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George woke up that morning feeling better than he had since he was young. He felt like he was several years younger and was shocked by it but not unhappy. He got out of bed and walked to the door to find Reynolds about to knock. Ah yes Reynolds his faithful butler serving him since he was but a boy and no where near a king. Reynolds looks shocked to see him up and on his feet so early in the morning since he would Normally be asleep when Reynolds came to wake him up.
"Reynolds I need to have a bath and than breakfast and than i believe a stroll through the gardens would be acceptable before a visit with the doctor yes." Reynolds breaks out of his shock quickly and address him.
"Your majesty are you sure you feel well because this isn't like you."
"I feel perfectly fine Reynolds like I have not felt in a while. I feel young again and wish to see the gardens after a bath and breakfast." Nodding Reynolds scans him  before shouting for a bath to be prepared and breakfast to be ready for after.

After his bath and breakfast, him and Reynolds are walking in the gardens when a footman rushes up to them and bows.
"Your majesty we have just received word from Buckingham House that your wife, the queen, wishes to dine tonight and has left you a letter." Nodding he accepts the letter and dismisses the footman. Opening the letter he begins to read,
My darling George,
It is your Charlotte that writes to you now. I have decided that it would be best if we were to have dinner like old times. I have missed you my George and wish to see you. I will be bringing a guest with me who is very dear to my heart and I hope when you meet that she will be dear to your heart as well as she reminds me of our dear Amelia. Can't wait to see you.
Forever yours
Your Charlotte
Re-reading the letter again, George smiles. Folding the letter in half he continues his walk around the gardens.
Around half six, George dresses in his finest suit and has the cooks prepare his Charlotte's favourite foods. He has had a very good day. No fits of madness at all and has even helped and visited his fields at the back of Kew. Smiling to himself he takes off to the dinning table waiting for his wife to arrive along with this mysterious visitor.

Charlotte and Penelope are in the carriage on the way to Kew. Charlotte is nervous about how George will react to seeing not only herself but Penelope as well. He didn't like new people but she could only hope everything goes well. Coming up to the gates to Kew, Penelope is nervous about meeting this mysterious person she knew nothing about. She knew Charlotte would never take her places she would get hurt but she still had some doubts about everything. Charlotte could see she was scared so she reached over and took her hands.
"My dearest Penelope there is nothing to worry about. He will like you as I do and you look beautiful as I told you before. So take deeps breaths as we are here." Nodding Penelope took deep breaths as the carriage door opened. Steeping out after Charlotte she couldn't help but gasp at the beautiful house in front of her. It looked old but in a chic way. Penelope felt a hand grasp hers as she looked around the scenery. Looking up at the hand holding hers she saw Charlotte smiling at her as they made their way up the steps nodding to the footman there waiting.
Entering the finest house she had seen except for Buckingham House she was taken back. It looked so expensive and she looked at everything as they passed walking to the dinning room. Arriving at the dinning room the footman opens the door as he says,
"Her majesty Queen Charlotte and her ward Penelope Featherington." And walks through the door to a lavish dinning room with so much food on the table she didn't even know what they were as her eyes came across the man sat at the table.
Charlotte let out a gasp of shock as she sees her husband sitting at the head of the table. Looking better than he has in years, George is actually at the table dressed and waiting. Instead of mumbling to himself as usual he seems to have been having a proper conversation with Reynolds about the flowers they had seen hours before. George looks up as the footman announce his wife's entrance. She looked as gorgeous as the day they met, outside in the garden as she tried to escape him at their wedding. Standing up and walking to her, he grabbed her hands in his and smiled.
"My Charlotte you look as radiant as ever. You look like the most rarest jewel in the whole world." Snapping out of her shock Charlotte smiles.
"My George you look as if you have had a great day. Your up and dressed and speaking in proper sentences. Are you feeling alright my darling."
"I feel wonderful my dearest. I have been out in the gardens and the fields working today. I woke up this morning feeling more like myself than I have in years."Charlotte was so happy that he George had a good day but she was still worried, so Turing to Reynolds she asks.
"Reynolds how has he been today."
"Your majesty as the king said he has been in the gardens and working the fields. When I went to wake him up this morning as I do every morning he was already up and opening the door as I went to knock. I have been watching him very carefully and we have had no fits to any kind at all today. It's been a good day." Nodding Charlotte turns to George and hugs him. After five minutes of hugging George notices the child stood behind his wife.
"My dear who is that behind you. Is she the mystery visitor you spoke about in your letter. The one like our Amelia."
"Yes George this is Penelope featherington. She has become my ward because of some unkind reasons which I will tell u in private. Penelope my dear this is my husband the king." Bowing Penelope steps next to Charlotte.
"Hello your majesty it's lovely to meet you I have heard some great things from Charlotte."
"It's nice to meet you to Penelope. Please let's sit and eat."
Charlotte, Penelope and George al sit at the table watching as the servants fill their plates. Penelope tries to stop them, telling them she can fill her own plate but they wouldn't let her stating it was an honour.
"So Penelope tell me about yourself."
"Well I'm ten and seven. I like writing and reading especially about history. I love taking strolls in the garden and my best friend is Eloise Bridgerton and they are like my second family."
"Wow I love reading as well. Mostly astronomy and the sciences. I also love taking walks in the gardens it is just so calming." Charlotte watches as her husband,who seems to be having a really good day, and her daughter in her heart interact. She feels like she is finally complete after many years. Smiling she turned back to the conversation as George tries to teach Penelope about astronomy.

After dinner Charlotte and Penelope decide to stay at Kew for the night. Making sure that Penelope was comfortable in the guest room for the night Charlotte retuned to her and George's room. Walking in she saw George in bed waiting for her. He looked up from the book he was reading and smiled at her. Turning back to the door she dismisses both Reynolds and Brimsly. Undressing rather quickly she climbs into bed.
"So how did you find my dear Penelope."
"She is brilliant and absolutely stunning. You were right she is just like our Amelia when she was young. I miss her but your right penelope is just like her."
"I know it breaks my heart to hear what she went through."
"What did she go through my dear that has you so upset." Taking a breath she tells George everything. How she found Penelope in an alleyway to offering her to stay with her. Once she was finished she looked up and saw George was furious. She understood and wanted to help her permanently. She was than hit by a thought.
"George would it be possible if we could adopt Penelope."
"It should be. I don't know I will have Reynolds look into it in the morning. If we are I think adopting her would be a wonderful idea. Now I think it's time we go to sleep yes." Nodding Charlotte got comfy. She heard George breath even beside her but she couldn't sleep what if she woke up in the morning and everything went back to the way it was. So lost in her thoughts she didn't realise she was falling asleep and soon was fast asleep comfy in her husbands hold.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Where stories live. Discover now