally feeling relaxed in her presence enough to drop the majesty's. On the way to the dining room they walked In comfortable silence.

When breakfast was finished they set off to the royal seamstress. Pulling up to a building that looked expensive as it did homely, a women was waiting at the door. Carefully getting out of the carriage after Charlotte, Penelope was greeted warmly by the women who she found out was called Victoria and ushered into the shop. Looking around she found expensive materials lining the walls like silk, lace and velvet. In the middle of the room stood a floor length mirror to stand in front off and a platform to stand on. Whilst Penelope was looking around in awe of what she was seeing Charlotte was telling Victoria what she required of Penelope's wardrobe. Day dresses, ball gowns and night gowns to sleep in, Underwear and corsets as well. All to be ready for next week. Charlotte was going to let Penelope pick most of the colour and designs but pick the dresses and designs for important things. Penelope came back to the present when Victoria came over to her.
"Miss could you please stand here on the platform so I could take your measurements." Walking over to the step, Penelope allowed Victoria to take her measurements. Once that was done, Penelope stepped down from the platform and watched as Victoria walked over to desk in the Corner and wrote her measurements down. Coming back over to them, Victoria picked up different materials on the way.
"Miss which do u prefer silk or velvet?"
"Silk please."
"Of course,colour and pattern."
"I prefer the colours pink and green and could I have absolutely no yellow gowns I don't mind some accents of it but not the entire dress. As for the pattern I love floral and simple gowns that have some jewels here and there." Nodding Victoria walked back to the table. Charlotte than spoke up.
"She would also like some day dresses and ball gowns in duck egg blue please." Victoria nodded. Penelope blushed as realised what the colour was. Commonly know as duck egg blue,people associate that colour with the bridgerton family calling it 'Bridgerton blue'. Charlotte watched as a rosy colour rushed flushed Penelope's cheeks as she heard the colour dresses she had requested. The love for the Bridgerton family strong in the girl's heart. Charlotte than told Victoria of the colours and patterns needed for royal outings like the presentation for the new seasons and so forth.

Once finished at the seamstress, they got back into the carriages and set forth back to Buckingham House. Their tea with Lady Danbury was at three and it was at least two so they had little time to prepare for her arrival. Penelope than realised she had not spoken to Eloise since the ball and felt horrible. Eloise must be worried about her. She turned to Charlotte.
"Charlotte would it be all right if I write to Eloise and tell her what has happened."
"Of course my dear you can tell young Eloise everything and than maybe she can come round for tea one day." Thanking Charlotte once more, Penelope sat back and thought of what she was going to write to her dearest friend.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant