Chapter 17 | Orientation

Start from the beginning

She paused for effect.

"First and foremost, congratulations on overcoming the first of the hurdles in your magic career and earning admittance into the finest institute of mages this content has to offer.

While I am a first year like all of you, I've had the privilege to observe and experience the academy a year longer. Through that experience I have taken note of some issues within our school, particularly to do with the discrimination of scholar mages."

Her eyes traced the crowd with an air of royal authority, silencing the students who had the nerve to talk during her speech before continuing with more emotion.

"If a mere difference in uniform is enough to create disharmony amongst students, I fear for the effect of radical diversity will have on our schools population.


Today, I stand before all of you, students of the new generation, and implore you...

To cast aside the mindset of the older generation that bred hostility amongst the different races, and embrace a new mentality that is more fitted to our unified contentment.

Just as the royal families have come together to form the council, we should do the same for the future of the continent!"

(A/n From here on out I recommend you read)

As her speech came to an end, another round of thunderous applause rang throughout the hall and she stepped down from the stage, prompting another girl with navy blue hair to take the podium.

"Hello everyone, my name is Caera Denoir and I am your student council vice-president."




Turning my attention back to the navy haired girl, I couldn't help but notice her abject apathy as she watched the student body.

'What's up with that?'

"Although I, like the president, would like to give a speech about the unification of the masses, I'm here to explain a new system that will be put into effect this year.


Because of the overwhelming talent possessed by you coming first years, as well as the fact that including myself, we now have six Xyrus students who have reached silver core, the director as well as the council decided to increase the competitive nature of our school."

She paused for a moment and pulled out her student ID, showing it to all the students.

"Firstly, I'm sure you all noticed the different rankings present on your student ID's, and are curious as to what they mean, however before explaining their meaning I have to say this first.

I don't care if you're a commoner, noble, or even royalty, here in Xyrus Academy, the only thing that will determine your status is the two different rankings on your card that determine your true worth to this continent. Everything else is meaningless."

She paused and watched with a glint of satisfaction, as all of the stuck up nobles looked at her with disapproval before continuing.

"With that said, I'll explain what these ranks mean...

Firstly, the numerical rank positioned to the right of your picture is your overall school combat ranking. Currently, you are all ranked in a way decided by your mana core development and your affinities, but I can assure you that these rankings won't last long.

If you yourself believe that you're stronger than someone of a higher rank, you are allowed to challenge them, and if they are within a rank of yourself they have to accept the challenge or forfeit their rank.

Upon winning a battle with someone of a higher rank than yourself, you switch ranks with them. But if you lose, you have to pay them at least 1,000 personal points, which are the newly introduced currency within the academy."

She paused to catch her breath before continuing.

"The second alphabetical rank, which is positioned directionally underneath your personal information, is your overall grade which corresponds to your cumulative GPA.

Similarly to any other school you might've gone to, the potential grades are F, D-, D, D+, C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A and A+ for those who take AP or Advanced classes.

This grade will determine your base monthly point allowance, which are the following.

F | 1,000
D- | 2,000
D | 2,500
D+ | 3,000
C- | 6,000
C | 6,500
C+ | 7,000
B- | 14,000
B | 14,500
B+ | 15,000
A- | 30,000
A | 40,000
A+ | 50,000

With every 100 points being equal to about 1 silver."

I raised an eyebrow.

'Five gold is a lot to give some students monthly, but I guess if it's funded by the royals it's possible.'

"Finally, those who place within the top ten on the combat rankings will receive an additional 100,000 points every month, with those who place in the top 100 receiving an additional 10,000 points.

If you have any questions about the system feel free to ask your teachers, as they have all been briefed on the interworking of the system.

That will be all."

And without another word, she stepped down from the podium and stood next to Tessia as another one of the student council members took the stage.


"I know that all they did was cover important stuff but damn that was boring~ And why was the president glaring at me for like half of the orientation, I've never even met her before?"

I just gave an absent minded shrug to my sisters complaining, as I turned my attention to the innumerable amount of people staring at us while whispering.

'So many mama candidates, although there's still no one at the level of VP mommy~'

My face took on a subtly confused look.

'What does that even mean?'

She just shrugged but didn't give me a response, as she turned her attention elsewhere where she saw a fight breaking out.

'Damn, blatant racism already~ Looks like the princess and VP mommy are going to have a hard time...'

'Looks kinda interesting— let's check it out.'


Just to make it clear to those who didn't catch on, VP means vice president, so Sylvie's talking about Caera.

Any feedback?

Any ideas for the future?

Finally, Monday's chapter is going to start with either a Tessia or Caera POV, so tell me which would be more interesting.

That's all!

~1588 words

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