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Elosie was sat in the tea room of her family home in London when Wickham walked into the room carrying a letter. She stood up when Wickham came towards her.
"A letter for you from Lady Penelope ma'am."
"Thank you Wickham." Sitting back down she read the letter
Dearest Eloise,
I know when you receive this letter you will look at the address it was sent from in shock. Im writing to you to tell you everything that has happened to me since the night of the last ball of the season. As you may know your eldest brother Colin has left to go explore the world leaving me and his family behind. I was devastated and still am when he told me that night. The love of my life was leaving me and he didn't even know I loved him. When I arrived home expecting to find my father waiting for us we instead found him dead in a pub he used to gamble in. My mother as expected was furious he had taken all the money we had and gambled it away and left us with nothing. My mother turned to us and told us that finding us husbands was more crucial than ever and asked how many suitors to expect. When I didn't answer after prudence and phillipa had said maybe two, three suitors to expect from them and I didn't have any, she was furious at me and went into her normal rant about how useless i am and than my appearance. But this time it was more extreme she started ranting about how worthless I was and everything. I felt like if didn't leave that house I would suffocate and I would never be free. So I ran far and wide leaving that house behind me. When I finally stopped it I realised I had no where to go. I know I could have come to the Bridgerton house but the thought of being in a house where Colin had been in and no longer was broke my heart. I found an ally way for the night to sleep in and sat there and sobbed. Until I heard a voice asking what was wrong and looked up there was Queen Charlotte. She offered me a place to stay for the night and has now taken me in when she heard what I have been through she let me stay with her. We have just been to the royal seamstress and I than remembered I had to tell you everything. I believe she would allow you to come round to visit if I asked. I miss you and wish to see you. If you wish to tell the family I give you the go ahead but I ask you don't tell My family anything I don't wish to talk to them nor see them.
Missing you always,
Yours Penelope.
Eloise is shocked at what she just read. Reaching for the biscuits sitting in the table she began to re-read.

Penelope had just awoken when a knock on the door sounded. Telling them to come in, she watched as Anne opened the door and Charlotte walked in after her. Sitting up quickly, Penelope tried to sort her hair out with no luck. Charlotte made her way to the bed and sat on the edge.
"Penelope we have a visitor arriving in an hour. I thought to let you know so you can ready yourself. Your wardrobe isn't ready yet so I have asked Anne to put you in the dress you originally wore when you first arrived. Is that all right."
"That would be absolutely fine. I loved that dress when I first tried it on. Who's the visitor."
"It's nobody you need to worry about. Get dressed and meet me in the tea room in half an hour." Without waiting for a response Charlotte left the room. Penelope rose from bed and went to sit on the chair that accompanied the vanity. Looking out the window as Anne became to do her hair in a simple up do she thought about Colin. Not the first time she had thought about him over the past couple of days but this time she wished he was here with her, experiencing the same as she was. She thought about how his green eyes would sparkle everything they came into contact with each other and how being in his arms felt as they danced around the ballroom. Coming out of her thoughts as Anne led her to the mirror she focused on getting ready for the day.

Arriving at the tea room, Penelope walked in instead of knocking and waiting for an answer. She felt more relaxed in the house now it was also her home and not one she was just visiting. Reaching the chair that she has now claimed as hers every time she sat in this room she looked up at Charlotte, who had a Pomeranian in her arms, and smiled. The queen smiled back and a comfortable silence fell over the room. After ten minutes the silence was broken by a know at the door, straightening Charlotte gave permission to enter. Penelope turned to the door and smiled. She didn't know how was behind the door but she was going to be kind and polite. When the door opened she was shocked with who walked in. In a group of three walked In the Bridgerton women. Daphne, Violet and Eloise gracefully entered the room all wearing some aspect of Bridgerton blue. Daphne had some flowers and lace detailing on her dress, Violet had an overcoat of a light purple over a simple dress that had some lace detailing whereas Eloise the simplest dress of all. It was one colour(Bridgerton blue) and had little to no detailing but she made it look like she was wearing the most expensive and extravagant dress anyone had ever seen. Bowing to the queen,who nodded at them and gestured to the free seats, they moved closer in the room.
Getting up from her chair, Penelope walked over to them smiling brightly.
"Eloise, your grace, Mrs Bridgerton what are you doing here."
"Pen I'm so glad your ok. I received your letter and was so confused that I told mother and she read it and was furious as am I. If I see that women I will not be held back from what I might do. Anyway we didn't know what to do or how I should reply but we didn't have to because when I woke this morning mother walked into my room to inform me that Wickham had received a letter from Buckingham House to tell us that the Queen wished to see us and if we could make haste. We naturally than told Daphne who agreed to accompany us." Taking a breath Eloise pulled Penelope into her arms for a hug. When she had read the letter the first time she was confused, by the time she had finished re-reading she wanted to storm over the road and smack some sense into the woman who had hurt her best friend but her mother had managed to stop her. Pulling out of the hug Penelope was shocked but was so happy to see her second family.she was than pulled into familiar arms.
"Penelope oh we are glad that your ok. I have been worried since I read that letter. Knowing what that women did to you sent me into a rage only managing to pull not just me but Eloise's anger as well.  Just know that you will always have us by your side no matter what. Your always welcome at with the Bridgertons. Antony and the rest send their regards, we have sent a letter to Colin informing him of the situation and he will receive and respond as soon as he gets it. I know of your feelings for him and I know you miss him and I'm sure he feels the same and would be angry if we didn't inform him. I hope that's all right." Penelope let the embrace of her second mother wash over her as took in the what violet had said. She knew she would need to inform Colin of what happened but she just couldn't write to him and send it so she was glad they had done it for her. Knowing she always had a place at the Bridgertons send a warmth through her heart. Charlotte watched with a smile on her face as the person she now considered her daughter embrace her second family. Pulling away from violets hug, she nodded to Daphne who nodded back with a smile.
"It's ok you told Colin, you right he deserved to know. I just I didn't know how to word it to him and what to write so I'm glad and thankful you have done it for me. Now would u like some tea." Getting comfortable in the seat she was sitting in before they walked in, she prepared tea for them all. Once all seated and got tea in hand, violet turned to charlotte.
"Your majesty I just wanted to thank you for taking Penelope in. I think of her as a daughter and I can rest easy knowing she has a home with people she can be comfortable and happy with. So thank you."
"Your very welcome violet I have come to see her as a daughter these past few days I have known her and she is one special person." Looking over at Penelope who was in a heated discussion with Eloise and Daphne, she smiled and thought She knew who she was introducing to Penelope next turning back she continued her conversation with Violet.

Penelope Featherington: the royal story Where stories live. Discover now