The first ball of the season

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Arriving at Lady Danbury's house, Penelope felt nervous all over again. This was her first ever ball as a member of the British Royal family along with the fact that her former parents where going to be there. Taking a deep breath Penelope signalled for Reynolds  to open the door and help her out. Waiting on the steps was Violet Bridgerton with her children- Antony, Benedict, Eloise and Daphne. Colin was no where to be seen as he must already be inside. Walking up to them, Penelope smiled as Eloise opened her arms for a hug.
" Pen, you look absolutely stunning in that dress. Colin is going to die."
"Thanks Eloise,"
Hearing other carriages approaching they moved out of the way as Charlotte and George's carriage arrived before them. Stepping out Charlotte watched as the Bridgertons bowed to her and than George as he also stepped out.
"Penelope darling are you ready."
Nodding Penelope asked
"How are we going to do this."
"Well the Bridgertons are going to go in first and than me and George will be announced but will wait at the top of the stairs as you are the announced. You will than walk in with Reynolds behind you. After that you can wonder around with Eloise but please keep Reynolds with you."
Nodding Penelope took hold of Eloise's hand and started to walk up the stairs as you could hear the music start to play.
Walking up to the doors where she will be announced Penelope couldn't help but wonder how this had become her life. She was about to be announced to the public for the first time not as Penelope featherington but as Penelope Mecklenburg-strelitz Princess of Great Britain and northern Ireland . Taking a deep breath she watched and listened as Charlotte and George were announced.
"Her Royal Highness Queen Charlotte and His majesty King George of Great Britain and Northern Ireland." Gasps were heard all around the ballroom as they all watched as Charlotte and George walk in the room together for the first time in years. George getting a good look at some of his people for the first time in years felt like a bucket of water hitting his face as some of them started to cry. Gently moving out of the way of the doors, he walked to the side with Charlotte and nodded to the announcer to let him continue. He noticed people looking confused as they moved out of the way but now down the stairs and join their people.
"For the first time can people put theirs hands together for her first royal public event Her royal Highness Princess Penelope Mecklenburg-strelitz." Silence. No one spoke as the doors opened once more and Penelope walked into the room. She walked towards the balcony and smiled as her eyes locked on Colin. He was wearing a dark blue suit that complimented his eyes brilliantly and she felt like she could breath again.
Moving towards Charlotte and George, she felt relieved that this was over and she could have fun for the rest of the night.
"Mama I did it."
"You did perfectly my darling should be go mingle." Nodding Charlotte, George and Penelope all walked down the stairs to the silence and could see people was still shocked at the revelation at Penelope being a princess. Meeting her at the bottom of the stairs was Antony ready to escort her the dance floor.
"My darling sister can I just say that you look beautiful in our colour. Colin is speechless and has not moved from his spot since you walked into the room." Giggling Penelope responded.
"Is that so, thank you for informing me brother dearest and thank you for the compliment I think I look like a princess."
"You certainly do." Leading her away towards the rest of the Bridgerton family with Reynolds following behind them, they were stopped by Portia Featherington.
"Penelope Anne Featherington what in earth are you wearing and why were you announced as Princess. I can't believe you have scammmed the royal family. We must leave immediately and at once to save us from this embarrassment any longer. Once we get home you are writing a letter of apology to her Highness and his Majesty for wasting there time and embarrassing them." Going to snatch her arm she was stopped by Reynolds.
"Ma'am please keep 5 feet away from her Highness at all times and refrain from talking about the royal family that way."
"HER HIGHNESS, I'm here mother and what I tell her to do she does without complaint. Who are you to tell me what to do."
"I'm His majesty's personal secretary and have been tasked with keeping Her highness princess Penelope safe this evening and you are no longer her mother since she has been adopted by the royal family. Now please excuse us we have somewhere to be." Nodding to Penelope he gently encouraged Antony to start walking again. Not wanting to leave Penelope alone till they had reached the rest of the Bridgertons, Reynolds got the attention of a passing waiter and told him to give a quick message to their Majesty's about what had happened and that Penelope was fine.

Arriving to where the rest of the bridgeton's were Penelope once more locked eyes with Colin and once again her breath was taken away. Moving away from Antony and without taking her eyes of Colin she managed to make her way through the crowd to him. People were trying to get her attention as she walked but she found that she couldn't hear them as her attention was solely on Colin who seemed to have the same problem as Lord Fife was trying to talk to him.
Once she was five meters away from him, he left Fife and made his way the remaining feet. Now standing in front of him felt like everything was right with the world again and she could once more breath. Taking her hand, Colin was enchanted at the sight of her. Wearing his family's colour had made him feel possessive of her and everyone no longer mattered as long as she was with him.
"Penelope how I miss you, when I received mother's letter I was distressed and was planning on coming straight home until I received you letter and was happy that you were safe and sound and away from you mother, the hateful shrew. You look absolutely stunning and nothing could hold a candle to how you look." Blushing deeply Penelope giggled.
"Thank you Colin I have missed you to. I knew that the letter would distress you and knew I had to send one. I'm glad it calmed you and that you stayed on your trip because now we have something for you to tell me all about."
"Indeed would you like to dance."
"I would gladly let me just tell Reynolds."
"Who is Reynolds." Penelope wanted to slap herself how could she not tell Colin about Reynolds.
"Reynolds is my father's personal secretary and for tonight has been tasked with keeping me safe. You should have seen him against my birth mother, it was so funny. She tried to take me away and that I was and embarrassment to her and the family and that I should stop embarrassing the royal family and Reynolds told her to keep five feet away from me and to refrain from talking about me and the royal family in the manner she was speaking."
"Oh well I'm glad she was put in her place and that someone is there to keep you safe at all time"
Turning to Reynolds who was five feet behind her she told him that her and Colin was going to dance and that he could stay on the side of the dance floor as they danced. He nodded and off they went.
Making their way to the dance floor Colin and Penelope held hands and stated a conversation about what Colin had achieved in Greece. Once on the dance floor everything seemed to fade away as the music played and they were staring into each others eyes.
On the other side of the dance floor, Charlotte and George watched at their Youngest daughter danced with the love of her life and smiled to each other as they than joined their daughter on the dance floor.

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