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Charlotte awoke up the next morning in her husbands arms. She was confused as how this happened. She hadn't slept in the same bed as George in forever. As she was contemplating getting out of bed the memories from the night before hit her like a wave. Arriving at Kew to find George at the table talking with Reynolds in proper sentences no less, him meeting Penelope and them getting on as thick as thieves and than her and George talking about adopting Penelope as their own. Whilst she was remembering the night before, George was shifting in his sleep as he slowly awoke to the land of the living. He felt as he did yesterday and he couldn't help but feel relief. What had been happening over the years was finally starting to clear and he could finally be happy properly. Turning around he faced Charlotte and gently took her hand. Charlotte felt his hands in her and cast her eyes open him and waited to see if what had happened yesterday was still in effect. To her relief when he finally spoke it was.
"My darling Charlotte. You still look like the rarest Jewel ever."smiling Charlotte kissed him and the morning proceeded.

After getting up and dressed George and Charlotte walked hand in hand to the breakfast table where they found Penelope with a book in one hand and a fork in the other. She was so focused on the book she was reading she didn't notice their presence until George cleared his throat. Jumping, Penelope looked up and bowed.
"Your majesty, Charlotte how are you this fine morning."
"I'm all right my dear and how are you this morning."
"I'm fine thank you for asking I had a really good sleep and woke up to Brimsly knocking on my door to wake me up and send the maids in to help me dress." It's true, Penelope was now in a navy blue dress that had some lace detail and had a small bow in the middle of the ribbon.
"I'm glad your morning has gone well. I see you found the library."
"Yes your majesty I found it pretty quickly I got lost looking for the dinning room but found the library whilst Brimsly came to see if Charlotte was awake and ready for her maids. He found me after and directed me here. I hope you don't mind me bringing this book to dining room I was so excited to read it, I couldn't put it down." Smiling to himself as Penelope explained herself he couldn't help but feel as if she was already his daughter and he had only know her for a few hours.
"It's fine Penelope you can take any book in the library around the house if you want as long as you return them and you don't have to call me your majesty, you can call me George just as you do for Charlotte."
"Thank you your majesty uh sorry I mean George." Pulling out the closest chair to himself he took a step back and nodded to Charlotte to take a  seat and watched as she sat down before he himself sat down in the chair beside it. Filling his plate with food by the servants he started to ask Penelope about the book she was reading and when she told Him she was reading a book on astronomy as he explained some of it last night, he went in to more depth about what she was reading and didn't notice as the time went by. Charlotte looked in and smiled going back to her breakfast.

George and Charlotte walked back to their room to help George pack his stuff because he decided he was going to come back with to Buckingham house. Penelope had once again left to the library and was going to find the Astronomy he had recommended she read. Once in their rooms they turned to Reynolds and Brimsly at the door.
"Reynolds can you find out any information about adopting a girl of seven and ten years of age and make it quick." Nodding Reynolds left the room. His head spinning about moving back to Buckingham house and being Close to Brimsly for long periods of time. He and Brimsly had broken up when he had followed George to Kew for what was the last time. They couldn't keep it going any longer than they already had. They just couldn't keep the long distance and they were already committing treason just by being together. Signing he made his way to do as the king asked.
Once everything was packed and ready George, Charlotte and Penelope got in the carriage and made their way to Buckingham house.

Two days go past with not one word of the adoption until Reynolds come striding in the room with an envelope in his hands.
"From the royal records sire. It seems that this had happened before." Giving him and Charlotte the envelope he stood back. George and Charlotte looked at each other before opening the envelope and pulling the papers inside. Letting out a breath they read quickly and by the end they had wide smiles on their faces. Putting the papers in the envelope George turned to Reynolds once more.
"Reynolds get us the papers by the end of the day so that we can tell Penelope." Reynolds bowed before leaving.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum