Buckingham house

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Anne turned to Penelope and bowed.She than turned around and started leading Penelope to the nearest guest room. They walked down three hallways and stopped right into front of a lavish door which had polished wood and a gold handle. Anna beckoned Penelope to open the door and followed through when she did. Penelope looked around the room in awe. It was nothing like she had ever seen before. The walls were lined with gold and silver, the bed itself had a silk blue comforter and 10 pillows all waiting to be used. There was no dust in sight and most importantly no yellow. Penelope felt like she had no right to be in such a lavished and expensive room but since she was she decided that she would be extremely careful not to break anything.
" ok miss, I'm going to have a bath called and than we can do your hair and get you dressed ready for your meeting with the queen. Is there a favourite colour you prefer or a pattern you like to wear."
"Oh yes thank you, I really like the colour pink and flowers but it has to be simple nothing to extravagant and nothing yellow please."
"Of course miss if you will excuse me" Anne quickly left the room, calling for a bath to be prepared and for a pink floral dress to be sent up. Penelope gently sat on the bed and mused things on what had happened less than a day before. Colin had decided he was going travailing and had broken Penelope's heart without realising it yet again and when she came home to find out that her father had died her mother immediately started rambling about how getting husbands was the most important thing in the world and than turned on Penelope when she realised that her youngest had not even come close to a match that season. She had said things that cut deep into Penelope's heart and didn't say anything when she and ran out of the house and didn't return later that evening. She was brought out her musings when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked up and Anne was stood there.
"Miss your bath is ready and your dress is being prepared as we speak."
"Thank you Anne you have been most helpful and I'm grateful for it" Penelope got up from the bed and made her way to where there was bath prepared for her. Anne helped her undress and she sank in the hot water and sighed as she felt her muscles relax for the first time this entire season.
"Miss what do you want me to do with this dress you had on" Penelope looked over and saw the dress in Anne's hand and decided
"Burn it Anne, destroy it I never want to see it again"
"Of course miss" with that she took off and let Penelope bath in peace.

After half an hour had passed, Anne walked back to Penelope and helped her out of the bath. They walked back into the main chambers of the room when Penelope stopped. On the bed was a gown of the palest pink she had ever seen. It was a simple pale pink with a floral lace design on it, it wasn't a big puffy dress that the queen prefers but slim and would fit Penelope curves in all the right places and the neckline didn't cut along the bust but complimented it nicely in a way that was still modest. Penelope was taken back by how pretty the dress is and how it might look on her but she took continued into the room and waited for Anne to help her into it. Once Anne had helped her dry and rubbed lotion into her skin and helped her into her underwear, she walked to the bed and picked up the simple but expensive dress. Penelope watched as Anne picked it up and walked up to her and held her breath as it was draped over her and put in the right places. Once the dress was on Anne turned her around walked over to the vanity that sat in the corner of the room, facing the window so she could see the beautiful gardens outside.
"Miss how would you like your hair doing" that was a good question. She normally had it up but this time she was thinking of having it down.
"Down in simple curls please Anne"
"Of course miss" Penelope watched as Anne curled her hair into simple waves that fell over her shoulder and cascaded down her back. Anne picked up some powder and put the tinniest bit around her face to get rid of some of the oil left there from the previous day. Than picking up the lightest shade of lipstick she dabbed some on her lips and checks giving them a rosy complexion. When Anne pulled away, she stood up and walked to the floor length mirror next to the bed and looked at her reflection. She couldn't believe she was the women stood in the mirror in front of her. It was like she was seeing a different person. The dress complicated her curves in all the right places and looked simply stunning, she lost her breath at the sight. She was no longer going to be the girl everyone wanted her to be. No longer going to be the wall flower, now she was going to be a better version of herself. With that thought she turned to face Anne.
"Anne thank you for helping me getting ready and for burning that hideous gown. The one I'm wearing is exactly what I imagined when you asked me what I wished to wear. I can't thank you enough."
"It was my pleasure miss, now let's get going it's time for your meeting with the queen." And of the went,walking down multiple corridors that seemed to go on forever before arriving before a door that held voices behind it. Anne knocked on the door and waited for a confirmation that she could come in before  announcing Penelope presences with a bow to the queen.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu