Alessandro- he's a dirty police officer, so he's a police officer but he is more on our side then on the side of the law (I kind of think this is really hot). He's never actually met Matteo, Matteo asked Jax and Gio for references for some guys who it would be smart for me to date. Alessandro is actually someone Gio referred. He wanted to be a police officer as a child, never went away. How he started working for the others is a funny story apparently he tried to arrest Gio once. Gio flipped the tables, took him to the warehouse and offered him a shit tone of money to swap sides. He's 28 and he doesn't know why he likes his job. Some days he does, some days he doesn't. His type is actually Spanish women, so I'm not too far off.  He thinks I'm the kind of women his mother would love (just wait till you find out how messy I am) and he thinks I'm beautiful.

James- graduates from UCLA this summer so he doesn't have a job other than the like not serious job he works on weekends at a grocery store near his college. He's also never met Matteo, he's one of Jax's references. He's always wanted to play football and he's just waiting for his contract to be written up to be signed off to be a football player. He's 21 (a bit too young for my liking). His type is actually leggy brunettes and he said he thinks I'm very pretty (not the right word I'm looking for) and that my hair is very nice. He also comes off a bit intimidated. That could be because either he knows how I'm apart of the Ricci family or he can see my brother eyeing him up.

Blake- Gio's assistant not for all the mafia stuff, the other side of it like the company. He's met Matteo a few times when Matteo has come in to talk to Gio or Jax. He's also 27, his type is actually blue eyes and brunettes he said he likes my eyes anyway because they're so pretty and chocolaty. He also called me beautiful and sweet.

Once Blake is gone Matteo comes and sits down opposite me.

"You have to pick 3 out of the six." He tells me.

I think about it for a moment.

"Liam and Alessandro definitely." I tell Matteo and he nods.

"And Blake." I stand from the table, taking the bottle of wine that Liam brought for me and heading over to Gio who's still sat at the bar.

"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask taking a sip of my wine from the bottle.

"How was your dates?" He ignores my questions,

"Good actually." I nod.

"Can she have a vodka coke? Just put it on my tab." Gio tells a bartender.

"Do you want some wine? It's good.Chateau Haut-Brown." He takes a sip of it, from the bottle and nods. It's good. The bartender hands me drink, I thank her then turn back to Gio.

"Which three did you choose?" Gio asks.

"Liam. Blake and Alessandro." I tell him.

"I knew you'd choose the cop." He scoffs.

"He's hot, his job sounds hot and I'm excited to have him lock me up." I joke.

He scoffs again and knocks back his drink.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asks.

Yes! I have missed him I feel like he's here but he's not.

Before I can answer, Matteo makes his way over to us.

"Dom is waiting for you outside, I've been in contact with the guys you chose but you should head home. I've got to work but I'll check in when I get home okay?" Matteo hugs me.

"Bye Matt." I say sipping my drink.

Once he's gone I knock back the rest of my drink and head outside to where Dom is stood.

"Dom, I'm going to drive with Gio," I tell him as Gio heads over to the passenger seat of his car.

"Okay I'm going to follow behind you." He tells me.

I rush over to Gio, he opens my car door and helps me in. "Thank you." I smile. He closes the door and gets into the driver side.

The second he's in the car, he's kissing me.

I pull my head back slightly and tap his chest.

"Drive back to the house." He nods slowly. He pulls away from me then pays actual attention to the road.

At every stop sign or red light he stops the car and is kissing me, trying to put his hands under my dress. Until a car honks at us, don't know what car though because it sure as shit isn't Dom who is behind us so it must be someone behind Dom.

I turn up the music which happens to be a similar song to the song he played the first time we had sex in his car.

"You really like this band?" I ask and he nods. I've grown to know the name of the song is swim and he loves this band.

We pull into the garage at the Ricci house and we don't even make it out of the car. Not even out of our seats. Well I make it out of my seat.

He pulls me over the console and onto his lap. I accidentally blare the horn.

Gio laughs and slides his chair back before reclining it.

"I like your dress." He tells me before pulling it up.

"Thank you. Matteo sent someone to the house with some dresses for me to choose from." I tell him.

"Shut up." He pulls me down, directly on top of him. He connects our lips and I quickly pull away.

He doesn't get to talk to me like that. I hate when people try to degrade me.

"What did you just say?" I ask pulling my dress down.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way I just want to kiss you and you kept talking." He shakes his head.

"You complimented me, what you don't want a run down of my outfit?" I ask and he scoffs.

"You're doing it again." He tells me.

"Wow." I say unimpressed.

I reach for the door but he grabs me and pulls me back down with him and holds me against him.

"You don't normally talk this much." He points out.

That is true, if anything the situation is reversed.

I don't know why I'm talking so much. I'm not even talking that much.

"Let's just get this out of the way." I tap him and lean up. I pull my thong down my legs reach over to the glove box for the condoms. I grab one and he's just watching me.

I roll my eyes and unbuckle his belt. I pull his trousers and boxers down a bit to release him.

I don't watch as he rolls the condom on.

I line myself up with him and I don't even bother starting slow I want this over as soon as possible.

I can't believe he just told me to shut up. I'm actually offended a bit.

He tries pressing his lips to mine but I turn my head and just look down at where we're connecting.

"Don't kiss me." I take a big breath as I move my hips. It feels so good and I'm trying not to show it.

"Fine." He grabs my hips in attempt to speed me up.

I've been looking forward to this since I caught him arguing with Matteo last night.

He starts thrusting upwards and oh my god does it feel good.

"I'm close? Are you?" He gasps and puts his head in my neck.

"Yeah." I lie.

In about three thrusts he's done and I fake an orgasm.

"Did you?" He asks and I nod. Lies.

I pull my dress down, grab my bottle of wine and jump out of his car.

I head past Jax and Gio's father and head straight upstairs to my room, drinking the whole bottle of wine as I do it.

The Harsh lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें