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He saw Diana scanning his wardrobe. She was beaded with shame.
Greg: That's what happened.
Diana: So you let Lizzy manipulate you like a little girl. - She burst out laughing.
Greg: That's not funny! I don't want to be a girl...
She saw her friend serious.
Diana: Then why when you got into Amber's mother's car and Lizzy introduced you as her sister did you not object?
Greg: It wasn't like I could let it be known.
Diana: You had two choices, to say you were male and make a fool of yourself or to lie to keep people from knowing you were a boy. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the most masculine choice of yours....
Greg: But you have to believe me! I didn't want to be Julia!
Diana: I know you my friend and I would love you no matter what, I know you wouldn't lie to me. All I'm saying is that you should try to reflect, you preferred to pretend to be female rather than make a bad impression. Try at least today to consider yourself a girl, try for one day not to think about your biological sex and you might find that you like it. However, no one forced you to be Dan's girl or even to stay one.
He was speechless.
Diana: And most of all I've always wanted a smaller friend to dress up and do my own makeup!
Greg: I can do my own makeup! - she froze noticing her friend's amazement - I had to live female, it was convenient to learn how to do my own makeup and shave....
Diana: And maybe even dance feminine. Look I can imagine the effort and disgust in dancing with Dan!
Greg: It wasn't disgust and I would never use terms like disgust with Dan or Tom, I love them both.
He saw her bewildered.
Diana: Okay Julia, - he smiled - let's start preparing you for tonight.
Greg: Don't you comment on what I said?
Diana: No in fact I am very happy with how you treat your friends, you are a good girl.
The hair salon was not far away. Diana had convinced him to get his hair done for the dinner where he was going to introduce Dan to his parents.
Greg: No haircut though.
Diana: Just straightening though we will take advantage of that to go to the beautician.
Greg: Actually I'm already growing hair on my legs.
Diana: Oh my God, that's Michael!
Greg: She looked up. Michael was an old classmate of theirs and next to him was someone else.
Greg: And he's with Erik!
Diana: The pizza guy?
Greg: Hide me!
But it was too late. They saw the two approaching.
Michael: You certainly look more to my taste.
Greg: Wait a minute, you recognized me....
Michael: Your mother showed your pictures to the whole country proudly.
"Everybody knows."
Erik: I can't believe the princess I kissed had the little surprise underneath. -
Erik: He didn't look sorry. Are you still with Dan?
Diana: She's introducing him to the parents tonight!
Michael: Can I talk to you alone Giulia?
Greg walked away with his friend. They were standing apart in an alley.
Michael: I accept you and will never stop being your friend.
Greg: But you need to know, though.
Michael: Let me finish. - He put his hands on the boy's waist - I have always considered you a brother.
Greg: So have I though...
Michael: Don't say anything, I have to finish. - He moved closer to the boy's face.
Greg: Michael.
"What the fuck do you want to do?"
Michael: Ever since I've really seen you for what you are, - she looked into his eyes - I've done nothing but keep thinking about you. You are no longer a brother to me; I desire you in another way.
Then came the kiss.

A message came to him from Holly. The friend had just gotten together with Tom.
"I'm so happy for them."
Diana: Then?
He looked at himself in the mirror. He had on a little white dress with flowers and a skirt that reached his knees. They had spent a few hours at the hairdresser and beautician.
Greg: I like me.
They were in the room.
Diana: So Michael kissed you.
Greg: Look I didn't know what to do! I didn't refuse that kiss however then I ran away of course. I was ashamed.
Diana: Are you going to tell Dan?
Greg: I don't want to hurt him.
He bit his lips.
Diana: Did you enjoy it?
Greg: Not at all! And I can't wait to be myself again!
The friend did not seem very convinced. Diana went out in the evening with Lizzy and Amber's older sister.
Shortly thereafter she heard the doorbell ring. Her parents set the table. Greg reached the door and opened it. Dan handed him a bouquet of roses giving him a long kiss.
Kate: Julia come and help us! Show your boyfriend what a good little girlfriend you are.
Embarrassed he helped his mother set the table. It was a quiet dinner. At the end he helped his mother clear the table.
Kate: Dan is lucky! You'll make a great little wife someday!
She blanched.
"What does he think? Does he really think I want to be Dan's wife? He's telling me I'll be a good wife because I set and clean the table!"
Greg: But surely if he wants me as his wife I expect him to clean the table, too. It's not like I have to do the housework alone because I'm a girl!
He observed his mother straining not to laugh.
Greg: Not that I want to be his wife or be female.... I just meant that...
He did not continue.
Kate: You'll turn out fine.
He had not picked him up to go to school together. Greg was walking with his friend.
Amber: How come Dan didn't come? Weren't you two supposed to go to school together?
Greg: I don't know.

They arrived at the building. He saw the boy coming toward him.
Dan: I thought you were different. I thought you really liked me.
"What's going on?"
Dan: Erik told me you made out with Michael.
Greg: He did! I then ran away...
Dan: We saw each other shortly after and you didn't tell me anything!
Emily: Take it easy!
She saw Dan's sister join the discussion.
Amber: She wasn't the one who kissed him.
Emily: You said so yourself, Michael kissed her and she ran away.
Dan: But she could have told me. At the time it made me laugh that she kissed Erik for penance but now he is the second boy.
Greg: What do you mean by that? - He felt his heart stop.
Dan: That you might be careful.
Greg: But I...
Emily: He must have taken her by surprise come on.
He saw the boy walk away bumped.
Greg: I didn't want to ruin the evening so I didn't tell him.
Amber: We know.
Emily: Don't worry, you won't lose him.
"Enough is enough."

She waited for recess and run to the secretary's office.
Employee: What would you like Miss?
Greg: I am marked as Julia but I am actually a boy. There has been a tremendous mistake! You must make me come back Greg!

To be continued...

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