The meeting

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When Penelope walked into the room she immediately bowed once more before the queen. She wasn't sure what she had done to earn this miraculous miracle that had saved her life but she was very thankful to the queen.
"Rise my dear child. Come sit and let's talk" walking over to the chair that faced the queen she saw that there was several Pomeranians sat around the table and one in the queens arms. She knew that the queen had an affection for the dogs, since they were originally given to her by the king when they first got married.
"Now Penelope tell me in detail what has happened through your life and how you became Lady Whistledown." Penelope looked at the queen and took a deep breath. She explained everything from when she first met the bridgeton's to her love of Colin and how her fathers solicitor had seen her little sheets full of the gossip she had heard around the ball room and how she should start a scandal sheet. When she had gotten to the night before, she felt tears in her eyes and fought the urge to cry. Once she had finished her story, she took a deep breath and looked up at the queen, who looked beyond furious.
" I'm sorry about what I wrote about you, your majesty but I felt like I had to write about everyone and everything and if I left the most important person other that his majesty in Britain than people might not have believed what I was saying was true. When I first heard the first part of the gossip about you I hesitated because it was technically treason but than I decided i had some power to make you look as if you could relate to your subjects better than you all ready do."
" I'm not mad at you Penelope I'm actually quite fascinated about how you managed to run a business and not get caught. I'm mad at your mother for treating you that way and how no one noticed the way they treat you." Charlotte was livid, how dare someone treat a child that way. Instead of trying to compliment and heighten Penelope assets she ridiculed and belittled Penelope and made sure that she had no confidence in herself and than made it her fault when she couldn't get a husband. Charlotte took some deep breaths and came to a decision.
"Penelope I want you to stay her with me for the foreseeable future. I don't want you to go back to that wretched house. I hope that is all right with you" Penelope was shocked at what the queen was suggesting. When she wrapped her head around it, she nodded and thanked the queen profusely.
"Brismley I need you to go ready a room for Penelope for the foreseeable future and to get her a wardrobe fit for a princess and get her a maid I trust." When Charlotte turned to face Penelope there was tears streaming down her face and she was shaking.
"Thank you, your majesty, I don't know why your doing this but I am forever greatful."
"You don't need to be greatful Penelope I am doing what a mother should do. Now go with Brimsley and pick out the room you want and any maid that I trust." Penelope nodded and turned to follow Brimsley before turning back to Charlotte, giving her a quick hug and turned back to follow Brimsley . Charlotte watched shocked as they left the room.

Penelope followed Brimsley through the halls in silence before they came to a familiar room. The room she had gotten ready in to meet the queen and where she for the first time felt like a proper lady. She stopped just before the door, brismley noticed that she had stopped had stopped as well.
"Brimsley is anyone occupying these rooms by any chance."
"No miss, I don't believe there is, are these the rooms you would like to occupy." She looked at him and smiled.
"Yes that would be perfect. If it is possible could Anne be my maid."
"Yes she is trusted explicitly by the queen and had already taken a likely to you. I will set that up for you miss. If you like to explore the house while I set everything in the bedroom for you and get Anne ready than everything will be ready."
"Of course thank you Brimsley you have been most helpful" he bowed before her and took off. Penelope watched him go before turning in the opposite direction of him and stated to explore. She found the library pretty quickly, finding out it was right down the hall from her. She than found the dinning room, the ballroom and many other rooms. She found a door which lead to the extensive gardens full of lush flowers. From daisy to roses to other rare plants like chocolate cosmos or jade vine. There were simple ones like Lilly's or daffodils and all of it together made the experience feel like she was on a different planet. The lush green grass was cut and the walkways had benches of stone for you to sit and read or talk to a companion. She was brought out of her thoughts and examinations of the gardens by a throat clearing. She turned around and saw Brimsley and Anne stood there watching her.
"There you are miss, I found Anne and she has agreed to be your maid, her majesty has signed off on it and the room is ready if you would like to follow me". Without making sure she was following he turned and walked away.

After walking through the lavish hallways filled with gold and silver, they found there way to a familiar door once again. Brimsley made a gesture for Penelope to open it and step through. Once she had, she found the room to look exactly the same, still the same walls full of gold and silver, the same expensive vanity by the window and the same bed sheets and pillows and mirror but she could tell the difference. For starters there was now a desk on the opposite side of the room from the vanity and on closer inspection she could see paper and ink waiting for her to write. There were fresh flowers on the table by her bedside and a bookshelf by the door full of books that she couldn't wait to read. She was breathless, the room had looked amazing before but now it looked like she could actually live here. It was much more her style than the room she had at the featherington house, which she now refuses to call home, full of colours she didn't think suited her and that made her feel as she was living in a guest bedroom rather than her bedroom. She turned to Brimsley.
"Thank you, thank you I don't know how u knew what I liked but this is absolutely perfect."
"I'm glad you like it miss, her majesty picked a few things out for you and had them sent here."
"Well I'm very greatful for everything your both doing for me."
"Your very welcome, now dinner will be in two hours, her majesty requests you get there just before so that you can learn how to get there. Anne will help you get there if your lost, ring this bell if you need help during the night and Anne will arrive. The queen's chambers are right around the Corner, she wishes for you to know if you have any questions. I will be outside her chambers most of the night. I will see you at dinner miss." With that he walked away.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Where stories live. Discover now