Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)

Start from the beginning

Black hair Woman: Your lucky I don't have time to *Pained Grunt* make the rest of your short, miserable life even worse. I've always hated firearms,- *Pained Whimper* -but it's fitting that you'll be killed with your own gun. 

I couldn't muster the strength to respond. I lifted my head slightly and found myself looking down the receiving end of my gun. There was nothing I could do but wait for the lights to be turned out. I managed to croak out the words I always said when I was in these situations. 

Y/n: The... Story.... Only ever.... Had one ending....


I jolted up from my bed, yanking my pistols out and franticly taking aim. The room was empty but that didn't steady my shaking hands. I stood up and started searching the room top to bottom. I knew I wouldn't find anything but I needed to feel in control. 

Finishing up, I lowered my pistols and fell to my knees with my breathing labored. I was confused and helpless. There was no conceivable right answer to any of this. I picked up my scroll and looked at the time. Regardless of how late it was, I was taking a trip to Ozpin. Magic was his wheelhouse more than it was mine. 

I grabbed the accursed book from the box and left the room. I kept one hand firmly clenched on the spine of the book and the other hand holding on to the grip of my pistol, hidden from sight. I borderline ran to Ozpins office. I don't know what he could possibly tell me that could set me at ease but if there was anyone who could have a answer, it was him. 

Arriving in the building, I barely acknowledged the security guard. It was someone new but I didn't have the inclination to really stop and chat. Entering the elevator and pressing the button, I started to panic again. I never had a problem with confined spaces but I wasn't in the best frame of mind at the moment. 

I barely heard the ding of the elevator before I squeezed myself past the elevator doors as they opened. Ozpin and Goodwitch both were here and looked at me. They knew something was wrong just from a glance. Neither had a chance to speak before I practically threw the book on Ozpins desk.

Ozpin: What's wrong, Y/n?

Y/n: ....Open the book....

Goodwitch: What's so special about the book?

Y/n: ...Read it...

They both looked confused but Ozpin opened and started reading. The more he read, the more serious his face became. Goodwitch moved to get a bottle of water and to try and calm me down. Frankly, there wasn't anything that she could do to help me there. Ozpin apparently read enough because he closed the book and turned his attention to me. 

Ozpin: Where did you find this?

Y/n: Pawnshop... I went out with Blake to replace her scroll.

Ozpin: This book has traces of magic in it. 

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